Prairie Mouse

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click and while moving)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Level 0:

1-4 of 4
1-4 of 4

Two things makes this little Mouse stand out from the rest of the pack. First it is right now the only one that has a breed with 325 speed, so you won't lose too much power(still 260). 341 speed is still not faster than DAH. Secondly the Flurry has switched places with Comeback. This pet is exceptional against Decoy pets. Poison Fang ticks does strong damage against mechs and stampede/flurry destroys decoys fast. Especially Poison and Stampede ticks for 200 even after they switch away. Sweet.
I found a bunch NE of Shado Pan Fallback in Kun-Lai Summit
I'm going back through my list to get rares of all pets...this one seems to be exceptionally rare. :(
Poor Prairie Mouse. Does nobody love you?
Please help control the battle pet population. Adopt a Prairie Mouse of your very own at Westwind Rest.