Tiny Apparition

Ground (hovers)
Looks around.
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

Absorb,siphon life,CoD was what I was looking for. After reading comments here I went to Tideskorn Harbour in the afternoon to spend some time to get this tiny one. Place wasn't busy. Found several tiny apparitions roaming in the air. After three (green/grey) captures I catched a grey H/H. Had an undead flawless battlestone waiting to be used.
Confirming Tideskorn Harbour. Killed all the whelks etc then Tiny Apparitions spawned in three places.
I defeated all the crabs in the area until this pet finally spawned overhead, it was a Gray but at least it's something.
From comments on Wowhead I found that the other battle pets in the area (Rapana Whelk and Kelp Scuttler) can't be killed... thus leading to another conclusion - that battling them increases your chances of a Tiny Apparition becoming a battle pet. I had one spawn after battling a couple other pets.
I have come to the Helmouth Shallows every night for 3 nights now, used a realm hopping addon, spammed a /tar macro. I have seen nothing but the critter types not a single battle pet variety that I could fight and capture. This pet is starting to feel like a myth...
Another odd thing, is no matter where I travel in the area, my minimap always says im in Helmoujth Shallows, it never changes to say Tideskorn Harbor.
Found mine in Stormheim at 54,35. It was visible on the minimap but not on the ground, so I had to use a /tar Tiny Apparition to target it and a keybind to interact with it
I Found mine in the Harbor at 11:30PM server time, I do not think they are a time spawn but I do believe they share the spawn point with the critter version. I base this on the critter version is up at other times of the day I have tried to get it.
Upate I did not see any other battle pet vesion of them up just the critter version.
I also found mine in the Harbor, a natural Rare but only a B/B. It was only 1 of 3 Apparitions that I saw at all on my second slosh around the marsh. Has anybody observed if these are time-of-day sensitive at all?
I have also found it flying abouve ground in helmouth shallows, common b/b. 11:03 pm server time.
Curse>Siphon>Absorb with the HH breed seems to make a great stall pet
Found a H/H @ Tideskor Harbor flying around off ground. Sadly it was only a Poor rarity. 1806/276/227 @ 25 Rare