Miscellaneous Magic: WoW Battle Pets

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Archetype of Focus]

Achievement: Many More Mini Minions
Category: Collect

Profession: Draenor Tailoring [1]
Taught By: [Recipe: Elekk Plushie]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]
Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Cauldron]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]
Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Pen]

Profession: Battle for Azeroth Enchanting [125]
Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Tiki Mask]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]
Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Torch]

Achievement: Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell
Category: Collect

Achievement: Family Battler of the Dragon Isles
Category: Battle

Vendor: Baron Silver
Zone: Thaldraszus
Drop: Box of Collapsed Reality
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Omnipotential Core]

World Event: Feast of Winter Veil
Item: [Winter Veil Gift] (found under Winter Veil tree)

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul
Zone: Dalaran
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand
Zone: Dragonblight
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Forgotten Hero
Zone: Dustwallow Marsh
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Memory of a Duke
Zone: Searing Gorge

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul
Zone: Dalaran
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand
Zone: Dragonblight
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Forgotten Hero
Zone: Dustwallow Marsh
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Memory of a Duke
Zone: Searing Gorge

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul
Zone: Dalaran
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand
Zone: Dragonblight
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Forgotten Hero
Zone: Dustwallow Marsh
Cost: 10000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Memory of a Duke
Zone: Searing Gorge

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Resonant Echo]

Trading Card Game: Scourgewar
Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)
Vendor: Trading Post

Achievement: Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King
Quest: A Celestial Invitation [1]
Zone: The Storm Peaks

Quest: A New Darkmoon Challenger! [1]
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Drop: Greater Darkmoon Pet Supplies
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 20

Drop: Fungarian Delve's Heavy Trunk
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown