I created this list of pets so that I could flesh out some of the characters, possible pet abilities, and also some new pet abilities that haven't been seen in game. I will be posting new pets when/if I can think of new ones to create, so if you see new pets appear on the list from time to time, don't be surprised.

If you have any requests for pets, please post them here or message me.

This list was built upon the [url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5628]Wish List for Pets[/url] thread.

Note: (7/12/14) The list practically doubled since the last time I posted anything, which was some time ago. I figured I would post everything that I had written prior to my absence.
Anetheron/Sathrovarr - Undead
After the defeat of Tichondrius, Anetheron became the leader of the Nathrezim serving the Burning Legion./Sathrovarr was sent to Sunwell Plateau to possess Kalecgos, where he fought Kalec's spirit until Kalec was freed by adventurers.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/6/67/Anetheron.jpg]Anetheron[/url], [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/thumb/1/11/Sathrovarr_the_Corruptor.jpg/800px-Sathrovarr_the_Corruptor.jpg]Sathrovarr[/url]
Interactivity: The dreadlords could use an animation where they slash at the air with their claws as they did in WC3 or The dreadlords could use the animation where they summon a rain of fire from the sky.
Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Corrupting Strike, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage with a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 4: Carrion Swarm, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage to the enemy's active pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Wild Magic, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Vampiric Aura, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage per round for 3 rounds and heals the user for X.
Level 20: Inferno, 100% hit chance - 8 round cooldown - Fade into the Twisting Nether, becoming unattackable. During this time, an infernal is summoned and attacks the opponent, dealing X damage each round.
Azgalor/Brutallus/Mannoroth - Humanoid
Azgalor was Mannoroth's second-in-command who took over his position as leader of the Pit Lords when Mannoroth was slain by Grom Hellscream in Demon Fall Canyon./Brutallus was sent to Sunwell Plateau where he killed the blue dragon, Madrigosa./Mannoroth was Archimonde's right-hand demon until he was slain by Grom Hellscream. His thirst for blood was considered legendary.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/thumb/2/2c/Azgalor2.jpg/800px-Azgalor2.jpg]Azgalor[/url]
Interactivity: The deadly Pit Lords could swing their giant weapons and/or slam the ground with their massive hooves.
Level 1: Immolate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy burns for X elemental damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Rain of Fire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The enemy team burns for X elemental damage. The enemy team continues to burn for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Earthquake, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The earth quakes and trembles under the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and slowing targets by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 20: Fel Firestorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a Fel Firestorm on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team. Enemies hit by the Fel Firestorm take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds. Lasts 2 rounds.
Archimonde - Humanoid
Archimonde was the left hand of Sargeras and the field commander of all Burning Legion forces until his utter annihilation at the Battle of Mount Hyjal. He had an obsession with trees.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/a/a3/Archimonde-BC.jpg]Archimonde[/url]
Interactivity: Archimonde could draw the sigil on the ground that he used to destroy Dalaran then crush the "sand city" that appears from the sigil.
Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Death Coil, 95% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.
Level 4: Grip of the Legion, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and forces the opponent's lowest health pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Rain of Fire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The enemy team burns for X elemental damage. The enemy team continues to burn for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Doomfire, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage instantly. The enemy continues to take X undead damage each round for 2 rounds and heals the user for X.
Level 20: Finger of Death, 75% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage. If the enemy has less than 20% health remaining, Finger of Death will instantly kill the enemy pet.
Felmyst - Dragonkin
Felmyst was once the noble blue dragon, Madrigosa. When the Pit Lord, Brutallus', blood seeped into the ground beneath Madrigosa's body, she was reborn as this fel dragon.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/5/52/Felmyst.jpg]Felmyst[/url]
Interactivity: Felmyst could fly around breathing the Fog of Corruption on random critters, causing them to run around in confusion.
Level 1: Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Corrosion, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Slowly corrodes the enemy, dealing X elemental damage and increasing the damage the target takes by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Lift-Off, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X flying damage.
Level 10: Flame Breath, 100% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage instantly. The enemy continues to burn for X dragonkin damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Encapsulate, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Encase the enemy in dragonfire, dealing X dragonkin damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Fog of Corruption, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Covers the enemy team in acidic fog, dealing X elemental damage and decreasing the enemy team's accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Entropius - Magic
Entropius was once one of the most noble and good creatures in the universe - the Naaru M'uru. After Entropius' defeat, Prophet Velen recovered his "spark" and used it to reignite the Sunwell.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/b/b4/Entropius.jpg]Entropius[/url]
Interactivity: The Naaru, M'uru could fall to the ground and disappear with Entropius rising from where the Naaru had fallen.
