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Miscellaneous Magic: WoW Battle Pets

Pets by Family Magic Miscellaneous Magic
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Accursed Hexxer [Accursed Hexxer]

Vendor: Shoak , Blind Wunja

Zone: Nazmir

Cost: 500Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Dodger (A)

Zone: Boralus

Cost: 500Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Archetype of Focus [Archetype of Focus]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Archetype of Focus]

Archivist's Quill [Archivist's Quill]

Vendor: Archivist Janeera

Zone: Revendreth

Faction: The Avowed - Exalted

Cost: 1000Sinstone Fragments (unlimited supply)

Ashenwing [Ashenwing]

Drop: Bonesifter Marwak [??+]

Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Aura [Aura]

Trading Post: Traveler's Log (April 2024)

Baoh-Xi [Mogu Statue]

Drop: Qin-xi [??+]

Zone: Mogu'shan Vaults

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Bluedoo [Bluedoo]

Vendor: Trading Post

Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)

Cost: 400Trader's Tender (unlimited supply)

Blueloo [Blueloo]

Achievement: Friends in Feathers

Category: Dragonflight

Celestial Calf [Celestial Calf]

Vendor: The Mad Merchant

Zone: Dalaran (Broken Isles)

Cost: 1,000,000gold (unlimited supply)

Coilfang Stalker [Dripping Strider Egg]

Drop: Lady Vashj [??+]

Zone: Serpentshrine Cavern

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 91

Comet [Celestial Gift]

Drop: Elegon [??+]

Zone: Mogu'shan Vaults

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Creeping Tentacle [Wriggling Darkness]

Drop: Yogg-Saron [??+]

Zone: Ulduar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Pet Battle: [25] The Azure Span; [25] Thaldraszus

Dreamborne Scarab [Dreamborne Scarab]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)

Dreamhoof [Dreamhoof]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)

Drowsey [Drowsey]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)

Elekk Plushie [Elekk Plushie]

Profession: Draenor Tailoring [1]

Taught By: [Recipe: Elekk Plushie]

Enchanted Broom [Enchanted Broom]

Vendor: Trellis Morningsun

Zone: Icecrown

Cost: 40Champion's Seal (unlimited supply)

Enchanted Cauldron [Enchanted Cauldron]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Cauldron]

Enchanted Pen [Enchanted Pen]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Pen]

Enchanted Tiki Mask [Enchanted Tiki Mask]

Profession: Battle for Azeroth Enchanting [125]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Tiki Mask]

Enchanted Torch [Enchanted Torch]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Torch]

Ethereal Soul-Trader [Soul-Trader Beacon]

Trading Card Game: The Hunt for Illidan

Faceless Mindlasher [Puddle of Black Liquid]

Drop: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping [??+]

Zone: Dragon Soul

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Faceless Minion [Twilight Summoning Portal]

Drop: Cho'gall [??+]

Zone: The Bastion of Twilight

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Geordy [Geordy]

Drop: Ephemera Orb

Zone: Zereth Mortis

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Grasping Manifestation [Grasping Manifestation]

Drop: Ataxon [45]

Zone: Eredath

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Hap'he [Hap'he]

Achievement: Finally At Rest

Category: Dragonflight

Lost Quill [Refilling Inkwell]

Drop: Lost Quill

Zone: Revendreth [50-60]

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Memorie [Memorie]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)

Mini Mindslayer [Jewel of Maddening Whispers]

Drop: The Prophet Skeram [??+]

Zone: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 11

Muar [Fractured Obsidian Claw]

Drop: Maut [??+]

Zone: Ny'alotha, the Waking City

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

N'Ruby [N'Ruby]

Vendor: Baron Silver

Zone: Thaldraszus

Cost: 2750Paracausal Flakes (unlimited supply)


Drop: Box of Collapsed Reality

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Nethaera's Light

Drop: Nethaera's Light

Zone: Dalaran (Northrend)

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Nightmare Bell [Nightmare Bell]

Drop: Fel-Touched Pet Supplies

Zone: Tanaan Jungle [40]

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Omnipotential Core [Omnipotential Core]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Omnipotential Core]

Phoenix Wishwing [Phoenix Wishwing]

Quest: Tale of the Phoenix [70]

Zone: The Waking Shores

Pocopoc [Pocopoc Traveler]

Vendor: Olea Manu

Zone: Zereth Mortis

Cost: 500Cyphers of the First Ones (unlimited supply)

Pokee [Pokee]

Vendor: Trading Post

Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)

Cost: 400Trader's Tender (unlimited supply)

Portentous Present [Portentous Present]

World Event: Feast of Winter Veil

Item: [Winter Veil Gift] (found under Winter Veil tree)

Reese [Reese]

Achievement: Just One More Thing

Category: Dragonflight

Remembered Construct [Remembered Construct]

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul

Zone: Dalaran

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand

Zone: Dragonblight

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Forgotten Hero

Zone: Dustwallow Marsh

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Memory of a Duke

Zone: Searing Gorge

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)

Remembered Riverpaw [Remembered Riverpaw]

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul

Zone: Dalaran

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand

Zone: Dragonblight

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Forgotten Hero

Zone: Dustwallow Marsh

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Memory of a Duke

Zone: Searing Gorge

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)

Remembered Spawn [Remembered Spawn]

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul

Zone: Dalaran

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand

Zone: Dragonblight

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Forgotten Hero

Zone: Dustwallow Marsh

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Memory of a Duke

Zone: Searing Gorge

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)

Resonant Echo [Resonant Echo]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Resonant Echo]

Reverie [Reverie]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)

Salverun [Salverun]

Created From: [Form Salverun]

Zone: Zaralek Cavern


Pet Store 

Shrieker [Contained Banshee Wail]

Vendor: Sean Wilkers

Zone: Eastern Plaguelands

Cost: 3Cleansed Remains (unlimited supply)

Sludge Feeler [Sludge Feeler]

Drop: Margrave Stradama [??+]

Zone: Plaguefall (Mythic)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Snorr [Snorr]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1 (unlimited supply)

Spectral Cub [Spectral Cub]

Promotion: 2012 Shanghai China World Championship

Spectral Tiger Cub [Spectral Tiger Cub]

Trading Card Game: Scourgewar


Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)

Cost: 750Trader's Tender (unlimited supply)

Vendor: Trading Post

Teeny Titan Orb [Teeny Titan Orb]

Drop: Echo of Myzrael [50+]

Zone: Arathi Highlands Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Trunks [Trunks]

Achievement: An Awfully Big Adventure

Category: Battles

Umbral Amalgam

Pet Battle: [25] Hallowfall

Violet Sporbit [Violet Sporbit]

Drop: Fungarian Delve's Heavy Trunk

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Void Jelly [Squishy Purple Goo]

Drop: Soggoth the Slitherer [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Wakyn [Wakyn]

Drop: Warden Entrix [??+]

Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Approximate Drop Rate:  Unknown

Will of Remornia [Pommel Jewel of Remornia]

Drop: Sire Denathrius [??+]

Zone: Castle Nathria

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Zeradar [Zeradar]

Promotion: StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Collector's Edition

Zur'aj the Depleted [Zur'aj the Depleted]

Drop: Twilight Prophet Graeme [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

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