Spirit Crab

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found along the western coast of Ghostlands.
Level 0:

1-22 of 22
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This pet can be especially good for a Tank, as it is an Undead with many Attacks from the original crab pets. Personally, my moveset for him would be :
Shell Shield
If you want him to be a good offense pet, use this as a Moveset instead :
Amplify Magic
Have a nice day, pet farmer :)
When not in combat mine is a blue and white checkered box.
Anyone notice how this looks more spectral now? When did this change happen? He's now translucent with the eerie glowy stuff, not just a plain blue crab model anymore.
I've only seen one rare, in at least 50 interactions. Unfortunately, it came with a rare Larva as second, and I'm kicking myself for taking the crab. If you see a rare larva as second, and don't have one yet,, trap it! There are tons of level 3-4 crabs to try for the rare. (I have to keep trying the crabs level 5+ to try for the rare larva. It's endless!+
One of my favorite PvP battle pets. The H/H crab has fantastic stat allocation (none wasted into speed whatsoever) which makes it one of the best tanking pets out there. Shell Shield is great for mitigating DoTs and multi-hit attacks, Snap takes out would-be critter counters and Surge/Whirlpool allows it to either fight flyers (and other abilities that rely on having higher speed) or round out a Cleansing Rain team. And to top all that off, it gets an undead racial as well.
For some reason I'm the guy that always gets the rare, first try. Especially if it's a sought-after, popular pet. Always rare- always first and usually 2nd try too if I'm wanting a different breed. With this crab I got 4 rares in 5 tries(only tried to catch one- I'm not a dick!) But I cannot, cannot, cannot find an UV!! Looking for months and haven't even seen one to attempt to battle!
Very good health, shield move and undead racial. Thats just for starters. Next it is very strong vs Critters, the usual bane of undead. And if you think it is too slow, Surge will fix that. Surge easily counters speed attack bonuses and is very nice to have when both you and you opponent is los health, go first can be critical and the crab has no wasted stats spent on speed. That said Claw/Whirlpool/Shell Shiedl is probably the best PvP setup. Quite strong and not much used pet.
A must have for starting off pvp battlers. Â Get three!
Just caught a rare version and cannot release my uncommon one. Anyone else have this problem or know how to solve it?
umm nevermind.. :) I had it in a battle slot lol
Got a rare 3rd battle, he was alone. 2:18pm realm time near Windrunner Village.
Came to see if you can even get a rare for these; on my second day trying for one...I'm fairly tenacious.
I need to come on here and post more often; my second battle after posting this I got a rare. Yay me and just show persistence pays off.
1887 health! Seems like this little guy will be a great battler. The shell sheild coupled with that much health makes this crab a survivor. Going to try to find a rare one now.
Got a rare after grinding these for exactly 59 minutes. Yay! I was on the coast near Goldenmist Village.
Just got a rare version of this little guy after about 15 minutes. Not bad! :)
Went to the West of Goldenmist Village, to the Coast where all the Murlocks are, and found a ton of Spirit Crabs, at least 8. Captured an Uncommon one on the 4th try, previous 3 were poor.Â
Just got really lucky, first one was uncommon, the next a rare! Just got towards the coast straight out of Sanctum of the Moon. Easy find!
so ive been farming for a rare of this crab for a few hrs now, uncommon are few and far between, but there are a lot of common and poor. on one common i even got a lvl 6 rare rat, and on another a rare maggot. will keep you all posted where/when/if i get a Rare :)
UPDATE: so 2 minutes later heading south down the coast (directly opposite the Sanctum of the Moon) i catch a lvl 5 rare 352hp with a poor snake as his 2nd.
On the battle side Spirit Crab is really strong (Vs.Elemental in particular), but also vs. many other classes since you have the "family-neutral" Dark Simulacrum which allows you to steal a spell and use it continuously through the rest of the match. I use the following spells:
Amplify Magic, Surge and Dark Simulacrum.
Agreed, this pet is gorgeous. Definitely has a ghostly vibe, and stands out tons from the other crab models.
It's my new favorite. I agree with the others- the image doesn't do this justice- they're slightly transparent with a blue glow/curling mist pouring off of them much like Magria-- and they look fantastic next to Ghost Crawler and a Swift Spectral Tiger.
The pet journal doesn't quite do this pet justice. It looks slightly transparent and has a ghostly hue about it that makes it a very cool looking companion.Â
Just caught it, they're around the murloc camp in the Ghostlands, to the north-west of the map.