Level 1: Nether Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Call Darkness, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing X humanoid damage, and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Level 4: Negative Energy, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Shoots a beam of negative energy at the target, dealing X undead damage to the target and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Drain Power, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Prismatic Barrier, 5 round cooldown - Creates a crystal wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.
Level 20: Void Zone, 90% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Creates a void zone under the target, dealing increasing undead damage every round for 3 rounds. While in the void zone, the target is prevented from fleeing.
Kil'Jaeden - Humanoid
Kil'Jaeden was the right-hand and chief lieutenant of Sargeras. He was responsible for the creation of the Lich King and even after his defeat at the site of the Sunwell, he is the acting leader of the Burning Legion.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/e/e2/Kil%27jaeden3.jpg]Kil'Jaeden[/url]
Interactivity: Kil'Jaeden could be shown appearing to a version of Illidan before disappearing or Kil'Jaeden could be shown in his transformation from his Draenei form into his current Eredar form.
Level 1: Shadow Spike, 85% hit chance - Spikes the enemy with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Fire Bloom, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Sets the enemy team ablaze, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul Portal, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage and forces one of the opponent's pets to swap into battle.
Level 10: Sinister Reflection, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Reflects 50% damage done back to the attacker on the next attack. User is healed for 200% of the damage.
Level 15: Legion Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots fel lightning at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Darkness of a Thousand Souls, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - First Use: Kil'Jaeden summons the souls of those vanquished in battle against the Legion, covering himself with wings. Second Use: Kil'Jaeden unleashes the souls, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team and increasing the damage they take by 50% for 2 rounds.
High Warlord Naj'entus - Aquatic
High Warlord Naj'entus was a naga anomaly - a Naga Warlord. His unusual appearance is attributed to the large shell he has fused to his body.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/2/28/High_Warlord_Najentus.jpg]High Warlord Naj'entus[/url]
Interactivity: High Warlord Naj'entus could be shown encasing himself in his tidal shield before throwing random needle spines at random critters, killing them.
Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a jet of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Spiked Skin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and deals X dragonkin damage each time you take damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Impaling Spine, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Throws a spine at the target, dealing X dragonkin damage instantly and placing the "Growing Backbone" debuff on the target. After 2 rounds, the backbone is complete and the target is stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Grasp, 100% hit chance - Grabs the target, dealing X aquatic damage. The target cannot swap for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In 2 rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Tidal Shield, 8 round cooldown - Deals X aquatic damage to the enemy pet when hit and an additional X aquatic damage each round for 2 rounds. The shield will expire if hit. If the shield is allowed to last more than 1 round, it will burst, healing Naj'entus for 50% of his total health.
Supremus - Magic
Supremus is Illidan's most powerful Abyssal servant. Its body burns with flames so hot they burn blue.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/b/bc/Supremus.jpg]Supremus[/url]
Interactivity: I think it would be cool if Supremus was shown conjuring up the Volcanic Geysers all around it, so that they spew lava bolts everywhere.
Level 1: Molten Flame, 90% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with molten lava, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Gaze, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A sharp gaze fixes on the enemy pet, increasing damage taken by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Conflagrate, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage. Deals an additional X elemental damage if the target is Burning.
Level 10: Molten Punch, 85% hit chance - Punches the enemy with fists ablaze with lava. Deals X elemental damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Scorched Earth, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Scorches the ground, dealing X dragonkin damage and dealing X dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds. During Scorched Earth, all pets counts as Burning.
Level 20: Volcano, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Causes the ground beneath the enemy team to tremble. After 2 rounds, the ground erupts for 2 rounds, causing the current enemy pet to take X elemental damage and have a 25% chance to be stunned for 1 round.
Reliquary of Souls/Devourer of Souls - Undead
The Reliquary of Souls is comprised of the essences of anger, suffering, and desire, respectively. While no one knows what exactly the Reliquary is, it's been speculated that it is a kind of soul vacuum./The Devourer of Souls was created by the Lich King to patrol the souls created by the Forge of Souls. If any try to escape, the Devourer of Souls hunts them down before devouring them.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/6/65/Reliquary_of_Souls.jpg]Reliquary of Souls[/url]
[url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/8/8c/Devourer_of_Souls.jpg]Devourer of Souls[/url]
Interactivity: These two creatures could spin around, throwing souls in every direction.
Level 1: Spirit Shock, 90% hit chance - Shocks the spirit of the target, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Aura of Suffering, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. Also reduces healing done to the enemy team by 50%. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Aura of Desire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. 25% of damage taken by user is reflected back to the attacker. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Phantom Blast, 85% hit chance - Blasts the target with ghostly energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 15: Aura of Anger, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals increasing undead damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Wailing Souls, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Lets loose the tormented souls trapped in the Forge of Souls, dealing X undead damage. Also places a debuff on the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Mother Shahraz - Humanoid
The Shivarra leader of Illidan's concubines, Mother Shahraz is dangerous. With 6 arms armed with swords, she can easily defend her terrace from any intruders.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/f/fd/Mother_Shahraz.jpg]Mother Shahraz[/url]
Interactivity: If around 3 or more critters, she could pull 3 of them to her. They would surround her and be connected by the Fatal Attraction beams where they would continue to take damage until they died.
