UPDATE #1: Blizzard has extended the duration of the Dragon Kite Twitch Drop by one day. New end date is November 18.
Make sure to connect your Twitch account with your Bnet account to ensure eligibility. See Blizzard's official post linked above to learn how.
Twitch Drop Pet Rewards
Dragon Kite
Starting November 15, 10am PST until November
Players that already own a Dragon Kite pet will be able to earn another from the Twitch Drop.
The second pet from Twitch Drops is new, Ichabod (pictured below) the harvest golem. Players can collect this pet starting November 28, 10am PST until December 12.

After reaching out to Blizzard, it's been noted that Ichabod will not be a cageable. Be sure to support WoW content creators and participate in the Twitch Drops event if you'd like to collect this pet!
What Beats Rock
Now they offer 2 more drops. Mount and pet. I paid the 4.99x 2. I was on a streamer that was on blizz's list. I even had it open *watching* for 2 days. No code. No answers from wow twitter (about the only way to contact them anymore). Twitch never answered. Streamer didn't answer. He isn't even on the pet list.(Ichabod) It's one thing to flub up free stuff - but flubbing up a cash purchase (indeed it is - without 10 u wouldn't get it therefore it IS a cash purchase, not free.) is shady
Has anyone claimed the pet. Yeah, I dropped the 10 bucks, but now I can't redeem the code. Anyone else having this issue?
name some sites to donate to, at least a couple suggestions
I'm happy to spend $10 real money for a special pet - but why does it have to be through this stupid Twitch thing? Not gonna make me actually watch it.
So if you didn't get to log in during this time you can't get the kite?
At least this Dragon Kite is a different color from the old one.
I don't like the insecure twitch having my info. Let's make a bet - how many people get hacked after this? As for the 2x4.99 - I'm assuming PayPal is an option. At least if u go thru them ur covered.
More pets and mounts or me then. *Shrugs and shoves my money inside my favorite Twitch streamers wallets*
WoW, I'm so glad I didn't get in early enough to be a SLAVE to a Totally Corrupt Pet Collecting SYSTEM - .
I will not do it. I finally got rid of Twitch when addons moved away from them, I will not use it again. AND NEVER SUPPORT IT WITH MONEY!
Wait... so we have to give our credit card info to a shady AF company, pay them $10 in a veiled scheme to boost subscriptions for people who think they're internet stars because they play a game and have a camera, and link them to our Blizzard account??? I highly doubt that $10 via 2 subscriptions even gets to those individuals at all. Oh, and to top it all off, there is absolutely no other way to get that adorable little pet? WTF!?!
Can anyone suggest some Twitch streamers about weird stuff like pet collecting and battling, collecting old achievements, RP, etc.? I don't think most of us pet collectors/battlers are really into the stuff that most Twitchers are. My guild's dead and I don't do dungeons or raids with strangers. How about you guys? I'm pretty much a lone eagle, er, Worgen.
Edited to add: I wish Yogscast guys still played WoW
Another edit: I think Twitch subs are free with Amazon Prime
That's a pass for me.
No, I don't think I will.
And they arent WoW creators...they just create content about wow.
I agree with the other commenters here. This is pretty lame of Blizzard. Can hardly believe what I'm reading, especially how Ichabod can be obtained.
I've played WoW for over 15 years. Lately, I've been struggling to keep playing (mainly, lack of RP content, too much focus on Mythic, Mythic+, end game nonsense). This type of move isn't typical of Blizzard, it's just... "off" :( Collecting pets is one of the reasons I've kept playing.
Not sure which direction this Blizz is heading, but it's not where I want to go. Sorry for the ramble. I think it's time to unsub, after 15+ years. Hopefully change will happen to inspire me to come back.
Good luck to those who continue on. Safe journies. I'll still visit this site, I love you guys! :)
Not currently on Twitch. Other than Hazel (I'll watch her as she's an avid collector), somebody please suggest another to watch. Preferably, a fellow pet collecter.
so we just open tio one of their wow streamers on twitch and watch 4 hours? God help me if theyre buddies with Asmawhatever his name. As for the other , i read it that u can give 2 gifts to one TBA streamer of 4.99 each. Bullpocky
Wow goes on and on about account security then tells us to sign up to a somewhat dubious site that has had security issues in the past and give money to specific wow streamers. How do i become one of these streamers who is in a space of a weeks make ten of thousands of dollars.