
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Shifts from light to dark version. Occasionally casts metamorphosis, growing demon wings.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Special promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
1 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: September 1, 2015
This pet was a free gift for US and EU BlizzCon 2015 attendees and purchasers of the Virtual Ticket. The gift card received by attendees may be scratched to reveal a code allowing all current and newly created characters on the account access to this pet. Virtual Ticket holders are mailed the pet directly in-game.
Level 0:

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I hope you can get this battle pet from the trading post someday
The very embarressing moment when you paid for Blizzcon, using your old account and cannot access you Murkidan :'( He has an amazing look and his kit isn't too bad.
If you attended Blizzcon, you recieved an email for your Blizzcon digiatal bonuses. Not a scratch off card in your loot bag as the info on this pet says. Don't panic and search through your luggage. Go to the email your ticket was tied to, look for an email from "Digiatal Bonuses Code" around 8/17.
I also have a B/B version. Wish I got the H/S version. What are the stats for H/S? B/B is 1481/276/276.
Epic pet. I had a lot of fun doing PVP Pet Battles.
Love his special animation, one of the best blizzcon murlocs for sure
Mine is also B/B
I really love my little Murkidan! He looks sooo cute while in "Murcamorphosis" with his tiny wings. :D
I have H/S so far iv used him vs NPC fights, super sick modle!
Not bragging or anything, but mine is H/S as well. Cute little guy though.
I see ppl in the comments post that their Murkidan is B/B. Not sure how, or if a mistake, but mine is H/S.
So effing disappointed by his breed. He has some really decent abilities but I think Murkmorphasis is the only thing keeping him in the fight competively.
I really wish this guy wasn't B/B... but that aside he's pretty cool in a fight. Murkmorphosis gives a nice boost in damage, and a lucky crit can change the tide of a fight. When Murkidan starts taking too much damage he can cast either of his two Immolation abilities and swap out for some back row self-heals. If you have someone else who can heal him while he's back there he can quickly get back to full health and back out into battle.
Ugh. B/B? I mean, I like pets just for their looks and the novelty too, but being competitive shouldn't just be so casually forsaken.
I am so in love with him.
i love him! He looks amazing!
Very nice looking pet, but as far as battling, doesn't look too good. Just a slow B/B version of Fiendish Imp with an Undead move. Too bad, too because he is so awesome looking.
I got mine! I love him so much!
I have my Murkidan! He's awesome, I love the big purple wings!
This pet is going to be massively OP in PvP pet battles. Paired with already infamous Graves, that would be a real nightmare to face.
Need to start thinking of a possible counter(s) already.
I am pretty sure this is only rated as B/B. No proof has been shown for H/S.
Terrible set up for moves. Nether gate being anti-mech and second slot being pro mech is blah.
Its look like onyxia and murlock maked love and this is what they got... A lille from Ilidan to...
Oh man, doesn't he just look like the coolest murloc yet?!
I wonder if "murkmorphosis" will actually turn him into a murloc demon...