CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Marintha » December 18th, 2013, 3:53 pm

A really elegant snow fairy or angel. She could have shimmering snowflake-shaped wings, and flutter around behind you.

I little snowflake wand, that trails sparkles like some of the star wands in game.

She randomly flies up to characters and kisses them on the cheek or nose.
She could also fly in ascending circles around you, leaving a sparkly afterimage of a swirled christmas tree around you. (If you google a 'wire christmas tree', that's the basic idea)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Dolz » December 18th, 2013, 3:57 pm

Toy Soldier - mechanical

Appearance - The Queen’s Guard at Buckingham Palace

First ability - Silver Bells - The other pet gets caught in the bell for damage (and a major headache)

Second ability - Figgy Pudding - Causes the pet to feel sluggish and reduces damage dealt by 50% for three rounds

Third ability - Naughty and not Nice - Forces a pet swap and stuns the new pet for one found

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Flower » December 18th, 2013, 4:10 pm

Fruit Cake!

Appearance is a dark brown block of cake with multi-colored spots of candied fruit. It has stacked candied fruit for arms and legs.

Trash Can - Throws himself into the trash (i.e. onto the opponent), dealing XX damage.
Chipped Tooth - Breaks the opponents tooth with his hard body, dealing XX damage and placing a DoT on the opponent for 3 rounds (until they can get to the dentist!).
Nutty as a... - Stuns the opponent for 2 rounds. 5 round cool down.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Silvyr » December 18th, 2013, 4:24 pm

Name: Winter's Veil Present / Festively Wrapped Gift - Magic pet

Description: A winter's veil gift wrapped in different wrapping papers of the season (possibility of different/random skins). Based slightly off of the creepy crate's design.

Abilities: (Lvl 1) Lid Snap - Deals X damage. Similar animation to creepy chomp. 90% hit / No cool down / Magic attack
(Lvl 2) Helper in a Box - The gift pops open and a gnome (appropriately colored to match the gift) hops out and hits the opposing pet for X damage. 100% hit / 1 round cool down / Humanoid attack
(Lvl 4) Festive Cheer - Gift levitates and spins with small amount of snowfall. Buffs your party's hit chance against chilled targets for four rounds. 3 round cool down / Magic ability
(Lvl 10) Wrap it Up - Ribbons shoot from the box to wrap up the opposing pet (similar to the moth's personal cocoon), stunning it for one round. 85% hit / 2 round cool down / Magic attack
(Lvl 15) Surprise! - Presents fall on the opposing team dealing X damage for three rounds. Persists through pet swap. 80% hit / 4 round cool down / Magic attack
(Lvl 20) Under the Tree - A Winter's Veil Tree either drops down or pops up to hide the present for two-three rounds, protecting it from damaging attacks. 4-5 round cool down / Magic ability

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Gawron989 » December 18th, 2013, 4:32 pm

Mitzen the Reindeer

After many years of freeing him and rescuing him....he's now yours!

On Dasher - Mitzen takes flight causing him to dodge the next attack made against him. The next round, Mitzen will deal X damage to active enemy pet.

Guide my Sleigh Mitzen causes a snowstorm that persists for 5 rounds. All non-Mitzen pets have their chance to hit reduced by 50%

Reindeer Games Causes Mitzen to frolic with two other reindeer, causing X stampede damage to the target pet for 3 rounds.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Darnigans » December 18th, 2013, 4:59 pm

Corrupt Eggnog

Appearance - A beige oozling with candy canes, christmas treats/cookies, and ornaments in it.

Abilities - 1. Sour projectile - an acidic spray which leaves a vomit like substance on the opponent
2. Rum thumper - Oozling runs into opponent causing alot of damange. More so if Oozling goes first.
3. Season's Endings - Similar to an ion cannon, a downpour of eggnog drenches and destroys the other pet for a severe amount of damage.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Jerigord » December 18th, 2013, 5:00 pm

Tinny Tim
A mechanical humanoid with a crutch under one arm to help him stand.

Bless Us, Every One - Gives a buff to his team's crit
Rattling Cough - Spews a noxious cloud on the enemy team, causing minor damage over time
Holiday Cheer - Transforms the battlefield into a wintry wonderland

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Etheron » December 18th, 2013, 5:18 pm

Undead type

This is the grey undead spirit of a person who hates the holiday season, but is forced to appear during that time each and every year. They are grumpy beyond belief and enjoy raining their displeasure on everyone else.


