Grotto Vole

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click and while moving)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in caves in Mount Hyjal.

The Hyal Barrow Dens were amazing. I got several rare Grotto Voles in a short time. The amazing thing about it was that almost 3/4 of the time multiple rares would show up as secondaries. Â :)
After awhile I began using the place to level some pets. The respawn rate is very high in there. A rare Silky Moth showed up as a secondary in one battle and tore my levelling team to bits. :)
***Hyjal Burrow Dens*** There is a grotto for the grotto voles; entrance is over the hill from big tree. Â Grotto Vole as main pet appear :)
While I did see a lot of these as secondary pets around Nordassil (I spent about 2-3 hours there powering leveling some little pets), I caught a rare after only 10 battles in the Hyjal Barrow Den, at the bottom of the path near the water.Â
If you want to capture one of these, without waiting for it to show up as a secondary spawn, the best place is the Higal Barrow Dens (59.42, 17.32) (West of Nordrassil) there were 4 inside when I checked (all common quality) and a few obsidium nodes too if you are a miner.Â
Just found 2 rare in the Dens in about a 5 min time frame. Â I got one in the first spawned group. Â I battled them all and decided to see what other rares I could get in the area after reading the posts here. Â In the second group of spawns I found another rare Grotto Vole. The one I captured was breed S/S, the second was H/B.
Update: Found another about a min after I posted this. Â I guess in this case, "rares" are pretty common.
Another update: Got a rare Carrion Rat here too!
Just captured a rare inside the Hyjal Barrow Dens. It was accompanied by a Fire Beetle and an Elfin Rabbit. Good luck!
Just got a common vole as secondary to a Fire Beetle in Ascendant's Rise on Ysera at 9:32 am, Friday
Just noticed that it's not included i the Kalimdor Safari. Any ideas why?
Like many have said go in the barrow dens. I noticed 8 spawn points all in the dens and they respawned rapid enough that I could many continuous laps back and forth til I got my rares. Always Grotto Vole as a primary. I also killed any critters (especially grotto voles) on my routes to help respawns. Took less than an hour to get my rare. Saw quite a few Uncommon Voles and got a rare Carrion Rat as a second.
Just for the record, they can spawn as a secondary to a Fire Beetle. After reading that they couldn't, I just had a uncommon as second to a Fire Beetle.
Found several in the barrow dens. Â To get in the dens, enter through the white stone arch on the Verdant Thicket side.
I wonder if that's new with patch. Â Because I also found a lot in the Barrow Dens (4+) including a green one. Â So yes, they do spawn as primaries as they others have said.
Ditto what Serephem confirmed. Many in the Burrow Dens (the place that you escort the prisoner through the Emrald Dream if you lack where it is like I did).
Many spawned and kept spawning when I hit them up at 7am server time. So far only poor and common.
I can confirm the comment below, I found 4 spawns in the Barrow's Den at 2.30 am server time. The respawn rate was pretty quick too. I did notice however that the paws did NOT appear for me until I went into the den, so it may be that people have just missed them.
Found 4 today in the Hyjal Barrow Dens, entrance to the cave just east of Ruins of Lar'donir (where you first meet Alysra). You can see "underground" green paw icons from the northwest side of Nordrassil.
The Vole does Spawn as a secondary with the Fire Bettle primary.
Always nice to see people linking, thier wowprogress on the comment section for a pet, wow.
Found an uncommon one as an add to a fire beetle in the Regrowth.
Thank you for the helpful tips on how to get this. I can verify that it is not in any caves and does not show on tracking. I was lucky and got one as a secondary as a result of your comments.
There are adds (second) to the following Pets that I found while rare farming these: Fire-Proof Roachs, Ash Lizards, Rock Vipers, Silky Moth, Nordrassil Wisp, Alphine Chipmunk, Death's Head Cockroach, Twilight Beetle and Elfin Rabbits.
These do NOT spawn with the Fire Bettles, if you see that name first and looking for a Grotto Vole you are wasting your time!Â
I finally found rare Grotto Vole off a Twilight Bettle at 27, 32 (Shrine of Goldrinn).
After spendig a few hours in Hyjal battleing everything I found, this one only showed up as a secondary when fighting Nordrasill Wisps.
Got this one at the Seat Of The Chosen as a secondary pet to Carrion Rat.Â