WoW pet battles on a tablet.

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WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Mykro9 » February 6th, 2014, 12:05 am

This discussion started over on MMO-C. ... st25197861

I started some brainstorming on how things would/could work, and wanted some input.

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Kring » February 6th, 2014, 11:13 am

I think the biggest problem are bots. They can't run warden on an iPhone or in an iPhone emulator. The remote AH is restricted to an incredible low amount of transactions, which doesn't work for a bot.

I don't see them offering pet battles on a tablet/phone because of the bot problem. Or they might restrict it to something like 10 battles per day. Or these battles might not reward anything (no XP, no stones, don't count for achievement).

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Mykro9 » February 7th, 2014, 7:03 pm

I see your point, but you don't think they could make a tablet/smartphone version of warden?

And even so, what would be the effect of botting pet battles?

I honestly do not keep up with the whole 'botting' phenomenon, and have only seen a lvl 85 glitch around that Hozen hill in Vot4W mining one time ever.

How does botting the AH effect the game? Again, I do not follow the whole thing, so I don't understand the exploits.
Last edited by Mykro9 on February 7th, 2014, 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Mykro9 » February 7th, 2014, 7:38 pm

I know 2 things about pet battles. What I know in game about what I can do, and how long it takes. and what you can do in a Pokemon game, on say a Gameboy. The latter, I have NO experience with, just what little I have seen of others playing.

If the tablet/smartphone pet battle system looked like a Pokemon world screen, with say your 5 'continents' and if your character is say, a mage and can port to each of them immediately, then have a travel timer to get to pets/tamers in each zone, with maybe a zone map with a bunch of paws on it just like the game world.

There are certain zones, Krasarang Wilds for example that have pets VERY close together with no mobs to deal with at all, and you can circle indefinitely anyway going paw to paw to paw, and leveling any pet you want.

Same way with tamers. There are a small handful you cannot carry a level 1 toon to and just leave it there to battle and collect bags with, or get xp for your pets.

In theory, I could make as many alts as I needed at level 1, get a friend (or in my case, use a second account) and use a 2 seater mount and fly them to any and every tamer there is, then jsut log into each one every day, battle the tamer for the daily, log out and back in on the next one. If it takes 20 seconds to logout, 20 seconds to log back in and however long to battle, depending on the tamer and your comp/whether you are boosting a pet or not.

So, realistically, if they made a 2 minute timer in between each pet tamer, it would still be about the same as what you could realistically do already, legally with the existing game mechanics. Just, all done from the 'comfort' of your tablet/smartphone.
Last edited by Mykro9 on February 8th, 2014, 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Shikon01 » February 7th, 2014, 8:36 pm

I don't own an iphone or tablet,but I sure would get one if it was possible to do pet battles ( I would prefer a tablet myself ). What I envisioned would be an app for your stable and the ability to pet battle other players only You would be required to have an account and game mechanics would be very restricted so it wouldn't be like down loading the whole game. I think phone and computer developers could prove helpful in various ways in making it happen and be a win -win for both blizzard and the other companies. Just the possible revenue it could generate as well as gaining new gamers is unlimited. Folks love all their little hand- held toys, and game playing devices. Most folks purchase game apps all the time though I understand its not on a recurring basis, but I could see it in blizzard's future......are you listening? MAKE IT HAPPEN :)

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Aerozia » February 7th, 2014, 8:42 pm

my jimmies are a little rustled. I don't buy iTrash. I use respectable android products thank you (kindle. The smart people's tablet).

If they did a pet battles for mobile devices, they should put it on all platforms, not just the iTrash.

but there are ways they could do it and prevent bots, just would take blizzard actually looking into it. whether they will or they won't depends on how much money they stand to make from, if it's worth it.

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Shikon01 » February 7th, 2014, 9:28 pm

I'm not advocating apple products...I don't own any ( I do love love love my kindle ) it would be CRAZY to limit this kind of app to apple. My point is, it should be for ALL mobile devices and tablets not excluding any brand. Yes I believe it could be done, but as in all things it comes down to cost, revenue and demand. Would folks pay for it ? Definitely yes. Would the revenue be enough for blizzard to undertake this project ? That's the 64,000 question :)

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Mykro9 » February 7th, 2014, 11:58 pm

Heh. I titled the thread with 'tablet' and proceeded to use iPad and iPhone, which was my mistake. I own both, and each definitely has its merits. Everybody makes everything for iOS, but not as much for Android, which is a mistake, but then I am not a publisher.

But, yes, I will edit the post to say tablets and smartphones, not just iPad and iPhone.

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Mykro9 » February 8th, 2014, 12:05 am

Shikon01 wrote:I'm not advocating apple products...I don't own any ( I do love love love my kindle ) it would be CRAZY to limit this kind of app to apple. My point is, it should be for ALL mobile devices and tablets not excluding any brand. Yes I believe it could be done, but as in all things it comes down to cost, revenue and demand. Would folks pay for it ? Definitely yes. Would the revenue be enough for blizzard to undertake this project ? That's the 64,000 question :)
I know next to nothing about programming, but all the assets are already there. And to make it even more simple, they could streamline the battles to only have one background per zone, and limited to no camera movement during the battle, to keep the app size down. Unfortunately with Blizzard, they try and overthink things too often, and we end up with vaporware like 'Starcraft: Ghost', and Soon (tm) games like 'Heroes of the Storm', the latter should have come out a long time ago, as is, and instead they are going to tinker with it for so long to get it 'perfect' that it might be irrelevant/outdated like Ghost. Don't get me wrong, I love what they are doing with HotS, but if it doesn't come out for 2 more years, other MOBA's might steal from it and then they will be SoL again.

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Shikon01 » February 8th, 2014, 6:53 am

Ditto Mykro9..I totally agree it could be streamlined, but like you I'm not a programmer either, but it shouldn't overall be that complicated depending on what route they would take. BTW I wasn't offended by your apple comment, we tend to mention by what we use. I was responding to Aerozia's comment and correcting my comment as well. I'm not a Apple user nor an apple hater just clearing the air that it needed to apply to all mobile devices regardless of brand :)

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Kring » February 10th, 2014, 4:07 am

Mykro9 wrote:I see your point, but you don't think they could make a tablet/smartphone version of warden?
On a phone or tablet, an app can't just access the whole device and watch all other apps. And that's a good thing.

To create something like warden they would probably have to require a rooted smartphone. On Windows you have to give them admin privileges during installation, you can't do that with an unrooted phone.
Mykro9 wrote:And even so, what would be the effect of botting pet battles?
By getting [url=]one flawless stone every 35 victories[/url] that's nothing to sneeze at. And with an [url=]AE team[/url] a bot can get a good win percentage. (At least against me...)

With a 50% win chance it takes about 70 battles for one stone. If a battle takes 5 minutes, including wait time, that's 350 minutes. That's 4 flawless stones per day. I'm sure you don't get 4 stones per day by doing the daily tamers and wild battles. And if you sell the stones that's about 4k to 10k gold or something. That's not to bad too.

Additional bonus, you can't report bots in pet battles which should make it saver to bot there then in the world.


Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Guest » February 10th, 2014, 4:42 am

I would rather they focus on Pet Battle functionality in the actual game than start mucking about with the same content for a different platform.

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Re: WoW pet battles on a tablet.

Post by Rioriel » February 12th, 2014, 4:57 am

I'm not sure I'd ever log in the "real" azeroth again.

...and never get any work done.

Which would probably be a bad thing.

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