Level 1: Sinful Beam, 100% hit chance - Shoots a beam of unholy energy at the target, dealing X undead damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X damage.
Level 2: Soul Ward, 3 round cooldown - A ward of powerful magic surrounds you, blocking the next attack.
Level 4: Silencing Shriek, 100% hit chance, 10 round cooldown - Your opponent's next attack becomes unusable for 5 rounds.
Level 10: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Prismatic Aura, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Reduces the caster's damage taken from a random ability type by 25% for 3 rounds. Increases the enemy's damage taken from a random ability type by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Fatal Attraction, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Forces one of the opponent's pets to swap into battle and deals X undead damage to the pet swapped in.
Illidan Stormrage - Humanoid
Illidan Stormrage is known as the Betrayer for his participation in the War of the Ancients. After being locked away for 10,000 years and his consuming of the Skull of Gul'dan, Illidan has become a powerful demon hunter.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/d/d9/Illidan_HotS.jpg]Illidan (non-demon form)[/url]
[url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/3/39/IllidanDemonWoW.jpg]Illidan (demon form)[/url]
Interactivity: Illidan could jump up into the air and transform into his demon form as he does in the BC cinematic. Then jump again to return to regular form.
Level 1: Draw Soul, 100% hit chance - Draws the soul out of the target, dealing X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Dark Barrage, 100% hit chance - Hurls a barrage of dark energy at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to the enemy's active pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Shadow Demons, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Fade into the shadows, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, shadow demons are summoned to attack the opponent, dealing X undead damage each round.
Level 10: Parasitic Shadowfiend, 100% hit chance - A parasitic shadowfiend attaches itself to the enemy's active pet, dealing X undead damage and healing the user for X every round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Aura of Dread, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - An aura of dread surrounds Illidan, dealing X undead damage each round for 3 rounds. Each time the enemy is hit by the aura, they take 25% increased damage for 1 round.
Level 20: The Demon Within, 8 round cooldown - First Use: Illidan surrenders to the demon inside, transforming into one of the Burning Legion. Doing so charges his warglaives with fel energy. Second Use: Illidan takes out his vengeance on the enemy, carving them up for X humanoid damage plus X elemental damage for each round between uses.
Anub'arak - Humanoid
Anub'arak was once the king of the subterranean kingdom of Azjol'Nerub. He was slaughtered in the War of the Spider and raised into undeath by the Lich King.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/c/c6/Anub%27arak_HotS.jpg]Anub'arak[/url]
Interactivity: Anub'arak could be seen conjuring a swarm of locusts around himself. If around critters, they could attack the critters.
Level 1: Locust Swarm, 100% hit chance - A swarm of locusts surrounds the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Carrion Beetles, 100% hit chance - Carrion Beetles attack the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and healing the user for X every round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Burrow, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Burrow under the ground, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X beast damage.
Level 10: Acid Spit, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X beast damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Leeching Swarm, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A swarm of leeches covers the enemy's pet dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds. User is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 20: Impale, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A spike of bone is launched at the target, dealing X humanoid damage with a 50% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Chance to stun is increased to 100% if the weather is Darkness.
Lord Marrowgar - Undead
Lord Marrowgar is a giant bone construct made of the bones of thousands of adventurers who tried to delve too deeply into Icecrown Citadel. Those who have been unfortunate enough to face him have met their untimely demise by way of his Bone Storm.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/9/96/Lord_Marrowgar.jpg]Lord Marrowgar[/url]
Interactivity: Lord Marrowgar could impale random critters on a spike then Bonestorm right through them.
Level 1: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 4: Bone Spike Graveyard, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Hurls a massive bone spike at the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and 10% of the pet's total health each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Coldflame, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A line of frost pummels the enemy pet, dealing X aquatic damage and X elemental damage to the enemy pet each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Bone Slice, 80% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and have a 25% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Storm of Bones, 80% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Lord Marrowgar attacks the enemy team in a whirlwind of bone, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the storm take 50% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel - Humanoid
Lana'thel was once a blood elf who attempted to use Quel'Dalar against the Lich King. She ultimately failed, and was transformed into the leader of the San'layn by the power of Frostmourne. Now she guards that what she once hated most - Arthas.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/b/b4/Lana%27thel.jpg]Blood-Queen Lana'thel[/url]
Interactivity: Blood-Queen Lana'thel could fly up into the air and whirl around, throwing bloodbolts at all nearby critters.
