Frigid Frostling

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Hovers. Also throws snowballs at nearby players, causing a buff that creates a brief snow shower over that player.
Snow sound (on summon); rocks tumbling (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Throws snowballs at nearby players, placing a short term buff on them that showers them with snowflakes.
World Event: Midsummer Fire Festival
Holiday Boss Drop: Lord Ahune
Zone: The Slave Pens

Ice Chip
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: A chip off the old block.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your Frigid Frostling.
Lord Ahune is a high level boss that may be summoned within the Slave Pens instance.
NOTE: This pet specifically drops from [Satchel of Chilled Goods]. This satchel is available to players after their first kill of Lord Ahune each day, provided they used the Dungeon Finder tool to access the dungeon.

I wasn't lucky to get this pet running the event dungeon, but it was on the AH for 5k and it was a bargain since others were over 15k.
I have it in my pet log and have summned it to lvl it up a bit. I logged out of the game for the night and wanted to upsate my collection on here, but it isn't importing from the armory, and the armory doesn't show me having this guy but I do have him, and he is currently summoned pet. Site won let me manually add him to my collection.
I got the Frigid Frostling last year off the first drop of the boss with my girl friend. She had tried previously and was really jealous. I would of gave her my frostling but.. unfortunatley im a frost mage and this pet was fit for a frost mage! Not the best battle pet but it looks awesome enough for that not to matter when it dies in battle.
counter is simple critter of any kind will do and if can always stun
I bought mine on the ah for only 1.9k gold!! I was so happy when I saw him up there for so little I instantly purchased him without even thinking about (not that you really had to though I mean come on!) lol
Best of luck to anyone that wasn't able to get him to drop. Keep your chin up and keep checking the ah! :D
1 in 20 dropchance(5%) is slightly off. According to statistics gathered on wowhead, it is 1 in 28, or 3.59% droprate. Comparably, Lumpy who is also available 15 days a year from a world event, only has a 2.94% droprate, or 1 in 34.
Logically, there is no reason why blizzard would differentiate between the two, if this is correct, using the statistical count on wowhead, the actual droprate for both is 3.05%.
I think its fair to say the droprate is programmed to be 3%.
I almost ("almost") feel bad because the person who sold this on my server did it for only 3,000g, so I snatched it up. Now there are a few on the AH, with the cheapest being 100,000g. Lucky me!
I know many (self included) have struggled to obtain this guy (or other holiday pets) for years, but on Tuesday, at long last, we can simply TRADE for caged ones!
I for one will be hoping to trade one of my three Lumpys for a Frigid Frostling come Tuesday. And since pets can be caged and uncaged cross-realm, I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to find someone somewhere who'll be interested.
Never shall I have to slay Ahune for this guy again!
Since the frostling appeared (3 or 4 years ago???), I never missed a single day to kick Ahune's back with my 4 chars and guess what... It still on my "to get" pet list. I've got tons of capes and scythes on all my chars but that's all.
Well, I hope I will get it with the battle pet system :P (just kidding... or not ;))
Edit : Well, whine one time and the RNG God bless you. I just got the frostling today :P.
The Wow gods hate me!
I thought they figured out a way to make everyone happy with holiday pets? you work hard and buy them with the holiday currency like Peddlefeet, so if you don't want a pet you don't have to put in the time.
There should definetely be a more satisfying way to obtain seasonal pets like this one. I'm not talking of increased drop-rates here - rather, I'd love to see something only the dedicated collectors do (read: us), but isn't that RNG-dependent. Something that takes a fair amout of time (or skill!), and no one that doesn't appreciate pets (read: is in their right mind) would ever do.
Got two frostscythes though... pointless on my Elemental Shaman.
I'm in accord with Quintessence. This is a foolish way to dole out a reward.