Razzashi Hatchling

Razzashi Hatchling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009
Drop: Razzashi Raptor
Zone: Zul'Gurub

Razzashi Hatchling
Item Level 30
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your hatchling.
Sell Price: 25
This is one of several raptor companions introduced in patch 3.2. Prior to The Shattering, this pet dropped from Razzashi Raptors in Zul'Gurub. However, the instance was removed, along with these creatures.
As of Patch 4.0.3, the Razzashi Raptor has become a zone drop from Northern Stranglethorn and The Cape of Stranglethorn.

Wait... I'm confused. does the Razzashi hatchling drop from ZG or mobs from STV? or both?
got mine yeasterday on the big island in the middle of th vile reef. killing the mobs.
I have played at least 4 toons in the cape. Yesterday not even 15 minutes killing for leather he dropped. What a happy early birthday gift.
Very specific, but it is possible to obtain this from the phased version of Booty Bay during the Doublerum quest from the bloodsail pirates invading the town, just make sure they're set to "At War" while killing goblins for rep. Easy way to get rep and grinding for the pet done at once. Also should be possible to obtain the Hyacinth Macaw as well from the pirates.
Just got mine tonight. Took about 3 or 4 days of consistent farming in one particular area, the cape of staranglethorn near gurubashi area (48.8, 38.3). Kill everything in sight. You'll end up with one.
A fun pet, who can increase damage taken and then deal a bit himself. But overall one of the weaker raptor pets and will be killed easily.
Razzashi Hatchling might not be the greatest in PvP or against PvE daily tamers, but it's absolutely fabulous when grinding XP for low level pets. It just slaughters critters (go to Valley of the Four Winds) when alternating Bite/Leap and Devour, without being too fragile despite being a P/P. It also helps surprisingly much that its move animations are also quick. So you almost never need to heal and you can use any pet to protect your leveling pet through swaps. Razz will handle the rest!
"Regular" raptors are one of those very underused, somewhat bland, pets. This does not mean that they are bad, possibly they are just eclipsed by some fancier pet. The Razzashi Hatchling is the most powerful of these regular Raptors with 325 power. This means both Bite and Flank will do a good amount of damage. Make good use of Screech if you want to get the most out of Flank(except against slow undead). While Exposed Wounds is not as powerful as Black Claw it is still good enough and lasts longer.
"Crikey! Would you have look at this li'l beauty! Isn't she gorgeous?"
Found this little beauty wandering about the 'Vale. Didn't realise how gorgeous she was until my manager said, "I hate you." *quick search* Woo hoo! 1:10,000 zone drop. :D
Having considered the odds and burned out a lot of my grinding patience from the insane grind when it was still very hard (shendralar etc), I decided the 4k buyout on AH was far more attractive. Still watching the prices of Macaw though. Still not quite that frivilous, maybe when I've sold a few more levelled pets to people that don't have the patience to level ;)
She disappears when you leave Strangelthorn. She cannot exist outside this area. What confuses me is the fact she's not called Razzashi. She has a different name and I can't identify her anywhere