Cinder Kitten

Cinder Kitten
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Leaves behind a small fire trail as it walks. Occasionally sits and grooms its face, rarely chases its tail.
Vocalization (on-click)
Emoting /sit while targeting it will cause it to walk over, jump onto your lap and lie down. This pet will sit on top of a summoned Pilfered Sweeper toy.
Requires purchase from Blizzard Store.
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
This pet is available for digital download exclusively from the Blizzard Store. It may be purchased using any major credit card. Players who purchase this pet will receive a code which may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one account will have access to this pet. Codes may also be purchased as gifts for other players.
In 2012, proceeds from Cinder Kitten adoptions went to charity. It generated over $2.3 million for the American Red Cross Superstorm Sandy relief efforts.
Level 0:

Nerfed again... How many times will Blizz nerf our beloved pets ???? Still one of my favourite tho
Cinder Kitten is one of my favorite battle pets - she was also my first and really got me into the whole ordeal!
Related (but not sure if allowed), I made a Cinder Kitten plushie and thought you'd all enjoy!
Got the dog, may go for cat. Is it house-trained?
i love the Cinder Kitten! so cute! here's a tip: when in battle, usually if you do stealth then claw, it will either kill or give low heath to the enemy. if you miss, do claw again. another tip is that the second power is figuritivly useless. my cinder kitten is lvl 15 and i barely use it! remember to get used to the whispers about your cute Cinder KItten! don't forget the tips i gave you!
This is going to sound weird but has anyone else noticed their Cinder kitty behaving oddly around druids in cat form? In a raid last night, my cat sat down next to cat-druid and refused to budge until I had moved a long way off. I may have imagined it but I thought I saw a little heart appear in the air at one point.
It could have all been my imagination but I'd really like someone else to check.
I love the Cinder Kitten. Its cute , its tough and it may not be the best fighter but it does really well. My favourite battle Pet. Love it.
I love my lil Cinder Kitty, I named him Tobasco after the hot sauce lol. I was gonna call him piri piri but changed my mind. My boyfriends suggestion of calling him "hot p***y" was quickly dismissed ahaha. As as battle pet he is a bit rubbish (Imo) until about level 11-12 at 10 he gets his Rend attack which makes it a whole lot easier. I suggest having higher level pets to finish his fights when things get to much for him. Other than that, wonderful pet super cute and lovely to boot =)
Gorgeous!! Blizzard out did themselves with this design. Might I add a tuff little cat also.
I love my little Cinder Kitten! Even though mine's a boy-I named it Katniss. He's the Cat on Fire after all. I didn't even know there were sexes in the game. Oh well. Katniss is always in my battles as my main attacker. Very useful!
I didn't hesitate to purchase this when I read "Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% of the $10 USD purchase price to the American Red Cross's Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts." And the fact that it's really well designed and so-cute-I-want-to-hug-it-tight-even-though-I-might-become-a-pile-of-ash was a huge bonus. I often have this pet out at my side and sometimes use a Magical Pet Biscuit to amplify its cuteness. It even compliments my hunter's Dragonstalker Set.
Birthday gift from my cousin! One of my favs! So cute!
waited for this little guy before I touched pet battling (always took the fire starter back in the day) and they were my first 25. Nice little dotter with a couple decent hard hitting moves just wish they had given the little fellow for health breaks my heart everytime i hear it's death sound.
Known glitch from December 2012 to now where the pet greys out and is unusable. The GM I contacted said remaking it, resubitting it, re buying it have all shown to have failed in fixing this bug. It is still being worked on. If it has happened to you, ask to be added to the data they're collecting to find a fix quicker.
Really cute, and buying it went towards a good cause, but as a standalone fighter it's not too great. No heals, and pretty average attacks, he's best used in combination with pets that have abilites dealing more damage to burning targets.
Can you use this pet as a Cooking Fire like lil'ragnaros?
Answered my own question: No It doesn't work also as a cooking fire :(.
I'm afraid to even try and level this guy. I'm afraid if he died, the noise would break my heart.
The stat calculator on the cinder kitten only shows one breed, but there must be more. At level 18 mine is 1036 health. that doesn't show up on the calculator at all!
OR, Could they have upgraded this pet?
Love this pet. Now part of my team. The Scorched Earth and Immolate make for a nice dot combo to knock most pets down.
It may not be the strongest or the fastest but it's cute and purrs a lot so it’s a win in my books.
This may not be the toughest battle pet out there, it's still one of my favorites. The amount of work put into creating this pet is obvious and the fact that it's a reward for donating to Hurricane Sandy relief doesn't hurt either. This pet can still hold it's own against most other pets and will remain in my lineup for a while yet.
The battle info for this pet says 149 health at level one. I think it was recently upgraded; mine is showing 152.