Level 1: Twilight Bloodbolt, 90% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of corrupted blood at the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Vampiric Bite, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Bites the enemy with the dark energy of the San'layn, dealing X humanoid damage, and turning the enemy into one of the San'layn for 3 rounds. While a San'layn, target's type becomes Undead.
Level 4: Bloodbolt Storm, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Blood-Queen Lana'thel flies into the air, becoming unattackable. On the next round, she spins around, throwing bloodbolts at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage and reducing the enemy team's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 10: Delirious Slash, 85% hit chance - Deals X undead damage instantly and X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Blood Mirror, 75% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Injects the enemy's active pet with corrupted blood, causing the caster to reflect 25% of damage done to them back to the attacker. User is healed for 100% of the reflected damage. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Pact of the Darkfallen, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Pact of the Darkfallen spells the enemy's doom, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team each round until either 3 rounds have passed or one of the enemy pets has expired.
The Lich King - Humanoid
The Lich King was once Ner'zhul - a powerful orc shaman who was responsible for ripping Draenor apart. After being destroyed and re-made by Kil'Jaeden, he became the creator and lord of the Scourge. Eventually after his merge with Arthas Menethil, the Lich King was defeated.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/9/9e/The-Lich-King-7.jpg]The Lich King[/url]
Interactivity: The Lich King would raise Frostmourne into the air, freezing random critters in place. He then conjures a defiled area of ground underneath the frozen critters which rapidly grows in area and kills any critters entering it.
Level 1: Harvest Souls, 100% hit chance - The Lich King lifts the enemy's team off the ground, draining the life out of them. Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. User is healed for 100% of damage dealt.
Level 2: Pain and Suffering, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Pain and Suffering afflicts the enemy team, dealing X undead damage. The enemy's active pet also takes X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul Reaper, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The Lich King strikes the enemy with Frostmourne, dealing X humanoid damage and healing for 100% of damage dealt. If the target pet has less than 50% health remaining, Soul Reaper will deal an additional X undead damage and increase the user's damage dealt by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Infest, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The Lich King infests the enemy team with dark energy, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds. If the target is healed above 75%, Infest will expire.
Level 15: Necrotic Plague, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The Lich King inflicts the enemy's active pet with Necrotic Plague, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target dies while under the effects of Necrotic Plague, it will jump to the next enemy pet swapped in.
Level 20: Frostmourne Hungers, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Lich King lifts the enemy pet into the air before carving them up, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X undead damage if faster than the enemy. Frostmourne also steals the soul of the enemy pet, bringing it into Frostmourne where it must fight the sword's guardians for 3 rounds before being released. While in Frostmourne, the pet is considered dead.
Flame Leviathan - Mechanical
Constructed by Mimiron to guard the gates of Ulduar, the Flame Leviathan will demolish and burn any who are foolish enough to attempt to pass it.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/1/1a/Flameleviathan.jpg]Flame Leviathan[/url]
Interactivity: Flame Leviathan could do 2 different interactions. The first is to simply ram random critters, knocking them back. The second is conjuring flame vents underneath the Leviathan, killing all critters who get too close.
Level 1: Flatten, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. This move always goes first.
Level 2: Shock and Awe, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X mechanical damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for one round.
Level 4: Battering Ram, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Charges towards an enemy like a battering ram, dealing X mechanical damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Gathering Speed, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Make repairs to the Leviathan, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy and increasing your speed by 20%. Your speed continues to increase each time you use Gathering Speed.
Level 15: Flame Vents, 100% hit chance - Ignites the flame vents in the Leviathan, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's current pet each round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 20: Missile Barrage, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - First Use: Fires a barrage of missiles into the air. Second Use: The missiles lock on their targets and attack the enemy team for X mechanical damage.
Mimiron - Mechanical
Mimiron is one of the titanic watchers assigned to watch over the Old God, Yogg-Saron. He was once called the "Grand Architect" and resided at the Temple of Invention, but left after his corruption. He was responsible for the creation of the Flame Leviathan.
Description of Appearance: [iurl=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/5/54/Mimiron.jpg]Mimiron[/url]
Interactivity: Mimiron would enter his machine, the V-07-TR-0N, and shoot rockets and laser barrages at random critters.
Level 1: Laser, 200% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a laser of arcane power, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Napalm Shell, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Rocket Strike, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a rocket at the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. Also shoots a rocket into the air that will detonate after 1 round, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy's team.
Level 10: Rapid Burst, 95% hit chance - Rapidly shoots the enemy with lasers 1-2 times, dealing X mechanical damage. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 15: Magnetic Field, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The magnetic field surrounding Mimiron becomes unstable, dealing X mechanical damage and causing a Lightning Storm. During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal X bonus mechanical damage on each attack and mechanical abilities deal 25% more damage. The Lightning Storm lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Explode, 100% hit chance - Instantly kills the caster, dealing damage equal to 40% of the user's total health to the enemy. Using Explode will prevent the caster from activating failsafe mechanisms.
