Jade Owl

Jade Owl
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.3 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Although the pet is Bind on Use, the recipe that teaches Jewelcrafters how to create the Jade Owl is Bind on Pick Up.
Level 0:

1-17 of 17
1-17 of 17

Strange, site shows that the only breeds possible are P/S and B/B, yet both - site itself as well as my petID addon shows, that I own P/B (!) breed as well :))). Bug on site or something has changed ???
EDIT: today it showed P/B breed yet only once and now again only P/S and B/B. Weird
When I was first having trouble with Spirit dailies, I used this wonderful site's filters to figure out he's the only magic pet with flying abilities...perfect for slaugtering the flowing spirit's team. By keeping the speed up, I can usually keep him alive until the third pet, making him usefull to level a carry pet. I was disappointed he didn't perform as well against some of the aquatic beasts of fable, particularly those with a heal or damage reduction, he's not a hard hitter.
This is what I refer to as a double threat pet (DTP). Magic is resistant to Aquatic abilities and the pet has a host of Flying abilities which are strong against Aquatics. The P/S breed is imho, the best since this is faster than many Aquatics (since it's not a flyer, you no longer have the upper hand on speed by default). With the P/S breed, you can use Hawkeye or AR and then proceed to blow your enemy away, pun intended.
With the latest patch the recipes come from Serpent's Heart. Does anyone know the drop rate? Seems way below 1%. Only getting gems so far and ony 1 primal diamond in 2 weeks.
Update - another primal diamond after 2 weeks but still no recipe
This baby is a must have for battling aquatics, what with being resistant to them and having good ol' flight moves. Very useful, very pretty, definitely one of my favorites, and not just because I jc. To reiterate, this pet is learned as "uncommon." I have yet to see one turn into anything more or less.
I used a flawless magic stone on this little guy and have yet to be dissappointed. His type has natural immunities to Aquatic types yet he is one of the only Magic pets I have found that have not one but several strong Flying type abilities which do +Dmg to Aquatics.
Now I use him as my go to for any team with an Aquatic in it. Having one so strong usually allows me to power lvl a truly noobish pet within my team.
WTB a Flying mecho dragon..... Blizz are you listening?
I'm a jc. When the jc constructs the summon pet ability, the ability itself is a rare. Once you summon the pet, the pet itself is uncommon.
troelsy, that would be a breed 10 rare, when you put pets in there is a rare common ect tab and then the breed id tab which is fixed on some and moves on others, sigh it stumped me too at first
Used a battle-stone on this guy and one of my addons (have a few so I am not sure which one it is) says that at 25 he'll have 1465 hp, 289 power and 273 speed. That varies slightly from what it suggests on the website here.
Can't wait to level this guy and slaughter some aquatic pets.
I just got the design for this today, from the Vale of treasures. I made 4 and seems they are all Uncommon, not sure if its possible to make a rare one, so are you sure you bought a rare?
As for caging some pets, you may have to wait 24 hours for that option after you learn it.
I bought a Blue quality Jade Owl from the Auction House when I learned it it became a Green quality Jade Owl.
I received the sapphire cub from Treasures of the Vale , but the owl dropped from Guo-Lai Cache. So far as I've heard all owls are uncommon pets upon learning. (Cubs are random qualities)
Sweetdr0ps, if you use the 'heal all battlepets' button that error should disappear. I've had it happen myself.
Got the pattern from a Treasures of the Vale box. Crafted it and got an uncommon quality. I made the Sapphire Cub as well and it turned out poor. Are the rarities on these JC pets randomized?
I can confirm that the pattern for this pet drops from treasure of the vale, which is the reward you get from the last daily for the golden lotus. It takes 3 wild jade and 3 spirit of harmony to make. I do believe the pattern is still a world drop though.
I received that same message. I used the heal all pets and then I could cage them. See if that works for you.
I noticed that this pet is gray quality in the ah when listed under battlepets. Also if I go to the option to cage it (since its learned) it says something about health being low? Not sure what thats all about or if its a bug.