Gorespine - Beast of Fable

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Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Emerald01 » June 4th, 2013, 6:46 pm

I don't have 3 mechanicals at level 25 yet, but I don't think it would matter. Gorespine tears through the Fluxfire Feline in a snap. I do use the Rabid Nut Varmint, which tends to do well. I have been switching out teams and pets and have not found ones with which I can consistently defeat Gorespine. I spend way too much time on this guy.

Does anyone have suggestions for defeating Gorespine without using 3 mechanicals? I could really use the help.


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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Dash » June 4th, 2013, 7:51 pm

I have one team for the 3 beasts : darkmoon tonk and menagerie custodian, which are basically the same, with shock and awe + ion cannon, you have to time it right because you don't get too many turns, but the third pet never gets used (I don't even remember which one it is... ). Good luck.

edit : what I'm saying is that you have to hit hard because you don't get to hit a lot, no place for any ramping up strat with the beasts

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Chimonks » June 5th, 2013, 9:49 am

One of my absolute favourite mechanical pets to use in PvE is an S/S breed cogblade raptor. Exposed wounds + batter does amazing damage if you're lucky with the third hit. Although it's slightly less impressive against the beasts of fable due to the damage reduction, it still seems to average out to a call lightning + ion cannon combo from the yeti in total damage when they're both dead.

In my second slot i like to use my mechanical pandaren dragonling and simply get an explode off and sacrifice it. At this point any of the beasts are always around 300-500 health. To seal the deal i use my son of animus (though i understand not everyone has it) because it's so extremely durable but still has that power in his hands. Two hits later it's a done deal and my son of animus will sit at 600-800 HP.

So either the yeti or the cogblade raptor in slot 1 works, though i think it's kind of boring to wait around until the yeti dies after the ion cannon, so mostly i use my raptor.

Oh, sorry. I missed the final line about not using mechanicals.
It's probably doable (i found that the direhorn runt's moveset kind of works against anything), but both the cogblade and the mechanical dragon are easily obtainable. If you have something with repair and a decent nuke in the last slot that should work just fine instead of the son of animus.

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Spary » June 5th, 2013, 10:44 am

First Yeti (Charged up Lightning Storm), then let him in till he dies (usually 2-3 rounds). Then switch in the Cogblade S/S, Expose+Batter together with Lightning Storm does about 1000damage/round - nothing more needed. You really need very bad luck to not succed with these 2 against the beasts (although it happens from time to time if Kafi stuns you just before you get the Storm out or right after expose ... or expose or storm misses ...)

BTW: Did anyone else recognize that Batter does Damage even if the Raptor is allready dead? (may happen against Gorespine because of his shield). Happened to me 2 or 3 times now ...

A very good pet against the Beasts also is the Mechanical Rabbit (forgot the exact name), with its 325Speed and Plating it can last really long.

ops, didn't read about not-mechanical ;)
well, something that works very similar are the zandalari raptors, preferable P/P. Just debuff and Stampede does a LOT damage even if not vulnerable, but I guess if the petlvl is the problem you just have to level it - one or another :P

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Lolfixheal » June 5th, 2013, 11:19 am

Alot of ways to do tamers and bofs, luckily, else it would be boring. I like seeing people having their own strategies :)
My lineup is:

Mini Mindslayer, Surge, Amplify Magic, Life Exchange
Lil XT, Zap, Heartbroken, Boombot
Son of Animus, Metal Fist, Siphon Anima, Extra Plating

Pass rounds so that your life Exchange lands when you have taken 2 hits. Its random what Gorespine does but your magic so you cant die. Surge until death afterwards. Boombot as first move or as I call it (life Insurance), Zap till death. You might not even need to do it but extra plating first, then Siphon Anima>Metal Fist.

Key is timing the life Exchange :p I use the Mindslayer on probably over half the BoF. Another pet with life Exchange could Work aswell and 2 hard hitting mechs.

EDIT: Too fast on trigger aswell. If not mechs I would do a Shattered Defense tactic because its calculated wrong imho and Thus atm gives you a 50% dmg bonus. Mindslayer as above, then Chrominius with Howl, Bite, Surge and lastly a Yellow Moth with Alphastrike, Cocoonstrike, Moth dust. That should do the trick. Moth will get off 2 attacks upon Chrominius death.

