Winter Rageling

Ominous Pile of Snow
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about. Occasionally summons a frost tornado around itself.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: October 25, 2016
This pet drops from the cache that spawns after defeating Hodir in Ulduar.
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King, which rewards a quest to battle Algalon. Defeating him rewards Stardust!
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King, which rewards a quest to battle Algalon. Defeating him rewards Stardust!
Level 0:

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

The moveset is rather blah. The elemental passive keeps this pet from being a complete flop. You're pretty much stuck using Ice Lance & Ice Barrier, the only choice being whether to use Slippery Ice or Frost Nova. This lil ice devil really shines when it comes up against weather teams. Darkness? Sandstorm? Call Lightning? Fuhgettaboutit! With slippery ice active, darkness gives the enemy only a 30% chance to hit, sandstorm knocks em down to 70%, and lightning only will work in your favor.
This is an excellent PVP pet. A great counter to Bone Serpant/Nocturnal Strike teams.
Elemental Passive + 'Slippery Ice' = 30% hit chance for abilities like Nocturnal Strike.
This pet is my new Elemental tank battle pet replacing Ruby Droplet, H/H Skunky Alemental, and Soul of the Forge for me. Excellent pet and it looks awesome too!