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Eranei's Profile

Username: Eranei Site MVP  
Character: Eranei (A)
Realm & Rank: Blackwater Raiders-us (#9)
Connected Rank: Blackwater Raiders-us (#53)
Pets Collected: 106/1749
Pets Rated: 0/1762 — Appearance
0/1731 — Battle
Joined: February 01, 2010
Last Online: February 28, 2012
Community: Comments (1)
Forum Posts (1)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Eranei

Eranei Says: 

Gee...long time no...gee. My playing over the last year has been there a term for "less than sporadic?" Anyway, added a bunch of new pets to the list, but have not been actively farming.

With all the pets I have I seem to always end up running around in harms way with my beloved Black Tabby. Obviously the perfect pet for an alliance gnome is one that hundreds of alliance mobs gave their lives for, right? ...right?
Posted Jan 14, 2012 at 3:17pm

Eranei's Collection:  View Eranei's Pets

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PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
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*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Eranei:

I have only been playing WoW since 8/09, and just recently admitted to myself that I love collecting pets. This is Step One of my 12 Step program to admit it to the world! The other 11 Steps consist of collecting more pets. ;-9

My first pet was Grunty The Marine Marine that I received for watching the BlizzCon transmission. I was really not aware of the pet collecting part of the game at that point and just thought it was a cute in-game perk. I acquired a few more pet along the way, but the collecting bug did not spark until I saw the article in Warcraft Magazine by our lovely Breanni. Finally it dawned on me what a wonderful enhancement to the game this is.

It was a clumsy start due to my slight misunderstanding of what "Unique" really meant; i.e., "one" cat, "one" moth, "one" chicken.... Eheh.... Once my ignorance wore off I started going back and picking up the other pets for my collection. I have even started putting up some of the Alliance pets on the neutral AH so Horde collectors can get them. I would put them up cheaper, but the presence of "Auto-Bots" *groan* encourages me to price them according to market to discourage sniping. I really appreciate the Horde collectors who do the same thing for us on the Alliance side.

Now that Stinker is a valued part of my collection I am working on Bambi, which is going to be really hard since my time for farming has become severely limited due to work.

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