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Emerald01 » June 5th, 2013, 1:39 pm

What I'm getting here is "Level more mechanicals." :lol:

I've3 managed to squeak by with various flyers and whatnot, but nothing consistent. Time to go do some power leveling I guess. That, and learn what s/s, p/p and whatnot are about. :geek:

Thanks for the tips!

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Nysticia » June 5th, 2013, 2:00 pm

Cockroach is good for the fable pets, cast the apocolypse and if you can keep him alive for the so many rounds, the fable pet is instantly dead :)

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Dash » June 5th, 2013, 3:34 pm

Zaraphina wrote:Cockroach is good for the fable pets, cast the apocolypse and if you can keep him alive for the so many rounds, the fable pet is instantly dead :)
yup, I use the "cockroach approach" for Riga along with 2 speedy bunnies, and I'm not even sorry :D

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Lolfixheal » June 5th, 2013, 6:02 pm

I dont know about you Guys, after the patch with the hit accruracy changes, the Apocalypse is now 100%. People would report pre patch it used to miss alot. On one of the first days of this patch I tried the Apocalypse against Dos-Ryga, miss. Reengage, miss Again. Did they stealth hotfix it or whats wrong, it shouldnt miss!?

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Nysticia » June 5th, 2013, 9:35 pm

Im rying to do gore now .. for some reason i can not get him at all .. there was a mini update today not sure if that had anything to do with it .. but yeah even roach isnt doing the trick on him now .. or i maybe doing something wrong?

Edit: Got it with Ghostly Skull, Unborn Val'kyr and Wisp with alpha strike, what a pain he is !!!

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Kring » June 6th, 2013, 3:03 am

Lolfixheal wrote:I tried the Apocalypse against Dos-Ryga, miss. Reengage, miss Again.
The Apocalypse casting pet must be alive when it triggers. If the caster of Apocalyse is dead, it'll miss.

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Lolfixheal » June 6th, 2013, 12:15 pm

Ah okay, really weird mechanic but atleast now I know :()

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Gendou » June 6th, 2013, 12:32 pm

I've been using [url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4314]Phraide's Beasts of Fable Strategy[/url] to good effect.
I've had absolutely no problems with it.
And for No-No, I basically solo'ed him with the recommended P/P Yellow Moth.
Phraide wrote: Beasts of Fable
6 rounds
1: [pet]Unborn Val'kyr[/pet] [?] (1,2,2)
2: Pandaren Water Spirit [-] (1,2,2)
3: Chrominius [-] (1,1,2)

This is my generic team, which should work well against the majority of the BoF. The goal of this team is to set up a mix of bombs which will detonate on the same turn, under a Howl (+100% damage). You will deliver 100% of your damage at the same time: this way, the enemies won't be able to react and mitigate the damage with their powerful heals.

This strategy should grant you a kill on turn 6 or 7.

Round 1: Unholy Ascension
Your Unborn Val'kyr resurrects
Round 2: Curse of Doom
Your Unborn Val'kyr dies
Switch to Pandaren water spirit
Round 3: Geyser
Round 4: Whirlpool
Round 5: Switch to Chrominius
Round 6: Howl
At the end of this turn, Curse of Doom, Geyser and Whirlpool detonate at the same time with a +125% boost (25% from Unholy Ascension and 100% from Howl). The enemy takes a truckload of damage and is stunned.
Round 7: Surge of Power if the enemy is still alive

- Notes: For Dos-Ryga, cast some Shadow Slashes, then proceed as explained above (Unholy ascension > Curse of doom > etc...). The goal is to stall for a bit with the Shadow Slashes to have the enemy's Whirlpool detonate on your Val'kyr's last turn instead of your Pandaren water spirit. This team doesn't work against No-No. I advise you to use Yellow Moth [4] (2,1,2) and Bat [4] (1,2,1) instead of Unborn Val'kyr and Pandaren Water Spirit against him.

