Average Pet Level?

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Average Pet Level?

Post by Spyro » January 22nd, 2013, 8:06 am

Is this averaging:

1 All pets, even duplicates?
2 Highest level of each pet?
3 Level of highest qualaity?

Lets say I have 3 of one pet: 23 Uncommom, 20 Rare and 15 Common. Which is being counted in the average?

EDIT: Ok I saw where it says duplicates are not counted but that still leaves the question of are you counting the highest level or the highest quality? I would assume for total rares you would be counting the lower level rare.

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Re: Average Pet Level?

Post by Breanni » January 22nd, 2013, 9:23 am

Duplicates aren't included. The highest level of the highest rarity is factored into your average, pet stats, and pet score.

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Re: Average Pet Level?

Post by Breanni » January 22nd, 2013, 10:29 am

I'd like to elaborate on this and share our policy regarding stats and scoring:
Lets say I have 3 of one pet: 23 Uncommom, 20 Rare and 15 Common. Which is being counted in the average?
The 20 rare.

Our scoring system (and by extension, the stats) is weighted to reward quality more than level. This was done because pet leveling can be gamed (i.e, capturing duplicate pets at the highest level of any quality). Collecting better quality pets cannot be exploited -- you'll need to actually farm for rares or choose to upgrade certain pets.

Our goal is to have each pet count only once. If we were to count the highest rarity AND the highest level (i.e., count two different versions of the same pet) then our scoring system would be open to exploitation. People shouldn't collect pets simply to max their pet score. Rather, their pet score should be a reflection of the best pets in their pet collection. As far as we're concerned, quality trumps level.

The bottom line is that if you're looking to maximize your score, level those pets of the best quality, or upgrade your highest level pets. You can't go wrong with either of those strategies.

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Re: Average Pet Level?

Post by Spyro » January 22nd, 2013, 2:36 pm

Thank you! I must say I like your system much better than WoW Progress which seems to value leveling above all else. Level 1 pets are shown but are worth zero points regardless of quality, and non-battle pets are not even tracked. Your system is more about collecting. :)

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Re: Average Pet Level?

Post by Breanni » January 22nd, 2013, 4:53 pm

Spyro wrote:Your system is more about collecting. :)
Pet collecting is what our site was built on. :-)

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