Obalis Help

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Obalis Help

Post by Lumee23 » March 6th, 2013, 9:48 am

So with 5.2 it appears that the Tamers now start with the same pet every time? This was a surprise to me as I did not read the patch notes in depth.

Pre-5.2 I used to reset until I got Spring and used the Lil Tarecgosa strat to 2 pet for leveling. Now that this doesn't work I am having trouble getting Pyth down with only 1 pet. He burns through my mechs with his poison and does a ton of damage to my flyers even with the weakness. After many tries yesterday I managed to get him down but it was mostly luck. I am looking for something a lot more reliable. Any advice? I will level what I need to :D

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Re: Obalis Help

Post by Dragonwizard » March 6th, 2013, 9:53 am

The Darkmoon Zepp takes out the python easily, I open with Bomb the drop the target dummies then just spam missle, The zepp usually takes a beating from his poison but he never dies. And the bomb going off ususally kills him and if something misses then the first missle after the bomb gets him.
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Re: Obalis Help

Post by Poutinette » March 6th, 2013, 9:54 am

Darkmoon Zeppelin

Start with Bombing Run then use Decoy, then finish him with Missile 2 times, the bomb will go off, if he still got a few HP left, redo a third Missile or refresh Bombing Run.

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Re: Obalis Help

Post by Lumee23 » March 6th, 2013, 9:58 am

Thank you! I will start leveling it :D

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Re: Obalis Help

Post by Talmar » March 6th, 2013, 10:04 am

For Pyth I use my Clockwork Gnome. Turrets rule, especially when you get 2 up. I don't bother with the Rebuild as I'm usually dead by the time I rebuild. Turret, fist, fist, fist, Turret, and Fist until dead. Then the poison will down me for the 2nd time usually.

I'll give the Zep a try tomorrow though.

I found that my Nether Faire Dragon can take out both the Firefly and Beetle though. Moonfire and Arcane Blast the bugger (hehehe) and then Evanescence the Beetle and Moonfire, Blast to success.

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