Summit Kid

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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Someone already mentioned this, but there is a heavy amount of spawn points for this pet near the Kafi legendary pet.
They aren't too hard to fight. I used an Anubisath Idol for my main pet (1,1,1). If the Summit Kid has Stampede you can bring any low lvl pet for a lvling since Sandstorm blocks the damage.
Took a really long time to find a rare unfortunately.
Yeah I got a goat.
There is a spot (way points 35.5 56.75) in Kun-Lai Summit that has a large number of these pets. It's right around the legendary pet. This is the highest concentration of Summit Kid's I found. It took FOREVER to find a rare. I've only seen the one I got. I leveled five pets from 22 to 25 while farming this. On the plus side, it's a perfect spot to level any 22+ level pets.
It has the same abilities as the Prairie Mouse but the fact that it enrages is a nice bit of undead dmg bonus.
I got a rare a week ago. Had to kill a lot of them. He is cute though. Not sure what to call him....
I'm convinced that there is no rare for this stupid pet. I've killed a couple hunderd of them
I finally got a rare 2nd trip up Kota Peak at 35.69, 56.77 at 7:15pm Zangarmarsh time and 915pm EDT. He's a Speed/Balance kinda guy. I fought about seven of them tonight and about 5 the first time. They all tried to get my goat, but I got mine :D
I must have gotten incredibly lucky. I saw these guys, dropped down, got a rare on the first battle with no issues of battle obstruction or anything. Saved me a lot of time, it sounds like.
They are now very easy to find, with a number of them (around 5) spawning with Kafi the Beast of Fable goat @ 35,56 (For anyone without coords thats just north of the Winter's Blossom flight path point on the map, look for the yellow Kafi pawprint on your mini map.)
That being said 50 summit kids later, still no rare D:
Starting to think a rare of this one is indeed very rare. Found all over the mountains, & have battled about 10+. Still have only an uncommon. Very cute pet with nice abilities.
EDIT: after about 2 months of going back & chkng, finlly got a rare by whr u do the quest to open the gate by chunking barrels dwn, & vultures r on the ground. Don't rem exact spot, sry.
This guy might be a pain to find, but he's well worth the effort. I got wiped in my first pet duel with a friend, and then switched this guy into my lineup. He nearly took out my friend's entire team, which had a Frosty and Celestial Dragon
Don't underestimate the kid.
Found an uncommon that spawned south of the Temple of the White Tiger. Land was flat enough to start the fight easily. Came with an Apline Foxling and Alpine Foxling kit as second and third.
was able to get an uncommon, they are a pain due to the mountain sides and uneven ground, good luck.
i had a hard time finding a rare, also because it says area obstructed all the time
Picked up a rare on the side of a mountain near Onekeg, have sees others scattered about the sides of them.
Found mine way up in the snowy mountains in the zone around the "Valley Of Emperors" at loc 52, 45 and at another loc 48, 49 by Neverest basecamp.
Typicial mob with 2 other lvl 24 adds.