Nether Ray Fry

Nether Ray Fry
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Reputation grinding required.
Burning Crusade expansion required.
Burning Crusade expansion required.
3 allowed
The Burning Crusade
Patch 2.4.2 | Posted: June 19, 2008

Nether Ray Fry
Item Level 70
Binds when picked up
Requires Sha'tari Skyguard - Exalted
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your nether ray fry.
Sell Price: 10
This pet may be purchased for 32 gold (factoring in the reputation discount) upon achieving exalted with the Sha'tari Skyguard faction in Terokkar Forest. View WowWiki's Sha'tari Skyguard Faction Guide to learn the quickest methods to obtain exalted with the Sha'tari Skyguard.

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I got this pet in P/P mode and have to say its one of the best pets in my collection. It came early into my pet battle life thankfully and its been rocking since.
this is the pet I want to use to clean up fast pet battles. Is one of the pets that has a huge arsenal, its not a defensive pet though therefore I guess P/P breed is playing a crucial role. You can clear the whole line up of an open world pet battle (most of the times) with this pet pretty fast.
I agree with what Vek says:
Low health with no defensive moves.
The thing I do like about him is his diversity.
He can hit hard against critter - bite.
He can hit hard against flyer - arcane blast.
He can hit hard against magic - tailsweep.
He can hit hard against aquatic - slicing winds.
He can hit hard against humanoid - shadowshock.
He can hit hard against mechanical - lash.
I say you don't want the speed because of tailsweep.
You actually want to go last. Go P/P on this one.
An absolute "demon" I swear these are evil. 0.0
I like using this pet against the trainer Everessa in Swamp of Sorrows.
It has strong moves against the moth and the frog, and it takes reduced damage from the snake.
It can usually solo all three, making you waste less time on swapping pets.
More breed options than Fledgling Nether Ray, same diverse moveset. Also same weaknessess. Low health with no defensive moves, this will make you hard pressed to last even through one opposing pet. Also Tail Sweep is not very useful when combined with high flying speed. Interesting but ultimately not very good pet. Though one good use is take Lash and hunt Mechanicals, with a bit of luck you will eat one up with minimal damage in return.
In case anyone was wondering about this:
I just got 7 from the vender and here are the stats:
1 P/P
2 S/S
2 P/S
2 B/B
Before I knew about breeds I leveled a P/S up to 16 but I'm going to start over with the P/P breed because it does the most damage by far. When I auction the others I will sell the P/P breed for slightly more.
Can be caged, so no need to grind the reputation yourself. Just bother some old TBC player to go and buy one for you.
This pet has several different stat combinations available, I'm trying to decide which one to keep. A S/S or a P/P. Does anyone have any thoughts? Buying from the vendor, I managed to get one of each (as well as a B/B but I plan to resell that one.)
So which do you think is better? This or ?
Simple is sometimes good and this guy is just a simple butt whipper. Has +damage abilities vs 6 of the 10 families and none have a cooldown. Just click and smack, wash rinse repeat.
Expanding on what Cirdan said, aside from being a very versatile damage dealer with generally average/strong attacks (not debuff/light damage that is) he has high attack power and great speed while above 50% due to being a flyer. Also, Flyer is a great type to have on your team resistance-wise. Just a perfect all-around choice as a pivot member of anything but a very specialized team. Paired with a mechanical and you can cover almost 90% to level up a 3rd.
Have you noticed this little fella can do Beast Damage, Dragonkin Damage, Undead Damage, Magic Damage, Flying Damage AND Elemental Damage? He is the ultimate versatile damage dealer for pet battles.
here is a nice guide:
Perfect companion pet to the Mount, especially when your dressed in purple.
Collecting shadow dust gets you 150pt rep and you only need 6 each time. You also get 100pt rep for killing each adversarial blood boss (and all but karrog are fairly easy to take alone). Vakkiz the Windrager is probably the easiest (coming from a blood spec DK lvl 77). While collecting the scrolls to summon him you'll end up getting plenty of dust too. Compared to other BC rep this has actually been the easiest.