Shell Shield

Guild Achievement: Critter Kill Squad
Category: General
Vendor: Guild Vendor - Guild
Cost: 300 (unlimited supply)

Vendor: Collector Kojo
Zone: Stormsong Valley
Faction: Tortollan Seekers - Revered
Vendor: Collector Kojo
Zone: Zuldazar
Faction: Tortollan Seekers - Revered

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)
Vendor: Lhara
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Cost: 90 (unlimited supply)
Drop: Darkmoon Game Prize
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1,100

Pet Battle: [23-25] Valley of the Four Winds; [23-25] The Jade Forest; [23-25] Krasarang Wilds

Fishing: Fishing [430]
Zone: Terokkar Forest (Fishing Nodes)
Approximate Drop Rate: [Mr. Pinchy] 1 in 500 fished from Highland Mixed schools
Approximate Drop Rate: [Magical Crawdad Box] 1 in 5 (of 3 available)