Westfall Chicken

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Pecks at ground.
Vocalizations (on-click)

Chicken Egg
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your chicken.
Sell Price: 2
This pet was formerly known as 'Prairie Chicken'. As of patch 3.1, horde characters are also able to obtain the CLUCK! quest in the same manner as alliance characters:
Find any chicken critter in Azeroth and repeatedly do the '/chicken' emote to it. Eventually the chicken's name plate will turn from yellow to green and you'll see the message "Chicken looks up at you quizzically. Maybe you should inspect it?" Speak to the chicken and you'll receive the CLUCK! quest. To complete the quest you'll need a bag of Special Chicken Feed (vendor in Westfall for alliance; Tirisfal Glades for horde). When the quest is complete, an egg will spawn. Loot this egg to receive the pet.

SpamedĀ /chicken to a non-battleable critter chicken around the farm building. The first time (after maybe 30-40 chicken emotes) I got the ? quest prompt but I was too slow reading the quest and it disappeared. I had to get another chicken to activate. It took a good few minutes of nonstop chicken emotes, then got the quest to pop and I accepted without hesitation. I /cheer emoted the chicken before turning in with the feed.
Just completed this quest , just spammed 3 chickens approximately 4-5 times with the macro /chicken and got eggs from each.
Followed Kestrelon advice, spent 4 special chicken food to get 4 chickens, two B/B, one P/B and one S/B ;). Awesome ;))
Still works as of patch 8.0, in BFA. I made a macro that's just "/chicken"
I had the most frustrating time trying to get this "hidden" pet. Ā It either disappeared before I could buy the feed, or after I fed it, it said the quest was complete with a ? I couldn't find. Ā A couple of times after I fed the chicken it turned into an ordinary battlepet chicken. Ā My sig other finally did it for me and I saw the trick was after you fed the chicken to right click on it to obtain the egg that is the battle pet. Ā Duh. Ā RIGHT CLICK!!! Ā It all has to be done really fast or the opportunity goes away.
Bummer it's only a green :/
Spamming /chicken over and over... other than being called a moron the only thing that has happened is that 2 chickens have turned into battle pets,.. is that normal?
Found this guide, it explains it pretty nicely:
I recently reached the 1000 battle pets limit, so I started deciding which ones I should put in cages or release so I could make more room for new pets to add to my army. Apparently Blizzard fixed the problem with the Westfall Chicken, because it wasn't long ago that you could not release this pet. At that time you could have 3, but you were stuck with whatever random breed you rolled. The good news is that as of October 2015, you can now release this pet.
The big downside of this pet is that it comes in four different breeds and you can't release any of them. As such, it makes those of us hardcore pet collectors try to pursue the best one (which I would assume would be S/B seeing as how it is a flyer), but hopefully you don't have bad enough luck to get three B/B chickens. I'm stuck with two B/B chickens but at least on the third try I got a P/B. Still would be nice to have a S/B one. :(
Confirmed that this is not only still working, but it's possible to pick up all three of your allowed chickens with a single act of idiocy! Ā :)
Did this with my 37 Undead rogue; Ā bought three of the special feed from William Saldean in Brill, found the ONE chicken in the graveyard, macro-chicken'd it for about 10 minutes, and repeatedly accepted/completed the quest until I ran out of feed. Ā Grabbed all three eggs from the ground and voila! Ā Westfall Chicken.
Can confirm this is still available. Got mine last night. April 21st 2014 Made the /chicken macro. Trick was to target a chicken critter. Just standing near it without targeting it didn't work. Also has to be a critter, not one of the battle-able critters. Found the chickens at the farm Solliden Farmstead west of Brill close to the coast.
I'm pretty certain that it only comes in as an uncommon quality. You'll need a stone to upgrade the pet to rare quality.
Does anyone know how to get this pet as a RARE? I've been trying to just loot one, but no luck.
I spammed /flap with food in bags and it took less then 2mins. Thanks for all the help!
Is this still obtainable? Ā I just spent 2 hours with the special food in my bags spaming Ā /chicken and nothing. Ā Any Info would be helpful. Ā I even tried /cheer occasionally and did the whole thing on several different chickens around westfall.
Ok, so the pet itself is non-tradable, right? However, I found out quite by accident that if you are grouped with another player, the other player can pick up the egg after the chicken lays it.Ā Tried this with my friend the other day.Ā I did the clucking and feeding and when it layed the egg, he was able to use the gear on it. This has prob been posted before, but thought it might be useful as a reminder. :)
Just did this quest 3 times. lol Drove my husband crazy...not to metion felt real silly if other characters went by. According to my addon I got two B/B and one S/B. Can anyone confirm that these are the only breeds available for these guys? If so, then I'm good, but if there's another stat combo available, I'd kinda like to see if I can get it! I kept one B/B and the S/B for the time being. Not using any stones just yet until I confirm breed options. Thanks! :)
You've got to /flap at chicken critters, not the wild battlepet chickens.Ā That had me going for a while -_-Ā Also, make a macro /flap to save time.
Wow, does this quest make you feel like an idiot or what :)
Tried it on "the" chicken in the Brill graveyard to no avail, so went south to Westfall and nailed it almost first time of asking. It works...provided you don't mind looking like a complete fool for a few minutes.Ā