Freya - Humanoid
One of Ulduar's titanic watchers, Freya once resided at the Temple of Life before her corruption. Caring greatly for the land and the creatures that live upon it, she implemented a safeguard, leaving her avatar in the Sholazar Basin in order to protect it from the Scourge.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/e/e4/Freya2.jpg]Freya[/url]
Interactivity: Freya would summon an array of nature guardians (ancients, treants, snaplashers, etc.) that would attack random critters.
Level 1: Iron Roots, 100% hit chance - Iron Roots surround the target, dealing X elemental damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Touch of Eonar - Restores X health each round for 5 rounds. Twice as effective in sunny weather.
Level 4: Solar Flare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Freya calls upon the power of the sun to deal X elemental damage to the enemy team and changes the weather to Sunlight. During a sunny day, the maximum health of all pets is increased by 50%, and healing done is increased by 25%.
Level 10: Nature Bomb, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Nature Bombs fall on the enemy team, Poisoning them for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Attuned to Nature, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Freya becomes more Attuned to Nature, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy and increasing healing done to the caster by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Conservatrix of Life, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Freya channels the power of Eonar to balance life and death. Health is equalized between all living pets. Health gained cannot exceed the caster's maximum health.
Thorim - Humanoid
Thorim is the brother of Loken, who betrayed him by murdering his wife, Sif. As a titanic watcher, he once resided at the Temple of Storms before relocating to Ulduar following his corruption. According to legend, Thorim's power was invoked once and it turned a whole continent into dust.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/b/b4/Thorim_standing.jpg]Thorim[/url]
Interactivity: Thorim would throw his gigantic weapon at a critter, stunning it. Once stunned, he would throw chain lightning at the critter, killing it and any the lightning chains to.
Level 1: Orb of Lightning, 100% hit chance - Thorim throws an orb of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Chain Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of lightning at the enemy's team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Stormhammer, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Thorim charges his hammer with lightning before throwing it at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the stormhammer have their speed reduced by 50% for 1 round.
Level 10: Unbalancing Strike, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Thorim swings his mighty hammer at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage. Enemies hit by the hammer take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Sheath of Lightning, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Thunderstorm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Thorim summons a Thunderstorm, adding X elemental damage to each attack and also giving each attack a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds. Chance to stun is increased to 100% during a Lightning Storm.
Hodir - Humanoid
Considered the father of the frost giants, Hodir is one of the titanic watchers sent to guard Ulduar. He once resided at the Temple of Winter before his corruption. It is believed that Hodir is the original Greatfather Winter, who has become the major figure during the Winter Veil celebration.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/1/11/Hodir.jpg]Hodir[/url]
Interactivity: Hodir would flash freeze all critters around him in ice blocks before summoning a hail of icicles to kill the critters.
Level 1: Icicle, 100% hit chance - Hodir throws an Icicle at the target dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Biting Cold, 100% hit chance - The aura of cold emanating from Hodir is strong, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet each round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 4: Flash Freeze, 85% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Chance to stun is increased to 100% if the target is Chilled.
Level 10: Freeze, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals increasing elemental damage each round for 3 rounds. On the 3rd round, the pet is Frozen, preventing them from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Frozen Blows, 4 round cooldown - Adds X elemental damage to each attack and gives each attack a 25% chance to reduce the speed of the target by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Frosty's Revenge, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Hodir summons Winter on the enemy team before disappearing into the snow, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, snowmen are created and ravage the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage each round before melting.
Algalon the Observer - Magic
A titanic watcher resembling a constellation, Algalon was dispatched to Azeroth following Loken's death which activated a planetary fail-safe, indicating possible distress on Azeroth. He was to analyze Azeroth and upon finding corruption, to "re-originate" the planet, killing all living organisms in the process.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/8/86/Algalon.jpg]Algalon the Observer[/url]
Interactivity: Algalon would summon an image of Azeroth and attempt to analyze it for corruption. After this, one of two things could occur. He could summon a black hole to swallow Azeroth, or he could simply bow and leave Azeroth as it is.
Level 1: Quantum Strike, 100% hit chance - Algalon smashes the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Cosmic Smash, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Algalon summons a meteorite to fall on the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 4: The Big Bang, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Algalon summons The Big Bang, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team and increasing their damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Black Hole Explosion, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Algalon summons a Black Hole underneath the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets. Pets hit by the Black Hole have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Phase Punch, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Algalon punches the target with the power of the heavens, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to become Phased for 1 round. While Phased, the target takes 25% less damage, but also deals 25% less damage.