Namesake Shout: Shouts "Bah, Humbug!" causing a 25% speed reduction and removing any buffs the opposing pet has

Deadly Scowl: Places a DoT on its target

Heart of Ice: (like stoneskin) Damage reduction

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Ordoanimus » December 18th, 2013, 5:21 pm

Little Ralphie

A small child with thick black-rimmed glasses and a pink bunny suit. A BB gun strapped to his back.

1. Shoot their eye out - Put on the white 10 gallon cowboy hat, whip out the Red Rider BB Gun and take a pot shot!

2. OH FUDGE! - Drop a load of bolts and screws over your opponents active pet for 3 turns. Persists through pets swaps.

3. Where's Flick? - Your opponents active pet licks a frozen metal pole and gets stuck, stunning them for a turn. At the beginning of the next turn, that pet takes damage. (you know.. because he ripped his tongue off the pole..)

(just for giggles and because this is fun!)

4. Broken Leg Lamp - A sexy lighted leg lamp appears over your opponents head. After 1 round, the leg mysteriously "tips" over, breaking on top of the active pets head.

5. Ho Ho... HO! - Winterveil helpers come and kick the active pet in the face causing massive damage. The active pet then swaps out for the back line pet with the highest life total.

6. Poetry - Sheer Poetry! - Daydream for a round. After one round, heals your pet for 50% of its original life points.

*Poots - looks like someone got the idea first - OH WELL :)
Last edited by Ordoanimus on December 18th, 2013, 5:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Yzzami » December 18th, 2013, 5:22 pm

Cheery Skeleton (Hopefully no one's referenced this yet)
A skeleton battlepet wearing a tuxedo

Abilities scaled down to level 1:
-Burning Bone: 28 undead damage, and deals 4 elemental damage every turn for 4 turns
-Experimental potion: 60% chance to heal 50 health, and an additional 10 health a turn for 3 turns. If it fails, user takes 25% more damage for 3 turns. 5 turn Cooldown
-Making Christmas: 1st turn, create a rag doll. Second turn, throw it at the opponent dealing 72 undead damage

2nd tier (Aye, this is fun)

-Frighten: Deal 24 undead damage
-Bone armor: Reduce 7 damage from each attack
-Oogy Boogy: Bugs swarm and attack the enemy, dealing 7 critter damage every round for 5 rounds
Last edited by Yzzami on December 18th, 2013, 5:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Odds » December 18th, 2013, 5:25 pm

The Major Award looks like a leg shaped lamp. The leg is dressed in a fishnet stocking and high heeled shoe. The lamp shade is fringed.

Ability 1: Kick: basic attack
Ability 2: Front Room Window: blast of light that hits all enemy pets for small damage
Ability 3: Out of Glue: self destruct doing massive damage to front enemy pet

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Cyber_omega » December 18th, 2013, 5:46 pm

Pet name: Krimpus (A minature version of Krampus, the creature that punishes naughty children at this time of year from Alpine folklore)

He should stand upright, have 2 goat-style legs, be covered in dark grey fur, have 2 goat-like horns, wear a black version of Santa's robe and be carrying a sack.

A lot could be said for him being any of 3 types: beast, humanoid or magic. I have decided to choose magic.

Ability 1: Throw Coal (Humanoid, throws a lump of coal at the enemy doing X dmg)
Ability 2: Sack! (Humanoid, throws sack over enemy stunning for 1 round, does no dmg)
Ability 3: Snowstorm (Elemental, creates a snowstorm that lowers opposing team's accuracy by 25% and also changes the Weather to Blizzard, does no dmg)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Sarducci » December 18th, 2013, 5:47 pm

Misfit Toy [mechanical]

A broken and mismatched toy no one could ever love. Looks like a forsaken-in-a-box attached to tonk treads with square wheels.


[Toy Rush] Strikes for [weak] humanoid damage. This attack always goes first.

[Wind up] First use pulls the head into the box. Second use unleashes a spring loaded creepy head attack for [strong] mechanical damage.

[Do Not Want!] The toy becomes so unappealing the opponents active pet swaps out forcing the opponents lowest health pet into battle.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Surrey » December 18th, 2013, 5:53 pm


Lacy white snowflake that has little "sparklies" that twinkle - hovers above ground

Ability 1: Drift (Launches a snowdrift at all opponent pets, doing a small amount of frost damage)
Ability 2: Crystal Spikes (Shoots slivers of ice at the active pet for three rounds)
Ability 3: Blanket (Weather effect that dusts the opponent's active pet with snow, causing a 50% speed reduction)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Emerald01 » December 18th, 2013, 5:57 pm

Winterveil Snowflake - elemental

I would probably name it Flakey, but that's me. :)

1. Freeze - hits the target for x elemental damage
1a. Snowman - creates a snowman which attacks the target for x elemental damage

2. Slick - Gathers other snowflakes and turns the ground under the target into ice, causing their hit chance to be reduce by 25% 1 round cooldown
2a. Rain - water comes down from the sky, freezing and adding health back to the user.

