Dusky Timbertooth

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

Does anyone know how long it takes for them to rebuild? I've come to this location a few times, and also waited there for a while, no clickable sticks ever showed up
Make sure there is a full pile of sticks there before you try to clear them. I went in when there were just two and clicked them and nothing happened with the battle pet. He just stayed in there and the beavers started building again.
I went to the dam and was immediate attacked by 2 Riverbend Chompers. I killed them. (Hey - they attacked me first!) But the sticks on the dam were not clickable. After waiting for a time the 2 Riverbend Chompers returned and started building the dam. One goes off to a group of trees to the NW, the other a bit to the SE. I sat and watched them for a time and eventually they rebuilt the dam. After that point I could remove the logs and capture the Dusky Timbertooth. Good luck in your pet hunting!
Like Lightmaiden said, click on the pile of sticks, but you must click on the pile multiple times because you are "removing" sticks to uncover the pet. Happy Hunting!!
THe sticks are not always there. I came back the the next day and they were.
Located at 71.66 74.18 in Ohn'ahran Plains. There is a beaver dam that has four brown sticks sticking up. When you mouse over them you will see a action wheel to click on. Once you click them the battle pet will come out.