Why isn't this a pet?
I got Rhea's Last Egg yesterday. (I just about cried at the end of that quest chain. Gorramit.) I put it in the bank next to Gus' First Aid Kit and the Barov Servant Caller. There are a few others like that, too. Just like back in the old days, they're taking up bag space, and for what? Make them vanity pets!
Re: Why isn't this a pet?
It would need a unique model first, but yeah, this particular item might have been nice as a pet. Quest reward pets are still a few and far in between. Gasp, doing something that's actually a goal with a reward? Imagine it!
- Gwen
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Re: Why isn't this a pet?
I would love to have a little Rheastraza as a pet.
(I think that's Rhea's full name, but my dragon lore is a little rusty.) But one of my favourite quest chains, only beaten by Welcome to the Machine in Hillsbrad Foothills.

Because soulshards are pink.
- Domie
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Re: Why isn't this a pet?
It would be really nice, but as said before, it would need an unique model :)
On a side note, the badlands after the cataclysm is one of my favorite questing zones! :)
On a side note, the badlands after the cataclysm is one of my favorite questing zones! :)
- Doobjanka
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Re: Why isn't this a pet?
While not at all pet related, the Horde version of Stonetalon Mountains was my favorite Cata change. It was the zone that finally made me respect Garrosh as my leader.

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