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Emerald01 » June 6th, 2013, 3:26 pm

I hadn't thought about that aspect of Apocalypse. I'm still trying to level my Ghostly Skull, but I like the idea of having alternatives to only using mechanicals. I haven't gone back to Gorespine yet, but I'm wondering how well a team of Dragonkin would do. My Celestial Dragon is usually good for almost anything, and is part of almost every single team that I use against Battle Masters. Heck, half the time, he defeats the Valley of Four Winds team by himself. :D

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Dash » June 7th, 2013, 7:47 am

Lolfixheal wrote:Ah okay, really weird mechanic but atleast now I know :()
The tooltip says cockroaches and beetles survive the apocalypse, I reckon you have tot be alive to be able to survive in the first place :p

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Cargiel » June 7th, 2013, 10:35 pm

well here's what finally worked for me

[pet]Lil' XT[/pet]

1 -drop bomb bot
2-start heal
4-heal...and redrop bot
5-may get one shot in

[pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet]

1- magma trap
2- sons of flame
3- got one smash in....but because of stuns...had him down to 60

Onyxian Whelpling

1 Tail Sweep
2 Heal
3 finished him off with 2nd TS :D

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Dakaf » June 9th, 2013, 11:38 am

Emerald01 wrote:What I'm getting here is "Level more mechanicals." :lol:

I've3 managed to squeak by with various flyers and whatnot, but nothing consistent. Time to go do some power leveling I guess. That, and learn what s/s, p/p and whatnot are about. :geek:

Thanks for the tips!
Get the addon batlepet breedid. It shows the breeds in letters. Also, it will give you the stats of all the breeds on a mouseover. Very helpful!
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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Thevarietygamer » June 9th, 2013, 1:50 pm

I remember thinking this guy is tough, but I used a different strategy when I beat him instead of the strongest striker strategy I played my strong defensive guys.

Since I don't have buy 1 level 25 mech and I have 3 level 25 flying I used my mechanical and 2 flying types in the battle. I took about 2 or 3 tries, but I eventually beat him. Basically what I did was use my 2 flying types first to bring his health down as much as possible, and before my 2nd pet was finished off I used swarm to weaken him to 100% damage taken.

From there my mech chicken came in and did overtune and the overcharge move, proceeded with the 2nd part of overcharge and basically critical killed that sucker!

So sometimes the defensive units are better at sustaining damage and support than the attackers.

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Nysticia » June 11th, 2013, 6:02 pm

Gendou, i used your strat, omg amazing ! Not such a bang your head against your desk moment for killing gore .. much better than the roach approach (haha) thanks for figuring out a great strat .. I lvled up my chro just so i could try this out !

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Garalia » June 12th, 2013, 4:45 am

I run most of the Beasts with a single team (swapping to a 3 moth team for No-no), normally beating them on the end-of-round activity between round 5 and 6:

Unborn Val'kyr
Darkmoon Tonk

The strat is simple. Start out with the Valk. Turn 1, cast Curse of Doom. Turn 2, cast Unholy Ascension for 25% dmg boost. Turn 3 (undead rez turn), cast a Shadow Slash or Spike for a little damage. Valk dies.

Swap in Chrominius. Turn 4 cast Howl for 100% dmg boost, Turn 5 cast Surge of Power. This should knock somewhere between 50-80% off their HP, and Curse of Doom hits at the end of the same round, normally finishing them off. If the opponent survives, then Chrominius is probably killed before the recovery on Surge of Power is off, but if you're lucky you can get another Bite or Howl before he dies, then...

Swap in Darkmoon Tonk. Cast Shock and Awe, then Ion Cannon. I've not seen a single beast of fable survive this long.

If you're struggling to find the Valk, you can always swap in a Lost of Lordaeron instead. They don't have Unholy Ascension, so you'll have to be modify the timing of abilities so Curse of Doom hits when Chrominius uses Surge of Power, and you might need the Tonk a little more to help finish off the pets. It's a trickier way of doing things, but still workable.

Likewise, you can swap out the Tonk for a Menagerie Custodian if you've not got the tickets for a Tonk yet.

The reason for not using this on No-no is simple - his Dam and Dive abilities are too annoying to allow such a nuke-heavy strat to work! :P

I've also tried a life-exchange strat, but the Nether Faerie Dragon seems a little too fragile to work this reliably.

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