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Submit a Guide is dedicated to educating the World of Warcraft community about vanity pets and how to collect them. As such, we welcome the opportunity for other authors to get involved and submit their own guides.


Not all guides submitted will be posted on the site. However, if your guide is clear, well-organized, and pertains to companion pets, then it stands a good chance of being published.

All submitting authors must agree to the terms below.


1.  You agree to allow Site Admin(s) the right to publish your guide online at
2.  You agree to allow Site Admin(s) the right to freely edit your guide for presentation and clarity purposes.

Editing includes (but is not limited to) grammatical revisions, word substitutions, rewriting for clarity, reorganizing content, and adding additional content or removing nonessential content.
3.  You agree to permit your username to be printed in the author byline. Your username will link directly to your profile.
4.  You understand that your guide may be removed from the site at any time if the content is deemed outdated or no longer serves the overall intent of the site.

Submitting Your Guide

Before submitting your guide for consideration, please contact us and briefly explain what your guide is about. If the guide is a good fit for, we'll send you a reply with further instructions.

We look forward to hearing from all of you budding authors!smile

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