by Uduwudu » August 6th, 2019, 9:24 am
As I mentioned above, Pet Tracker shows which pets you are missing for every zone, and this makes things far easier to know where you want to go, although, now you can simply continue on your track for your questing and moving on up, and then do all the pets in that zone at the same time ... in the end, this is easier, and you will not endup with so many places where you have to find one or two pets. BEWARE some pets that are seasonal, though, and that only happen during their festival, or so ... example ... one bird you can only get in the Winter in Winterspring ... or the Qiraji that you can only get during the summer in Silithus (go get it now!), and so on ...
Lastly, there is one thing that is necessary, and I happen to come across it accidentally. You will need to have one character in the opposite camp (at least one Horde or Alliance) all the way up to 120, since there are some pets that you can only get via their playing ... the Zandalar series has several pets, thus you need one Horde all the way up ... and in Alliance, for example, the bird in the Island in Tiragarde is Alliance only ... so you need one of them all the way up.
If you end up at 1000 pets like so many of us, you will notice this quickly when you pull out the print out from this website as to the pets that you are missing ... and the first thing you say? I can't go there ... I'm Alliance, or vice versa!
One last bit of help, not sure it is mentioned above or not ... didn't quite read it all ... is that if you have characters at lower level, these can get XP by doing these fights ... for example, a level 120 doing Stonetalon to get 4 pets is nuts ... so you a level 50 and get it some XP ... and if the character can fly ... even better! AND faster!
There is a small list of some pets that you kinda wanna have quickly, and you probably wanna spend some loot to buy them, since they make things easier all around ... for example, the Teroclaw is essential and the Iron Starlette is very helpful as is the Anubisath Idol ... to make many fights (specially the 20+ fights a lot easier ... the lower levels, it's not so bad ... but I had level 10's do fights under it (except 1 or2 and 3 .... you get the idea) ... and so on.
Other oddities.(If you are going up high on number of pets!)
The Baby Ape ... park a level 40+ (tigers in there are 32/36) and keep him there. The Ape Pet only shows up when it's raining ... so every day you pop him, no rain ... park. Tomorrow you do it, it's raining, get the pet and you are done. The fox in Storm Peaks is the same thing ... only when it's snowing ... you do the same thing but your character has to be high enough for Storm Peaks, is the only requirement ... flying makes it easier ... a lot easier!
There are some fights like that one, but different ... all in all, it tells you that all of us that went way up high, have done that ... the only thing I am really trying hard not to do, yet ... is the stupid Pet dungeons, specially when the information is a bit strange and I look at it, and go ... it doesn't make sense ... the Teroclaw in 6 of the 11 fights and you can't heal it? Ohhh you hope his spell is enough ... I don't think so! I still don't have an answer on that, and it is one of the things that is preventing me from doing ANY of the Pet Dungeons! The Celestial Tournament is OK with me ... though you have to do the whole rotation three weeks in a row to get one pet ... thus ... 12 weeks to get all the 4 pets. However, I have not seen ANY OF THE PETS FROM THESE DUNGEONS AND TOURNAMENTS listed in any pet fight at all! Thus, my priorities have not included any of those dungeons.
A lot of this is about how you play ... one small detail ... I had a character do nothing but Pet Battles for 7 levels to about 114 or something like that ... and there is a problem ... that character did not have enough gear (caster, too!!!!) to fight at that level so I had to do several dungeons until the gear level improved ... so be careful with that, unless you are a very experienced player and leveling a character is not an issue for you!