trouble getting oox mechanical chicken

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trouble getting oox mechanical chicken

Post by Toenail » November 4th, 2019, 5:28 pm

apparently i did the 3 escort chicken quests in my main back in vanilla. i vaguely remember getting a 3(or more?) use chicken that you could summon to fight with you.

so i checked on an alt that was showing 2 of 3 done from back then as well. i went to Feralas to do the 3rd one an hour ago. the beacon dropped, i did the escort and got the quest to turn into obnoticus in booty bay. went there and he took the turn in but gave me nothing after that.


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Re: trouble getting oox mechanical chicken

Post by Nagini » November 5th, 2019, 8:16 am

If you mean: ... oox-35-mg/, the pet has nothing to do with the 3 escort quests. The OOX 35 MG drops from hen interacting with Dismantled OOX-35/MG on mechagon Island. These objects on the ground only spawn when the daily quest My Chickens are Not for Eating! is available from Oglethorpe at the main Mechagon Island quest hub.

If you mean mechanical chicken, if you've done all three "An OOX of Your Own" should be available in Booty Bay, which provides this pet as a reward. Make sure you have low level quests turned on, and you might want to try relogging after completing the last quest if it isn't immediately available.
From the warcraftpets place to doublecheck if you've completed all 3:
/run local z={"Tanaris","Hinterlands","Feralas"}for k,v in pairs({{351,648},{485,836},{25475,25476}})do print(z[k])for i,q in pairs(v)do print(" #"..i,"\124Hquest:"..q.."\124h["..q.."]\124h",IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q)and COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE)end end

Joined:May 26th, 2019
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Re: trouble getting oox mechanical chicken

Post by Toenail » November 5th, 2019, 9:02 pm

it's the old pet, even though the script still shows one of the escorts as not done, when i do that incomplete one, obnoticus doesnt not give me the quest for an oox of your own.

i found another script that shows a completion on "an oox of your own" even though one of the 3 egg drops and escort quests is showing as not done on 3 different alts.

I finally went to an alt that i haven't played since BC, ran the script and it showed an egg drop in hinterlands, but no escort, and no completion at all in feralas and tanaris. i was able to go do all 3 and get the pet on that alt.

hopefully this will help others since i see posts in different places about problems getting this pet.


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