DMF Carousel
- Violetfemme
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I don't know how long this has been available, but I just noticed and used it today. If you ride the DMF carousel you get a 45 minute buff of 10% of experience and rep gains. (Like the DMF Hat, but actually purchasable) So to get some extra leveling done using tamer daily battles, do all DMF dailies except the pet tamer, ride the carousel, do the DMF pet tamers, then go about doing the rest of your tamer dailies for extra leveling xp! I can't believe I missed that, and all this time I've been cursing the days that I don't get the DMF hat. Ahh well...
- Moriggs
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Re: DMF Carousel
you can actually get a 60 minute buff. the buff increases as you spend more time on the ride.
- Violetfemme
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Re: DMF Carousel
ROFL, great, I got off too soon?! LOL, I'm gonna head back after the 45 mins wears off then. I really wish I knew that while I was leveling my mage from 85-90 using primarily pet battles and dailies.
- Rosalyne
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Re: DMF Carousel
Thanks for posting about this! I knew about it, but I always forget it. I've got a horde character that I'm leveling just for a mount (Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent) and I'm not all that enthusiastic about it, so that exp buff really helps. So thank you for reminding me.