3. Blizzard - Blinds the target for one round, doing x elemental damage, turns the weather to Snowstorm, reducing visibility/hit chance for all non cold/water pets. 3 round cooldown
3a. Icicles - creates a rain of icicles that does x elemental damage that lasts 4 rounds (similar to nut barrage, etc.) 1 round cooldown.

This particular elemental would be slightly weaker against aquatic pets in addition to the standard strengths/weaknesses.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Saasan » December 18th, 2013, 5:58 pm

White Elekk P/P Beast. A white baby elekk (identical to the Peanut model) with a large ribbon bow around its neck and a jingle bell in place of a collar tag. It makes jingle sounds when it walks. The color of the bow changes each time its summoned. Can be green, white, gold, or red. "A traditional gift in Draenor, the white elekk is often passed around several times before finding a home--much like the Azerothian fruitcake."

Ribbon whip Magic -- Ribbons flail out, striking the opponent 2-3 times for X damage.
Bad gifts Magic -- White Elekk gives out a barrage of terrible gifts, striking the opponent for three rounds. Opponents struck by bad gifts will take double damage for two rounds.
Exchange Magic -- Exchanges gifts with opponents, creating goodwill. Opponent will miss next attack.

Ideally, this pet would be given as quest reward in Draenor after doing a bunch of small, annoying quests where you have to deliver presents, sometimes immediately re-gifting them. :lol:

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Miraenda » December 18th, 2013, 6:08 pm

Mistletoe - Magic (there are very few magic pets and no plant-based magic pets, so that's why I picked a magic plant)

Appearance - It would have the icon that mistletoe item does, but should look like a mistletoe plant basically.

First ability - Handful of Snowflakes (Elemental) - Sprays snow onto the enemy pets (frontline and backline), causing damage and reduced visibility for 4 rounds (25% reduction in hit chance).

Second ability - Love Potion (same as Peddlefeet, Humanoid) - Restores 25% of the caster's health. This ability always goes first, 3 round cool down

Third ability - Holiday Spirit (Magic) - Changes the weather to a warm, cozy fireplace with a Christmas tree for 3 rounds. Frontline pets exchange a gift with a kiss. No damage from any abilities can occur the first round of Holiday Spirit. Decreased damage to Magic-based pets when weather is Holiday Spirit. 5 round cooldown.

I thought it would be nice to have one ability that isn't damage-based and involves the pets getting along with Holiday Spirit.
Last edited by Miraenda on December 18th, 2013, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Tekulve2012 » December 18th, 2013, 6:16 pm

Buddy Holly is the pet name

Elemental type

This pet is a trio of connected holly leaves with ornamental berries ,with 2 short branches for arms, big glasses and a guitar like his namesake

Attack set:
1) Missile Leafblower
This attack would be like the much missile except the holly leaves come up like a ninja star and blows sharp leaves that do damage

2) Rock tune of doom
A poisoned Mistletoe DOT like curse of doom while rock music puts sleep

3) Berry Jam session
A raining berries attack 3 round duration
Last edited by Tekulve2012 on December 18th, 2013, 6:57 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Kobossy » December 18th, 2013, 6:18 pm

MISSLETOE (mechanical)

A toy tank looking pet in festive colors with a mistletoe hanging at the end of it's cannon.

-Kiss Me: Tank pulls target in front of his cannon and shoots target in face for x damage.

-My Turn!: Tank pulls target into toy tank and dazes target. Target chooses next attack from MISSLETOE's options against himself for next round.

-Defective: Tank rolls next to target and explodes doing a big amount of damage to both target and MISSLETOE. (since MISSLETOE is mechanical, if he dies he may still come back to life if he hasn't done so already)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Jade » December 18th, 2013, 6:20 pm

Mack Bee (elemental)
An animated candlestick with 8 candle-arms. Occasionally pulls out a dreidel and spins it while humming the dreidel song.

- Oil attack: Used frying oil is thrown at the enemy, causing damage.
- Shamash: Rise higher than your opponent to avoid one round's attacks. This move always goes first. (3-round cooldown)
- Spinning dreidel of death: Send out a spinning top that deals a small amount of damage to all enemies for eight rounds. If at least 2 enemy pets remain at the end of the 8th round, the one with the lowest health will die instantly. (8-round cooldown)