Level 20: Ascend to the Heavens, 50% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Algalon's analysis of the enemy team has not proved favorable, causing him to re-originate the enemy team. Deals X elemental damage to the enemy team instantly and increasing elemental damage each round for 2 rounds. Enemies not killed by Ascend to the Heavens have their accuracy and critical strike chance reduced by 25% for 2 rounds.
Twilight Dragon Whelpling - Dragonkin
Created by Sinestra, mate of Deathwing, the Twilight dragonflight poses an immediate threat to all. Twilight dragons possess the ability to phase shift and to drain magical energy from their targets. Thought to have been eliminated, Deathwing procured a clutch of them with the intention of releasing them on the world.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/5/50/Halion.jpg]Twilight Dragon Whelpling*[/url]
*The picture shown is of a fully grown Twilight Dragon. The whelpling would obviously be much smaller than the picture shown
Interactivity: Since the other dragon whelplings have no interactivity, I believe that this one should follow suit and be inactive as well.
Level 1: Twilight Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the target with dark draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Devouring Flames, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Sets the target ablaze with shadowflame, dealing X dragonkin damage instantly and X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Blackout, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Sends a bolt of pure twilight energy at the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and increasing dragonkin damage each round for 2 rounds. If no enemies are hit by Blackout, the caster's speed is increased by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Twilight Shift, 3 round cooldown - Shifts into the Realm of Twilight, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Call Darkness, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing 591 Humanoid damage and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Level 20: Hour of Twilight, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Hour of Twilight has fallen, causing the enemy team to take X dragonkin damage and sending them to the Twilight Realm. While in the Twilight Realm, they take increasing dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds.
Al'Akir - Elemental
Al'Akir was the elemental lord of air, storms, and the skies. Although he was generally regarded as the weakest of the elemental lords, he was the foremost tactician among all of those in the Old Gods' armies. He had a son named Thunderaan, prince of air.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/3/3a/Al%27Akir.jpg]Al'Akir[/url]
Interactivity: Al'Akir could summon multiple tornadoes that would cause random critters to levitate. After which, the critters would be set back on the ground. I think it would be nice if not all interactions killed random critters.
Level 1: Electrocute, 100% hit chance - Electrocutes the enemy pet for X elemental damage.
Level 2: Acid Storm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Summons a storm of acid rain, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team instantly and an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Wind Burst, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A burst of wind energy hits the enemy pet, dealing X flying damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Squall Line, 100% hit chance - A line of tornadoes washes over the enemy team, dealing X flying damage. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 15: Lightning Strike, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Calls down a bolt of lightning that arcs, dealing X elemental damage to each of the enemy's pets.
Level 20: Hurricane, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Al'Akir summons a hurricane upon the enemy team, dealing X flying damage to the enemy team every round. Enemies hit by the Hurricane have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Therazane - Elemental
Therazane is the elemental lord of earth. She, along with her children, rule the plane known as Deepholm. Although regarded as the most peaceful of the elemental lords, she has no love for mortals, especially after the death of her daughter, Theradras.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/4/4e/Therazane.jpg]Therazane[/url]
Interactivity: I think it would be interesting to have her animation as her "weeping" over her daughter's lifeless body.
Level 1: Boulder Shot, 95% hit chance - Hurls a boulder at the target, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Stoneskin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Earthquake, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The earth quakes and trembles under the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and slowing targets by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Rupture, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Stone spikes erupt from the ground, dealing X Elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 15: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X Flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 9 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 20: Earth's Vengeance, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Therazane conjures her hatred for all who have made her kind suffer. All enemies are hit for X elemental damage each round. Those hit take 50% increased damage for 3 rounds. Lasts 3 rounds.
Neptulon - Elemental
Neptulon is the elemental lord of water. He is said to be the strongest of the elemental lords, but that did not prevent him from being captured and taken by the great kraken, Ozumat. The Tidehunter's fate is currently unknown.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/7/79/Neptulon_Cataclysm.jpg]Neptulon[/url]
Interactivity: Neptulon could transform himself into a giant vortex, pulling random critters to its center before knocking them back.
Level 1: Ice Crystals, 100% hit chance - Neptulon throws icicles at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Drench, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Neptulon drenches the target with water from the deepest parts of the sea, dealing X aquatic damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 1 round.
Level 4: Vortex, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Neptulon attacks the enemy team in a whirlwind of freezing water, dealing X aquatic damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the storm take 50% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Chilling Touch, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Neptulon slams the target with his fist, dealing X elemental damage and causing the target to be slowed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Purified Waters, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to your team and calls down a Cleansing Rain for 9 rounds. During a Cleansing Rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 20: Frost Storm, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Neptulon disperses into many water elementals, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. While dispersed, the elementals attack the enemy for X elemental damage each round.
