My Most AWESOME Battle So Far

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My Most AWESOME Battle So Far

Post by Shikon01 » October 8th, 2013, 9:25 am

This past week while doing my 10 battles I came across an lighting healing team that was a nightmare. The guy had 2 sunflowers w/ heals from hell and I really expected to lose because I was having a hard time beating him down enough to kill one much less 2 of those sunflowers( not sure of its name ) I can't recall the 3rd pet but it was a healer too..go figure. I used enchanted broom ( Spankdatass ), Fiendish imp ( Tobby ) and Anubisath idol ( Propet ). The battle lasted 14 mins and got down to the wire when I finally beat him not once but twice. Felt like I won the lottery and needed a drink all at the same time :lol:
Has anyone else experience the battle from hell ?

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Re: My Most AWESOME Battle So Far

Post by Spary » October 9th, 2013, 5:44 am

it gets even worse ...

Most annoying staller team I have seen so far: Ruby Droplet, Swamp Croaker and Zeppelin, all 3 of them with Decoy. I saw it coming the first time I met him - I tried but its so annoying I forfeit as soon as I see him now. I think he wins 9 out of 10 just because the other one leaves, the 1 out of 10 being the try you take when you first meet him.

Another one being 2 Imps (Molten Core) and a sunflower, Sunflower for weather, both Imps with Fireshield, one with healing one with amplify magic. Awesome Healing and the Shields will kill you ... slowly ...

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Re: My Most AWESOME Battle So Far

Post by Ligre » October 9th, 2013, 11:17 pm

Well, I gotta be honest, I've had a LOT of barnburner battles the past couple months in PvP. One that sticks out in my mind that happened just earlier this evening was with my Stunbomb team (Frosty...Kun-Lai Runt...Wolpertinger). The opponent was running Xu-Fu, Chi-Chi and Hopling.

He led with the Hopling, which did a great job against Frosty with Tongue Lash. I was surprised a bit. Those two killed each other, but Frosty got off his Blizzard, which is basically the key to the whole comp. In comes my Runt and his Xu-Fu. Deep Freeze, and I believe we both swapped pets. Wolpertinger vs. Chi-Chi...long story short, the Wolpertinger stunned Chi-Chi and Xu-Fu comes back...he gets put to Sleep, and so I end up locking those two down and effectively defeated them both with Deep Freeze and the Jackelope. :)

I thought his team was pretty cool, but the real reason I'm posting is it was a sweet victory over two Celestials. :D

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Re: My Most AWESOME Battle So Far

Post by Shikon01 » October 13th, 2013, 8:31 pm

That is so cool !1 will keep those match ups in mind. I don't have any of the new pets yet so its a challenge at times, but I'm finding it comes down to the combos. After doing enough battles it gives me a chance to see what most folks have paired up and running..make my adjustments with some of my old timers and go for the shock affect when they lose.There's some really good oddball combos that can be thrown together :))

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Re: My Most AWESOME Battle So Far

Post by Ril » October 14th, 2013, 5:10 am

I've won against a triple mech team with two beasts in my team. To be fair it was an all new pets team (Moon Moon, Xu-Fu and Chi-Chi)... BUT Xu-Fu single handedly destroyed a mech and came out at full HP so it was a sweet victory. Chi Chi did the rest of course, Moon was only supporting with moonlight.

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Re: My Most AWESOME Battle So Far

Post by Shikon01 » October 15th, 2013, 8:36 am

That xu-fu has tore me up in battles and I'm still trying to find a way to beat it, but your right mech doesn't work against this beast !!

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