Unloved pets appreciation thread

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Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Sprung » February 2nd, 2018, 11:11 am

Hello fellow Pet Battlers!

The new Family Brawler achievement has got me thinking about how there has been many pets in the queue which you may not have ordinarily used or possibly overlooked.

Personally for me, I have been building lots of teams around the PP Autumnal Sproutling.
It is ridiculously good and after running 100s of games I have yet to see a single other PP Sproutling in PvP.

There are so many situation where this pet comes out on top.

Club = 345 base damage 517 vs Dragonkin.
Natures Ward heald for 138 every round for 5 rounds.
Fist of the forrest hits for 690 base 1035 vs mechanical

Are there pets which you use which you do not see others using? Have you found a new favourite pet from the random selections?

List your unloved pets!

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Rosqo » February 2nd, 2018, 1:09 pm

Just watch any of my videos :lol: :lol:

Here’s my current favourite group: Benax, P/S Shimmering Aquafly, Masked Tanuki, Dibbler & Call Lightening, S/S Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling, S /S Quaji Guardling, Jade Owl, S/S Arcane Gorger, Terky & Infinate Hatchling, Widget The Departed and Mischief.

There’s probably others that people might consider unloved but they’re probably just stuff I take for granted.

P.s me and Closetozero love the Sproutling, NW is just too good to play all the time.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Tekulve2018 » February 17th, 2018, 8:13 pm

Vengeful porcupette is a pvp hero..I enjoy powerballing it to where it outspeeds a teroclaw and takes one down ..of course the funny part is that while it is powerballing to it's necessary speed, it is getting hit enough to put it into it's racial buff..at that point ,when it triplehits it does near 400 -600 dmg a go (191 × 2 or 3-spammable)

Often opponents get antsy when they are getting hit for so much dmg and try swapping out..that goes very poorly -most often a double whammy since the veng. porc has the speed initiative upward of a 1k dmg swap penalty

When you apply the shield and fliers try to hit you...big dmg vs fliers

It is almost always good to take out 1/2 of your opp. team (1.5 pets) pets in pvp unless they are running triple mech.
You can even (if necessary) leave it in vs mpdragonling since it will rip down decoys

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Harpooha » February 18th, 2018, 2:31 pm

I have an occasional project I work on called "No Pet Left Behind". The idea was to win at least one battle with each pet in my stable. Unfortunately, I kind of get lost in what has/hasn't been used. And a lot of times I'm just throwing teams together, so it's not highly successful.

The one pet I used to use was the Darkmoon Glowfly. I'd open with it, drop the two DOTs and move it to the back line. I'd use it to soak big hits. But it's kind of a weak pet in the current game.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Tekulve2018 » February 19th, 2018, 10:11 pm

Well Biscuit,
I played pet pvp for 3 years and 2700 wins. This was 3 years ago and veng. Porc was out, but unused ,widely. I faced it less than a dozen times even when Graves and the Valkyr were everpresent...back then, I saw some fjord worg pups, foxes and frostfurs as undead counters

Now back to the game since Jan., I'm up to 275 wins and I literally faced the veng. Porc. twice max. Others' quest for the tabard is a factor but its just not a pet people like to use, surely due to a fear of mechs...an unfounded fear...

Tonight I ran this comp: 2 x Veng.porc and an mpd (which decoyed to let porcs powerball up)
The team went 13w , 1loss -at the end it faced triple mech teams (3 matches) and still won (mpd,warbot,cogblade raptor twice) I do concede that neither cogblade nor warbot are top tier but one would think they could hold their own vs a 2x beast team.

Incidentally, the warbots i have seen lately are using launch rocket instead of minefield..go figure...
I was well aware of the thread request and I really see the VPorc. as an underused and therefore unloved ,underappreciated pvp pet

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Rosqo » February 20th, 2018, 6:07 pm

The P/P Dragonbone Hatchling, Fledgling Kingfeather and all the other P/P fliers with the similar move sets are all really under used imo. I have a couple of Clone Dance comps where these guys own, I run adrenaline rush on both.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Sile9 » February 20th, 2018, 11:39 pm

Ancient Nest Guardian. Feathered Frenzy with Entangling Roots makes up for its low power. In addition to a variety of damage types in its combo, its type change makes it less vulnerable to elementals and even better against beasts.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Discodoggy » February 22nd, 2018, 4:59 pm

Tekulve2018 wrote:
Now back to the game since Jan.
Very happy to see that you have returned!

And Warbots without mines... heresy!

