Fox Kit

Fox Kit
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Sniffs the ground. Sits and scratches its chin with its foot. Will occasionally do a dance similar to the Shaman ghost wolf dance.
Pit-pattering footsteps
Cataclysm expansion required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 12, 2010
This pet drops from fox creatures in the new PVP area, Tol Barad Peninsula. There is a total of 16 Baradin Foxes found in the area.
Unlike Wintergrasp, players cannot fly directly into the zone and must either queue for a Tol Barad battle or use a portal located in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Players must be level 85 to use the portal to teleport directly to the zone.
Although the zone is somewhat separate from the actual PVP zone (Tol Barad), players may still encounter some PVP activity while farming for this pet. Players on non-PVP servers will not be flagged for PVP while on the peninsula.

I just got one today after farming the foxes. Dropped after exactly 69 kills ._. (I counted how many kills it took since its drop rate is extremely low)
Why does it have to be so tiny :(
I didn't know he danced til I started leveling him today. I fed him a hotdog and went to look for my safari hat when I spied him at the corner of my screen. My bottom lip involuntarily pooched out sooo far!!!
* ☆. `* .
`. * (^,^)☆
Got one to drop for me today(02/23/19) while doing dailies. Happy to save myself 200 commendations. :)
The wife and I saw TWO on the Steamwheedle AH for 30k/each. We didn't hesitate at all and bought them both. So, confirming AH presence 9/30/2017
I just wanted to confirm that it does still drop. Got mine from the foxes on the beach close to the spiders on the center island.
Anyone get one of these recently? I am farming as I do the dailies. No luck for a drop yet. June 4th 2016
Update: after killing about 500 of the Foxes it dropped for me. It is farmable as of June 5th 2016
In case you didn't know it isn't farmable in the PvP area.
I can confirm that this still drops from the foxes around the Island as I got mine today while farming commendations. Have a habit of killing the foxes I run across but not farming them as such and the first one of the day paid off. Lucky, as I had just used all my commendations on the seagull so now I can concentrate on getting the mounts. 28/07/15
Ridiculous drop rate. Raid gear should be the only thing that is this difficult and time consuming to get.
Update: Can anyone confirm that this pet even drops from the Baradin Foxes anymore? I have easily killed over 2000 of them, I've seen 0 on the AH, and I never see anyone else farming them at any time.
I love this pet. He's one of my personal favorites. Any pet that dances as they Idle is alright in my book. He's a great battler with some solid moves. He's my go to pet when I need a Beast type. I named mine Star Fox.
Nice chunk of health and if you use dazzling dance you will be faster than 341 speed pets(primarily Death Adder Hatchling). Use Crouch and Flurry and your opponent will think twice what they send up against your Fox Kit. Howl is a nice game changer, lots of fun combinations, often though it will force a switch which is not all that bad. Good durable pet that are not that often seen in battle.
I read the comments here to see where to get this guy. He looked pretty tough to get. But - I got him on my first try. I opened the AH and there he was! 3500 gold! I then went to do the dailies anyway just to get a second - and yeah - a week later with no luck. So if you don't want to do dailies - wait for a decent price on the AH. Price on AH has been 10K average but someone always drops a pet for cheaper so have patience if you plan to buy.
Wow... I spent a ton of time farming for this guy on my pre-Pandaria toon.
I hope I already have the commendations to buy him.
Oh happy day! After not wanting to do the dailies after I get the last mount I need, I went back to killing foxes in the area while doing dailes and just had him drop!!!!
Now that we share pets across the account - your other toons on the same account don't need to be exalted to summon this little beastie.
Then Blizzard announce that this pet will be on a vendor for 200 mark.
As I used all my mark for mounts and pets, I was doing the daylies since 2 weeks and, in the same time, still killing fox... who knows ;).
Result : 170 token and... just looted a fox kit :D