Anima Wyrmling

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about. Occasionally jumps up and shakes its head in a roaring fashion.
Requires purchase from Blizzard Store.
1 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.5 | Posted: November 3, 2019
This pet is a free gift for purchasing the expansion Shadowlands Epic Edition. The pet is added directly to the Pet Journal.
Level 0:

1-4 of 4
1-4 of 4

I debated about buying the Epic edition last night. I wanted the pet, and the mount, but wasn't sure about the increase until I also noticed the 30 day play time. That did decide me. Mounts are less than the difference from base to mid. Then from mid to epic you have the game time and the pet as well as cosmetic. But it all depends what you want, will enjoy and cadn afford. Just my thoughts
Yeah, ok, lengthy discussion regarding the cost of this pet as if that's the determining factor is it worthless in a pet battle? It only seems to have setups available or DOTs which makes it fleeting battler.
Unfortunately I've spent another month trying to decide if it's worth it and still haven't made up my mind. <sigh>
For 39.99 EUR you can buy Base Shadowlands editon. (Only expansion)
54.99 EUR cost Heroic edition ( Expansion, flying mount, lvl 120 charecter boost and quest for transmog set )
For 74.99 EUR Epic Edition ( All from Heroic Edition + 30 days of game time, the Anima Wyrmling pet, an otherworldly Eternal Traveler’s effect for your Hearthstone, and Illusion: Wraithchill, a cosmetic effect for your weapon.)
I think this pet price is fair, not more than other pets in Blizz shop.
Actually, if you go by the US currency, which is where Blizzard Entertainment is based, the difference between each edition of the game is $20. My guess is Blizzard doesn't(or can't) adjust it for currencies across the world. I like WoW currencies better, as far as gold, silver, copper goes, because it's accepted across all nations, or factions if you will.