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Post by Prudene » September 11th, 2013, 4:14 am

was watching this.. and its lovely..
after doing the first part of the Celestial Tournament, beating them, was left with no mechanicals (in desperation used a lvl 19 hehehehe)
trying to complete Chi-chi, Yu'la, Zao and Xu-tin.. wiped me out totally. it was hysterical.. first time I have done a massive heal of over 100 lvl 25 :)

its a bit pointless giving the teams I used on the first four creatures, as they change weekly.

the mechanicals were pretty successful, getting the opponent down to about 500 health. (am glad I have so many of them!)
the little boy is a blast.. Lil Oondasta, got rid of my team of 3 in about a second flat. (didn't know what his pet was so used mech, aqua and flying... SIGH!

its enormous fun though and i am sorry that I didn't manage it first time around... roll on next week!

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Re: heelsvbabyface

Post by Domie » September 12th, 2013, 8:58 am

Do you know you can try again even if you fail it? :)
I lost first time around aswell, i was not pleased with the celestials move set! :P

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Re: heelsvbabyface

Post by Rendigar » September 12th, 2013, 9:20 am

Right - you can queue up for the tournament over and over (healing your pets after a failed attempt) all day long (I forget how many tries it took me to finally get Chi-Chi down, the rest I figured out on my 1st time thru, but Chi-Chi gave me a raging headache...).

And Lil'Oondasta you can beat every day, it's a Daily for the Isle (and loads of fun, I have a team that "always" wins, but I may fool around with trying to find a "better" one, just for the heck of it).

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