I will add a penny myself
I really, REALLY enjoyed pet battles for slightly over two years and pvp'ing with them for slightly over one (doing Legendary achie atm, 2301/5000 as of now, 2699 left

)) wish me luck

and it was absolutely AWESOME year ;]. Yet, ofc, like everyone here, I've spotted on my way "hackers" with three Anomaluses, Blossoming Ancient/Broot/Sunflower, Anomalus/Blightbreath/MPD or Hermit Crab or famous Cyclone team with Blighthawk, Jademist and MPD or H Crab etc etc. They're sooo annoying, that's so true, and always makes me think: OMG, another one who has no skills at all, running the same team all over and all over again which, infact, isn't so easy to beat, especially for beginners or those with small pet collections. In such case I was ending up with counterteams like 3xSandstorm against 3xAnomalus, 3xDarkness/Nightmare against 3xSunlight and so on. Lately, however, I found TWO awesome pets with whom I did few excellent teams to fight "hackers" back

). I bought (yes, you have to pay for them yet, IMO, BOTH are TOTALLY worth it

) Anima Wyrmling (with SL Epic edition) and Moon-Touched Netherwhelp (promotion). I bought them not even looking at theirs skills, I'd buy them anyway as devoted collector

, since I did, however, I decide to try them on ofc

)) Those two plus almost ANY other pet who has good DOT, stun or weather change ability, with theirs DOT/avoid/blind/weather change skills, makes such an awesome synergie between them so they can easily handle Sandstorm/Darkness/Sunlight teams (my favourite comps are either Twilight/Bronze Whelpling, Felspider or Fel-Afflicted Skyfin with them. Pet with team speed buff also works well

) while hitting HARD. They TOTALLY surprised me with how murderous and effective actually they are ;)Also, both are @ pretty decent speed and power, Anima has Gale Slash (only Miimmii has it as well; EXCELLENT against Idols and other Humanoids) and Portal (do I have to add anything else?

), while M-T Netherwhelp has Needle Claw, EXCELLENT against Elementals, Ashes of Outland, absolutely TOP TIER skill, which blinds the target while hitting REALLY hard (especially under Dragonkin racial; extremally useful, EXCELLENT against Mechanicals, since it's elemental ability) AND Phase Shift (OMG, again, do I need to add anything else?

). Anyway, I just wanted to say, that sometimes you can sort out proper comp against almost all most annoying "hacker" teams totally suddenly, using pets you didn't expected will do so well..., as I did with above example

. Also, against Anomaluses, if that's the problem which is pain in ur a..., do NOT forget about pets with thorn effects which does damage EVERY time ANY Anomalus's poisons ticks on ANY of ur pets (ie Toxic Skin or Brittle Webbing) which makes all those Anomalus's just kills themselves with their own weapon

. Do not give up. Just keep trying, change comps, try new synergies or weather changers. As you yourself pointed: every battle is a lesson

That being said thank you so much for this post and would like to greetz all fellow battlers here and there

). Great KUDOS for site creators/admins !!!!