
Ground (hovers)
Flutters about and grooms face; generates glowing blue clouds and particles.
Buzzing wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Normally found near inland water.

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

As with all of the pet spawns that can spawn in the region of your garrison (Shadowmoon Valley for Alliance, Frostfire Ridge for Horde), the easiest way to farm for the breed you want (in rare of course) is to have the "Creepy Crawlers" decoration active from the Hallow's End world event. As these are INSTANT respawn when killed, and any of the pets from that region can spawn as seconds; pick a spot, settle in, and just keep checking and killing if it's not what you want.
man was i lucky.
ive seen the waterfly a few times. hovering her and there. and battled it once. but i didnt catch it yet. then i saw one in shadowmoon vally. at the bottom of a waterfall. near the entrance of a cave. advise, dodnt go in if you dont have to. there are a lot of pets inside, but also tiney squid. they dont look like much. but they spray ink that drains your healt. anyway, i saw it and clickt to battle it. got it:DÂ
Awesome pet and can solo the Pandaren Water spirit fight.Â
This is good pvp pet if combined with healing buff abilities and ,off course,one or two aquatic pets.If you use dodge and healing stream it can easily get you nice heal,back line pets get nice off heal and ,if it's sunny day, you can full up their health bar to some point:).Mine is H/S with 1546/244/306 and is pretty quick so dodge and heal are good combo for that breed.
You dont need power for heal if you have sunny day :):):)!
Truly an amazing pet and very underrated. You really want a p/b if you can obtain one, they seem very rare from my experience tho.
Highly underrated pet. Â Either of the third tier moves are a reliable escape as long as he/she is above 50% health and getting the benefit of the flying pet passive of bonus speed. Â For the other moves you can either go with a poison and nuke combo or a solid flying move and a heal. Â I foresee this pet getting a lot of PvE play for me.