Naaru - Magic
The Naaru are beings of pure light that have blessed the Draenei with the power of the Holy Light. They are the main protagonists against the Burning Legion and are the proponents of the Army of the Light, which according to the Naaru, will be destined to counter the Legion.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/a/ac/Naaru1.jpg]Naaru*[/url]
*I think it would be cool if the Naaru's color changed each time you summoned it, as there are different colors of Naaru.
Interactivity: After being summoned, the Naaru would appear. Once present, ancestors from each race could appear in front of the Naaru and kneel before disappearing.
Level 1: Flash, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A brilliant flash deals X magic damage and Blinds the target, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Purity, 2 round cooldown - Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 4: Light Cocoon, 5 round cooldown - Become wrapped in a cocoon of pure light energy, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third. While inside the cocoon you cannot swap pets.
Level 10: Light, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Covers the enemy in brilliant light, dealing X magic damage. Deals double damage if the target is Blinded.
Level 15: Prismatic Barrier, 5 round cooldown - Creates a crystal wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.
Level 20: The Holy Light of Creation, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Holy Light of Creation flows from the Naaru into your pets. Your pets are healed for X and are cleared of all debuffs.
Chromatic Dragon Whelpling - Dragonkin
Nefarian created the chromatic dragons after many magical experiments. Fortunately, most chromatic dragons don't live to see adulthood, but some do - like Chromatus. The dragons that do live, are subject to Nefarian's twisted aging spells.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/2/2d/Gyth.jpg]Chromatic Dragon Whelpling*[/url]
*As in the case of the Twilight Dragon Whelpling, the picture is of a full grown Chromatic Drake. The whelpling would obviously be a smaller version of that.
Interactivity: Since the other dragon whelplings have no interactivity, I believe that this one should follow suit and be inactive as well.
Level 1: Chromatic Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with chromatic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Brood Affliction: Green, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of nature energy at the target that Poisons the target for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds and reduces healing done to the target by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Time Lapse, 75% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The power of the Bronze Dragonflight hits the enemy for X dragonkin damage plus half of the last hit the target took. If Time Lapse misses, the target is stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Incinerate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Brood Affliction: Red, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Burns the target for X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target is killed by Brood Affliction: Red, the user is healed for X.
Level 20: Triple Breath, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Chromatic Dragon Whelpling overwhelms the enemy with 3 dragon breath attacks, dealing X elemental damage, X dragonkin damage, and X aquatic damage.
Xavius - Humanoid
Xavius was the high counselor to Queen Azshara before being turned into a tree by Malfurion Stormrage. After many, many years, Xavius became the Nightmare Lord due to the power of N'Zoth. He is eventually killed by Azeroth's defenders while trying to kill Malfurion Stormrage.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/e/ea/Xavius_TCG2.jpg]Xavius[/url]
[url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/1/14/Irontree_Woods.jpg]Nightmare Lord*[/url]
*Xavius' Nightmare Lord form would be one of those massive trees, shrouded in mist.
Interactivity: Xavius would turn from his Satyr form into his Nightmare Lord form. When in range of Xavius, random critters would run away in fear.
Level 1: Poisoned Branch, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X Elemental damage and Poisons the target for X additional Elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Barkskin, 4 round cooldown - Reduces X damage from each attack and heals for X each round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Sleepwalkers, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Xavius summons Sleepwalkers from the Emerald Nightmare. During this time, he fades into the Emerald Nightmare, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Sleepwalkers attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.
Level 10: Satyr Strike, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Strikes the enemy for X humanoid damage and reduces the enemy's accuracy by 20% for 1 round.
Level 15: Emerald Nightmare, 50% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, dealing X elemental damage on the first round, X damage on the second, then X damage on the third. While in the Emerald Nightmare, you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: The Nightmare Lord, 50% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Xavius turns into a tree, becoming the Nightmare Lord. He pulls the enemy into the Emerald Nightmare where the enemy has a 25% chance to do 50% of the damage they would do to themselves each round for 2 rounds. If the Nightmare Lord misses both rounds, the enemy is stunned in fear for 1 round.
Dryad - Humanoid
Dryads are the sisters of the Keepers of the Grove, and daughters of Cenarius. Resembling a mix between a night elf and a fawn, Dryads are fierce defenders of the woodlands and are immune to magic and its effects.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061009005748/wowwiki/images/a/a2/Mirkfallon_Dryad.jpg]Dryad[/url]
Interactivity: I think the Dryad could appear and twirl her spear a bit. It would summon little critters to her side (squirrels, deer, etc.).
Level 1: Spear Strike, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The dryad strikes the enemy with her spear, dealing X humanoid damage and poisoning the enemy for X elemental damage for 1 round.
