Alpine Foxling

Sniffs the ground. Sits and scratches its chin with its foot.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in the snowy mountains of Kun-Lai Summit.

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

As of right now, this is a tier 1 pvp pet. Not because of it's sheer power, but because it (S/S with Flurry, Crouch, Dazzling Dance) kills both of the currently most-played pets Teroclaw Hatchling (It's faster with Dazzling Dance up) and Bone Serpent (effective damage with Flurry and surviving a lot of punishment with Crouch.)
Found a big group of them around 54, 40 on the snowy patches between the mountains.
If you are having problems finding this pet in rare quality, it accually has a decent spawn rate as a secondary pet, (along with the kit). So I would suggest looking as both primary and secondary to increase your chances!
I have spent a lot of hours looking for the rare form of this guy, and after another hour of searching this morning, I got him. Â I found mine as a addition to a summit kid on a jutting rock just over the entrance to the tunnel that leads you to Zouchin Village, just west of the Temple of the White Tiger!
P/B is pretty weak compared to other canine breeds. S/S with 325 speed is the fastes of all the Wolves/Canines. You hardly need the Dance to take advantage of Flurry, but with it(or leap) you will rival birds. Crouch is very good for this speedy pet. True powerhose, but very underestimated and not often seen. I do prefer the Arctic Fox Kit with its P/S breed. But don't disregard this fast one.
I found the double rare spawn with a zooey snake just by the Binan Village gate, where the final boss comes for the scenario. Â Stopped to have a look at the snake and was surprised to see both. Â But reading how plentiful the rares are, I should have gone with the snake! Â But the fox was so cute.....
Got it rare in kun-lai. love howl forever
I'm wondering why nobody actually mentioned so far how reliable and useful this little Foxling is. He really is- his attack combo is strong, he's super-fast(!) and he actually surprised me with critically hitting Akis Critter Pet with 1131 damage (+ Howl buff). He is definitively one of the best Beast type pets I came across. He's totally worth being raised to level 25 and having him on your favos, just in case you need a good, super-fast Beast type pet with some moderate dmg output.
This pet has taken me roughly a week to find as a rare and it was also a primary. There is a group that has the foxling and three kits with it, on a snowy ledge right next to Knucklethump Hole, on the right hand side facing north. I stayed in this spot and battled this same group until I got my rare, which also had a rare Zooey Snake attached and a poor quality Alpine Foxling Kit. This one is definitely a test of patience, good luck!
This pet's actually a really good size, over double the size of the (pathetically small)Â Tol Barad Fox Kit I'd say.
Really hope we get a red fox this size too.
I find this a really good pet to help other pets level with.
Very easy to catch, and very easy to find a rare!
I have yet to find a NON rare version of this pet. I've seen 20+ in a row, sometimes 2 in the same battle in Kun-Lai. Pretty much every setup is a mouse or lizard and then a common Alping Foxling Kit and finally a rare Alpine Foxling.
A white fox.
was able to get a common one, difficult with the incline hills ect.