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Tendresse » February 24th, 2018, 11:59 am

I've found that I appreciate my Diemetradon Hatchling (P/P), Dream Whelping (P/P), Dragonbone Hatchling (P/P), and finally the Father Winter's Helper (B/B)

They're all really nifty.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Jazeel » February 25th, 2018, 7:34 am

i am a massive fan of the droplet of y'shaarj, can wreck backlines if it lives long enough, i generally use it as a first swap.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Sprung » March 2nd, 2018, 5:56 am

Sorry for the glacial reply, I have been busy of late.

Thanks for all the great answers guys. I will be coming up with some new teams based on some of these suggestions.

Some other pets I’m loving at the moment include:-

Sunborne Val'kyr
Infernal Pyreclaw
Wild Golden Hatchling

In fact those three pets make a ridiculously OP team!
Rosqo wrote:Just watch any of my videos :lol: :lol:

Here’s my current favourite group: Benax, P/S Shimmering Aquafly, Masked Tanuki, Dibbler & Call Lightening, S/S Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling, S /S Quaji Guardling, Jade Owl, S/S Arcane Gorger, Terky & Infinate Hatchling, Widget The Departed and Mischief.

There’s probably others that people might consider unloved but they’re probably just stuff I take for granted.

P.s me and Closetozero love the Sproutling, NW is just too good to play all the time.
Thanks Rosqo, I did watch some of your Videos and thought they were pretty cool. Excuse me if I missed this ( I didn't watch all your videos) but I would be more interested in seeing you loose. Your t1 pet teams loosing would be far more interesting.
Jazeel wrote:i am a massive fan of the droplet of y'shaarj, can wreck backlines if it lives long enough, i generally use it as a first swap.
Thank you, I am a big fan of AOE Teams, I will be sure to add this to my queue
Tendresse wrote:I've found that I appreciate my Diemetradon Hatchling (P/P), Dream Whelping (P/P), Dragonbone Hatchling (P/P), and finally the Father Winter's Helper (B/B)

They're all really nifty.
5 Years of membership and this thread prompted your first reply! - This made me smile :)

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Rosqo » March 2nd, 2018, 11:12 am

I do have the odd loss in a video but it’s harder to have multiple losses with the t1 team as they are often around 90% win rates so it’s rarer to get them when there’s like 3 matches in a video.

This video has a loss and is someone copying my Blazehound team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siIo_hb78WM could be interesting for you.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Drlambda » March 8th, 2018, 10:23 am

It has become somewhat of a joke in the discord channels, but i really love the [pet]Pygmy Owl[/pet]. It's faster than a [pet]Teroclaw Hatchling[/pet], which is always welcome, it has a good heal that doubles as a damage buff in [ability]Preen[/ability], and after the Preen, it deals more damage than a dump truck in freefall. [ability]Quills[/ability] averages for 500 damage, and [ability]Predatory Strike[/ability] is over 600. The other Preen pets usually have [ability]Thrash[/ability] rather than Quills, which means they're worse against other pets.

PS: Man, Diemetradon Hatchling. Whenever i see it, i really want to make a team with it, but always forget. There's no better time to be reminded than during critter week.

PPS: Porcupette is as good as it's criminally underused. I think most pvp regulars put it into the top 10, but you almost never meet them in the queues. Same as Alpine Foxling in a way - when we made a metagame snapshot in November, Alpine Foxling was the most-played pet by loggers among all battles logged, and we met it in the queue 3(!) times total.
CloseToZero - Watch me lose on youtube with bad pets! :D

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Lordy » March 15th, 2018, 7:31 am

I would make the case for the [pet]River Calf[/pet] as a fairly useful pet that sees very little play.

This beast family pet has a really nice diverse set of moves and is able to choose between Humanoid, Aquatic and Beast attacks with an option for self synergy Stun + [ability]Takedown[/ability] or a shield effect. The H/S breed comes with a speed of 289 which allows it to get some decent use out of [pet]Clobber[/pet] and this can be particularly devastating vs dragonkin with their typical low speed and vulnerability to [ability]Takedown[/ability].

For just 50 Pet tokens I think this little guy is a bit of a must have in any collection. You can also get the same effective pet by picking up the H/S breed of the [pet]Albino River Calf[/pet] though that pet comes in several breeds and is quite costly in terms of Gold and Reputation required.

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Re: Unloved pets appreciation thread

Post by Alunaria » June 13th, 2018, 12:28 pm

I only just started using this site; I love this post. I always try to come up with other than boring standard - used by everyone - pets in PvP Pet Battles. Good inspiration here :)

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