Level 2: Tranquility - Fills the area with peace, causing your active pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Mark of the Wild, 5 round cooldown - Increases the caster's damage, speed, and critical strike chance by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X Elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Elusiveness, 3 round cooldown - The dryad melds into the forest surrounding her, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Daughters of Cenarius, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The dryad summons other Daughters of Cenarius. During this time, she fades into the forest, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Daughters attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.
Cho'Gall - Humanoid
Cho'Gall was the leader of the Twilight's Hammer cult, which sought the end of the world. An extremely powerful ogre mage, he was dangerously insane before his defeat at the hands of adventurers inside the Bastion of Twilight.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/4/4b/Cho%27gall_on_Throne.jpg]Cho'Gall[/url]
Interactivity: It would be funny if Cho'Gall's head started arguing with each other, with Cho'Gall walking funny, spinning around, and falling to the ground from his two heads trying to direct his body at the same time.
Level 1: Corrupted Blood, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Cho'Gall shoots a ball of corrupted blood at the target, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Order the Flame, 3 round cooldown - Cho'Gall sets his fists aflame, giving each attack the ability to deal an extra X elemental damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Debilitating Beam, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Cho'Gall shoots a beam of debilitating energy at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to deal 50% less damage and take 50% less healing for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Corrupting Crash, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Cho'Gall fires a shadow missile at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Order the Shadow, 3 round cooldown - Cho'Gall surrounds his fists with shadow magic, giving each attack the ability to deal X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Corruption of the Old God, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Cho'Gall becomes completely corrupted by the Old Gods, giving him a damaging aura. Each round, the enemy team will take X undead damage and have their speed slowed by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Arakkoa - Flying
Arakkoa are bird-like humanoids that are native to Outland. Dangerous and powerful, the arakkoa venerate their raven god, Anzu.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/f/fe/Arakkoa.png]Arakkoa[/url]
Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.
Level 1: Shadowbolt Volley, 100% hit chance - A volley of shadow bolts is shot at the enemy team dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 2: Polymorph, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Polymorphs the enemy target into a sheep, rendering them docile. Lasts 2 rounds. For every round they stay a sheep, they gain X health. Polymorph is broken by any damage.
Level 4: Lift-Off, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X flying damage.
Level 10: Cyclone, 5 round cooldown - Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal X Flying damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Frenzy, 4 round cooldown - Increases the caster's speed by 50% and damage by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Chosen One, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The arakkoa selects a random member of the enemy team to become the Chosen One. That pet then swaps into battle, taking X flying damage and they have their accuracy and damage decreased by 25% for 3 rounds.
Naga - Humanoid (or Aquatic)
Naga are serpentine humanoids who dwell within Azeroth's oceans. When the Well of Eternity imploded, Queen Azshara and her most loyal servants were sucked into the sea where they were transformed into the monstrous Naga by the Old Gods.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/2/2a/NagaDF.jpg]Naga (male[/url]
[url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/6/6a/Naga2.jpg]Naga (female)[/url]
Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.
Level 1: Forked Lightning, 100% hit chance - The Naga shoots lightning from their fingertips, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 2: Crushing Wave, 100% hit chance - A crushing wave deals X aquatic damage to the enemy team. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 4: Submerge, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Submerge under the water, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 10: Ensnare, 100% hit chance - The naga throw a net at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Summon Sea Elemental, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Naga summons a Sea Elemental. During this time, the user goes underwater, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Sea Elemental attacks the opponent, dealing X aquatic damage each round.
Chromatus - Dragonkin
Chromatus was the pinnacle of all Nefarian had learned on his experiments to create a chromatic dragon. A massive dragon with 5 heads, one for each dragonflight, he was defeated only through the union of all 5 Aspect spirits.
Description of Appearance: [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wowpedia.org/f/f8/Chromatus.jpg]Chromatus[/url]
Interactivity: Chromatus could shoot things out of one of its heads at random (fire for red, frost for blue, poison for green, sand for bronze, and shadowflame for black).
Level 1: Ignite Flesh, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Chromatic Chaos, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A random head of Chromatus breathes on the target, dealing X dragonkin, elemental, undead, or aquatic damage.
Level 4: Aspect-Killer, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Chromatus' heads converge on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and producing one of the following effects for 2 rounds: reduce speed by 50%, reduce accuracy by 25%, reduce healing taken by 50%, Poisoning the target for X elemental damage, or inflict Agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Frost Burn, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Chromatus' blue head breathes on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing the target's speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Sands of Time, 5 round cooldown - Reverses time to undo damage taken over the past 2 rounds. Using this ability drains the caster, reducing their speed and accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Deathwing's Darling, 8 round cooldown - Chromatus is blessed with the Destroyer's power, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds, and increasing damage done by 50% for 3 rounds. After expiring, the loss of such power drains Chromatus for 20% of his total health.