NOTE: SS means "silver screen", "-A" means "allies", "-V" means "villains"
I hope you enjoy the list, and that it inspires you to create lots of fun Theme Teams, too!!
Alpha Team
Kirin Tor Familiar
Restless Shadeling
Vampiric Batling
Curiousity Kills
Curiouser (Curious Oracle Hatchling)
Curiouser (Curious Wolvar Pup)
Deadcat (Creepy Crate)
GoT* House Stark
Stark (Fjord Worg Pup)
Arryn (White Tickbird Hatchling)
Tully (Tiny Goldfish)
* I'm working on more Game of Thrones teams, but there are so few baby feline cubs that aren't white or require rep currency.
Hallow's End
Creepy Crate
McGonagall (Feline Familiar)
Skellington (Sinister Squashling)
Misfit Toys
Hermey (Father Winter's Helper)
Rudolf (Winter Reindeer)
Sam (Tiny Snowman)
Old Skool Drood
Baredrood (Darkshore Cub)
Boomdrood (Moonkin Hatchling )
Treedrood (Withers)
Blighted Squirrel
Infected Squirrel
Mechanical Squirre)
SS Aladdin
Abu (Darkmoon Monkey)
Iago (Green Wing Macaw)
Rajah (Sand Kitten)
SS Bambi
Bambi (Little Fawn)
Flower (Skunk)
Thumper (Spring Rabbit)
SS Lion King
Pumbaa (Mr. Wiggles)
Simbah (Cheetah Cub)
Timon (Brown Prairie Dog)
SS-A Jungle Book
Akela (Worg Pup)
Bagheera (Panther Cub)
Baloo (Dun Morogh Cub*)
*I wanted a "lazy-look" model like the Hyjal Cub, but I can only find them in brown.
SS-V Jungle Book
Kaa (Tree Python)
Louie* (Baby Ape)
Sherekhan (Darkmoon Cub)
*Unfortunately, the UI said that "King Louie" wasn't available. Are pet names unique per server?
SS-A Neverending Story
Falkor (Celestial Dragon)
Grograman (Lucky Quilen Cub)
Morla (Darkmoon Turtle)
SS-V Neverending Story
Herrgmork* (Worg Pup)
Xayide (Lil' Tarecgosa)
Ygramul (Desert Spider)
*Same error with "Gmork", so I added "Herr" as he also went by "Mr Blank" in the later volumes.
Team Rocket*
James (Father Winter's Helper)
Jessie (Winter's Little Helper)
Meowth (Orange Tabby Cat)
*I am the GM for the Team Rocket guild on my server.

Bandit (Worg Pup)
Tinker (Cornish Rex Cat)
Pirate (De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion)
*A marvelous three-issue comic.