
White Murloc Egg
Binds to Battle.net account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Battle.net account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Dances donning a top hat and cane.
Vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 2.4.0 | Posted: September 7, 2012
This pet was briefly available through an iCoke promotion that coincided with the release of World of Warcraft in Taiwan. Rumors indicate that the pet was not intended to go live and its introduction into the game may have been accidental.
As of Patch 6.2.2, Terky was re-released in-game as a drop from a hidden treasure.
You can collect this pet by looting an egg found inside an obscure cave. The entrance of this cave can be found in the water off the coast of Riplash Ruins in southern Borean Tundra. For those using coordinates, it's located at 55,88. There is a large white pillar and some seaweed at the opening of the cave.
Inside the cave you'll find a lootable egg in a pile of rocks on the ground next to a large white pearl.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
As of Patch 6.2.2, Terky was re-released in-game as a drop from a hidden treasure.
You can collect this pet by looting an egg found inside an obscure cave. The entrance of this cave can be found in the water off the coast of Riplash Ruins in southern Borean Tundra. For those using coordinates, it's located at 55,88. There is a large white pillar and some seaweed at the opening of the cave.
Inside the cave you'll find a lootable egg in a pile of rocks on the ground next to a large white pearl.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!

Shout out to Thomas who posted this video,
Thanks my dude, easiest rare pet of my life. Spent a tough 5 minutes getting this bad boy.
seems her pet breed is in the female range and Vlud's target sex mod addon also says she's female
I love this little baby murloc, who needs that squirky anyway when u got this cutie! lol
I was challenging random players in goldshire and ended up making frinds with one of them. He happened to show me his Terky and I was like "cool, I want a murloc so bad, lol"... I actually thought you could only get one at blizzcon or some special occasion, but this guy instantly said "Let's get you this murloc" and proceeded to guide me to the cave. <3
The stats seem kinda average, but the moveset is actually interesting. Can't wait to level him up and try it out.
I was afraid that patch 7 might have made it go away, but nope! I got mine 10/28 after watching a video on how to find the cave. This makes me ridiculously happy.
Still here in the cave after 4 years yea
Picked mine up today, thx!
Thomasdkdkdk thank you thank you for the video it was dead on. I have been playing this game since it first came out of beta and I have always wanted a murloc. thank you so much.Terky
Has anyone else noticed that he sometimes puts on a top hat, dances and sings? I usually have him summoned with me, and I saw him do this today! my heart melted, I love him so much! lol
Note that the big white thingy on the rock is NOT the egg! When I reached the cave there were two allies standing around it and I thought I'd just sit down and wait for my turn...happened I sat down in a heap of debris where the actual egg was...lol...it had an immediate spawn!
I had some trouble finding the entrence, until I found this amazing guide on WoWhead:
VERY happy they added this one. I hope they add Murky (since it was an early pet and not many had a chance to get it) and the other pets that were handed out a long time ago at Blizz or other promotional events.
It will be interesting to try a Humaniod with Lucky Dance and my favorite P/P Moth Balls attack. I tend to run Uncanny Luck with Mr. Wiggles. He at least has a heal or damage reduction and is unstunable(critter) so I am not sure how Terky will fare.
FYI - if you have the Magic Pet Mirror toy and use it to turn yourself into Terky, then do a /dance, you will do the top hat & cane dance that he does. And it is ADORABLE.
The cave that the white egg is in is very high up compared to most undersea caves in the game and this may throw you off when looking for it, it is not at all close tot he seafloor but rather next to two crags with some seaweed and other colorful undersea props, once inside it you have to swim straight up, and enter the cave proper through a small pool in the floor (ceiling from your angle when you enter).
Hope this has helped someone not swim around in circles for half an hour like me.
I wonder if lucky dance is better than rain dance with "clonedance" team... Anyone else have any thoughts? Or is that team pretty much dead now?
How do I get him to dance? I have seen comments about it but I am totally lost! Thanks!
The entrance is not that far down. I was looking at the bottom of the sea. Look only a few feet from the surface. There is some tall seaweed and brown coral. The opening is a small slit and easy to miss. Once inside, the white murloc egg is in a pile of bones to the very back of the cave.
Is there a limitto how many times he sings and dances in an hour - day? Or is it completely random?
A ton of people were packed into the cave and had put up toys around where the egg was. I just kept mousing over all the toys on the ground until I found something click'able and there it was~ a horde of people too busy trying to distract each other they weren't paying attention...