Baby Ape

Beats on chest and scratches backside.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This wild pet can be found on Jaguero Isle in the The Cape of Stranglethorn. It only spawns when it's raining on the island, however, this area has its own unique weather pattern. Although it might be raining in Stranglethorn, it may not be raining on the isle.

Finally got this guy on my 3rd or 4th rainstorm on the island. I went to the SE corner and one 1 was spawned there after 15m or so of rain. I'm not sure if there are usually only 1 or 2 per storm or what, the other comments suggest that they are plentiful in the right weather conditions.
Baby Ape, Silithid Hatchling, and Arctic Fox Kit are all weather dependent, only spawning during rain, sandstorms, or snow respectively. I had my Vulpera camp out for them at separate times, but you could use more toons to do it faster. For the Baby Ape, I camped out on the eastern beach, there are low level hostile apes but they never really got in the way. Just checked before and after playing my other characters mostly, took me less than a week to log in when it was raining. Good luck!
Hooray! I got my Baby Apes today! On Moon Guard about 1pm. Don't make the mistake I almost did. There won't be any green footprints. The apes are just tiny babies running around on the eastern sand. I even went to the trouble of switching characters! Happily they were still there. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it was raining. I was just going to park an alt. It only took 1.5 yrs (though I haven't really tried since last winter). I'd sell 2 for a fortune in gold if I could.
Got a P/P (poor) 12:38 am Dalaran on the Island.
Was timewalking while camping it. Left the rest up for other ppl. Were multiple.
Raining on Jaguero Island on Malorne server, WM off!
I got a poor quality P/P one today and gave it a pet-battle stone. This guy is feisty!
Parked an alt and checked in every few hours. Day 2 it was raining and caught two apes with Grumpy. The rain stopped abruptly after I caught the second ape. Server time was 7/1/2020 @ 9.30PM AEDST. One Breed was PP and the other is BB so a blue stone, and away I go.
Been looking years for this and finally got it yesterday. Parked an alt on the island and after the second day of checking it finally rained. Was around 8:30 server time and lasted about 15 minutes. Most of them were on the NE side of island and a few under trees on that side. Plan to hang around for a few hours here and there unless you just get lucky. This was one of the harder to find pets for me.
It started raining at a little bit after 1430 Pacific Time on Gilneas (Don't know what the Server Time would have been, sorry) and there were a bunch around.
I popped on at 5:30a.m MST while drinking my protein shake & damn near spit it all over my computer when there was a Baby Ape standing on the shore in front of me. My husband laughed his ass off at my "Oh S#!^!!!" while I scrambled to get my pets situated so I would have Turnip where he needed to be. Got an uncommon on the first try... then, while it WAS STILL RAINING, I watched 4 Baby Apes that were right in front of me, poof off the beach and off my map at 5:40a.m. Whew!
lol this was last one i needed for achieve, dreaded it reading all these comments. Got to island, did 1 arena, came back it was raining and first battle was blue baby ape xD lolol, must've gotten really lucky
Went to the island, found nothing. Came here to see why none were spawning and see there is a rain cycle i have to wait for.
Switched back into my wow window and it was raining. Couldnt believe my luck!
Baby Ape: Realm = Dalaran-US, 13:35 spawn time - 13:59 despawned
I was camping to get this one for a while before I realised that my lvl82 is not going to be able to see them spawn. It rained a few times but there were never any monkeys around. I think it's because of Cataclysm.
I changed to lvl100 and camped again. Today it started raining on Khadgar at 9:45pm server time (still raining while I am writing this). I had enough time to catch two blues and a green one despite the fact that I killed first 3 I battled with. Had to swap to lvl 16 instead of 25.
I left WoW running in the background while I worked. I'm told I missed a rain at ~11am EST. But I was there for the rain at 3:08pm EST. I don't know if four hours is a pattern or not.
The rain lasted ~18 minutes. I had enough time to check all the apes I saw for a rare (I found none).
You can definitely hear the rain if it's running in the background. In fact, I heard it before the graphics actually started.
Good luck, everyone.
Been camping alts on this island for a week, not a drop of rain. Today I log on and finally it's raining. First catch attempt fails because my damn pet crit it, then I come out of the battle to find its stopped raining! so pissed off right now.
I used my newly created DK first to camp out and look for a Minfernal in Fernwood. Got three good ones. After I filled my quota with them, I went and camped at Jaquero Island. Checked in about three times with him and FINALLY got the rain I was looking for. Scored three PP Baby Apes one good, one uncommon, and one rare.
SOOOO happy!!! Thanks fir the great tips on this sight.
What is going on with it raining on the Cape but not on the island?
Finally was on the isle while it was raining - I was so excited! There weren't any though, and I tried clearing out a bunch of crabs and other things to see if any would spawn. It's not raining anymore and I didn't get any - I'm not sure what was wrong.
Hopefully soon... I guess it doesn't seem to be a certainty they'll spawn, though?
I camped it earlier with no luck. I came back later to park a character there and it was RAINING!! (5:30 till 5:50) I started to fly around the island and couldn't spot one. Come to find out they don't show up with the add on. I walked around and they were all over so don't worry. I tried for about 7 of them until the rain stopped. 4 uncommon and 3 poor.