Core Hound Pup

Core Hound Pup
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Hops around and rolls over, rears up on hind legs, and fights over a bone.
Fiery blaze (on summon); pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Special promotion.
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.3.0 | Posted: December 9, 2009
This pet is received via an in-game mail sent to all characters (current and future) on all accounts tied to a account that has been linked to a Blizzard Authenticator. If the authenticator is removed from a account, the Core Hound Pup will disappear from the collection of all of characters associated with the account. If an authenticator is reattached, the pet will be re-mailed to all characters. If you switch authenticators while in-game, the pet will remain intact.
Level 0:

So they are getting rid of the authenicator so what happens to the pet.
just did authenticatur and got pet, now i wonder if cancel , will pet disappear, hmm
I just got mine today from Bizzard. So you can still get an Authenticator and get this really great pet.
Just received a mail from Blizzard to activate the authenticator, and the pet is still available, in case someone is still wondering.
Dunno actually if it's worth it or not though
Did not properly appreciate this little guy until I got his final ability. When I did, he became the heavy hitter of his team, able to 1 shot almost any wild pet opponent if I howled before a hit. His adorable resting animations are just a bonus.
Can you still get this pet? If so can someone link me to the right authenticator to buy or is it just with any authenticator
i need to reactivate my authenticator to get mine back. anyone got any team suggestions for this guy?
This pet is directly attached to your authenticator, not your account, which means if you remove authenticator, Core Hound no longer will be available in game. It will became grey on your battle pets list and you won't be able to summon him even just as companion, until you re-activate the authenticator (mobile or keyring) or buy a new one. It will count for your captured pets though, despite the fact it is greyed and all his current stats and level will be preserved until you can reactivate him.
This guy is an Elemental, so he has strong defense vs Mechanical abilities, and he also has Burn which is a powerful attack against mechanicals. Might be useful vs mechanicals hmm?
I named mine AlmostFerocious. He's trying his best.
I love this pet. Everytime I make a char I always couldn't wait to go to the mail box and go get him. Now with MoP out I don't have to go to the mail box anymore but I always try to summon him when someone else has him. I also love all of the emotions that he does it makes the pet more fun and interactive :D Happy Collecting :D
With the introduction of pet genders to this site, I have found out that my core hound pup is female. Will now be changing her name to whatever variation of "Flaming B*tch" the game will allow :)
I love this pet he packs quite a punch. He will be on my main team untill I find another that can woop him like a dog.
It really is a great pet too. I use him a lot!
Since we now receive a Core Hound pet along with having an Authenticator, you could say that it's the one guarding your account from potential threats. :)