
Imbued Jade Fragment
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about. Leaves behind a green puff of cloud when walking.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Grinder is a drop from the rare elite mob Karr the Darkener. This NPC can be found can be found in the Terrace of Gurthan in the Dread Wastes.
During combat he will shadowbolt players and cast a debuff on the player with the highest agro. This debuff will spawn a circular void under the player that will persist for some time. To avoid taking damage from this ability, simply move out of each void zone and avoid spreading out each void pool too far. Karr can be interrupted and stunned.

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Well, went to have a look to see if Karr was there and just as i got there he spawned so flew down, killed him and boom i got Grinder, first try. Thanks to everyone who put the info on.
Dropped for me on my first very kill of Karr, while doing Pandaren Spirit Tamer dailies - coming from Flowing and heading to Burning. What luck!
I killed Karr 10 times and I got my Grinder
This was the pet that made me get into battling, and I got him accidentally, first try, by kililng rares. With his sandstorm ability I was able to start leveling pets through lower level areas much easier and start beating the trainers with only a handful of pets at my disposal.
Does heavy damage against mechanical and good against many other types, and is my go-to against the tonk at darkmoon faire until I have something better. If you can handle the rares in panda land, grab this one.
I just got this guy this morning! :D I also got the aqua strider yesturday. that was lucky I know. But now it doesn't hurt so much that I didn't get hatespark.... just a little, very little.
I have two of these guys, would love to trade for another rare type pet. Hit me up and we can discuss.
Killed Karr 31 times before I got this pet :/
But yay, finally got it tonight :)
no option to add this guy to my collection on this site
He looks very nice, but he is horribly weak for outdoors leveling. Considering most battle pets out in the world are critter/beast/aquatic, (atleast in early levels, 15 and below) his hits are either weak or he is taking extra amounts of damage. No self-heals and a Stone Rush that damages himself regardless if he hits or not.
Got this guy today, with 5th or 6th kill.
Worthy to note, imo: every time I took out both Karr and Nalash within a few minutes of each other (seems to both spawn at same time), they dropped the same gear item. When I looted my Grinder, in General Chat I discovered another Horde-y had just looted the Strider from Nalash. Both also dropped the same Plate healing chest.
For those looking for this, it seems the rare spawn he drops from has a respawn timer of 50-90 minutes. I've had him be up when I come check slightly before 1 hour, and sometimes I've had to wait 30-40 additional minutes.
Just hope you have better luck than I do. Currently at ~50 kills and counting. O.O
I have an extra Grinder if anyone wants to Trade me it for a Aqua Strider.
Just send me a ingame mail, or reply here
Im on Misha <Horde>
Karr doesn't drop an elixir, thats the other rare that spawns near there Krol the Blade. Those attempting to solo, make sure to clear to trash, he has 4 gaurdians around him among other things, which can be pulled easily away and killed without agroing him despite their close proximity.
Got this guy today. I wasn't aware Karr dropped it as he actually dropped an Elixir for my guild mate and I when we first killed him. Pleasant surprise!