Ji-Kun Hatchling

Ji-Kun Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
This pet has a chance to drop in the LFR, Normal and Heroic versions of the Throne of Thunder raid.
As of Patch 5.4, players can now win this pet by using a bonus roll (Mogu Rune of Fate) after defeating Ji-Kun.
As of Patch 5.4, players can now win this pet by using a bonus roll (Mogu Rune of Fate) after defeating Ji-Kun.
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

If you start with a Unborn Val'kry(2 abilities so you pet swap and leave a bomb) and have this pet come in second it has a excellent back up set of moves. Not only can you increase the damage on the main pet by 25% for 3 rounds... but you can also increase your crit chance by 50% or do Flock to decimate the enemy pet. If it is Undead I would recomment the Gu'chi swarmling for the same set of abilities. @Vek Primal Rage is currently the most worthless ability in game math wise. Crit is not.
Very well themed comparing it to the boss that drops it. It is also a bit speedy without sacrificing too much power, sadly still hits like wet noodles. You will need to either use Acidic Goo or Flock to make any real damage with Peck/Slicing Wind. Caw(50% crit chance for 2 rounds/4 round cooldown), right now, is the crappiest ability in the game, should be buffed to at least Adrenal Glands status. It's speed will make it slightly useful against slower birds. Still feels weak though.
Yes! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks she looks like Kazooie! :D
I check the AH everyday at least once for pets, and I bought this pet today for 600g....someone didn't know what they had here.
Why do so many of these new pets say their Base Quality is Poor? I'm using the site, trying to figure out which pets start out as rare and which start out as uncommon (so I can collect stones) and I'm very confused.
To the question about what to combine this pet with...well, I'm still working on that at the moment, lol. I would, however, eventually like to try it out with my Mr. Wiggles that I'll be leveling to 25. Uncanny Luck + Caw = I don't care what pet is across from me, it's going down! My ability bar looks like - Peck | Wild Winds | Caw. I dunno what it is, but using Slicing Winds just isn't doing it for me. He rarely hits more than one time with it. :(
any tips with other pets to combine on a team? its really adorable
Just dropped today in LFR for me! I'm so happy! I didn't realize the drop rate was so low. Note it didn't come out of a fail bag for me but was given -with- a fail bag, in case you're curious.
Sadly I wish I had gotten this little guy out of looking for raid, but I traded with one of the top people who own the auction house on my realm. Took me two hours too get him too level 25 just love him and hes very usefull on my team. I do recomend him too others. =3
Just got mine from LFR :)
i got mine the first run the new LFR opened from the boss , almost died hahaha i call him JI JI :D
It supposedly has a 1% drop rate and has a chance to drop off any raid difficulty off of Ji-Kun. Its **adorable!!** Mine dropped today during LFR, and doesn't seem to be attached to normal loot.
Anyone else want this pet just to name it 'Kazooie'? I guess that means I should name my Hyjal Cub 'Banjo' if I ever luck into this cutie!