Currently I love my Shore Crab. Only pet that can heal other which I posses, is Black Lamb.. might just level up that bad boy!
Why use Shell Shield if you want to heal up your other pets? Which is one big strength of the Crawdad.Zaelo wrote:And yeah.. he could have done a lot better with his crawdad lol, starting by using shell shield and wish instead of renewing mist
Cause Wish is best used on the Crawdad himself, due to his very high health, he'll get the bigger heals from Wish.Erian wrote:Why use Shell Shield if you want to heal up your other pets? Which is one big strength of the Crawdad.Zaelo wrote:And yeah.. he could have done a lot better with his crawdad lol, starting by using shell shield and wish instead of renewing mist
I have to disagree. Yes, you CAN build him to be a strong tank on his own. But the crawdad won't deal a lot of damage with all this extra HP. And its damage can pretty easily be outhealed. A burst pet (FFF!) however can kill pretty much any enemy pet within 3-5 rounds. Getting it healed up again can buy you very valuable time.Zaelo wrote:Yes, you CAN use wish on other pets, but having him in your team only for that is a waste of a pet slot in my opinion. You want a pet who can fend for himself in every spot, the fact that you can toss the Wish on another pet is a bonus, not his only purpose.
Ooh I know, and I've healed my FFF with my crawdad too, but I dont use my crawdad JUST for that, is what Im saying. It's just a total waste if you ONLY use him to heal others.. yes his damage is low, don't use him against a pet who can outheal his damage, use him against any pet that doesn't heal, but mostly just don't waste a pet slot for a pet if you dont intend to use him...Erian wrote:I have to disagree. Yes, you CAN build him to be a strong tank on his own. But the crawdad won't deal a lot of damage with all this extra HP. And its damage can pretty easily be outhealed. A burst pet (FFF!) however can kill pretty much any enemy pet within 3-5 rounds. Getting it healed up again can buy you very valuable time.Zaelo wrote:Yes, you CAN use wish on other pets, but having him in your team only for that is a waste of a pet slot in my opinion. You want a pet who can fend for himself in every spot, the fact that you can toss the Wish on another pet is a bonus, not his only purpose.
Example: Start with FFF. Kill one enemy pet. Against smart enemies the FFF usually is near death and does not have the time to fully charge up again. So switch to Crawdad, use Mists and Wish, back to FFF -> even if you get smashed into the self repair at this point your FFF is near 100% after Wish + Mists ticked. Kill a second pet. Or just charge up (if you are not sure if you will survive long enough) switch back to your Crawdad (or first your third pet, if Wish is still on CD), and just repeat. Basically you are transfering HP from the Crawdad (that takes a couple of hits to cast Mist and Wish) to a pet of your choosing.
Very true.Bonhomous wrote:Regarding pets that can heal, I like pets that have an attack that returns health to the user.
Jungle Grub's "Consume" is really good, and I like my Spectral Shadeling because he combines Plagued Blood with Death Coil and I've used him at lvl 17 to take out a lvl 24 pet all by himself. (that doesn't always work if he misses a lot).
My molten hatchling has a leech life spell that damages/heals double if the target is webbed.
I find that in a pvp fight, if I have pets that can heal themselves while still attacking, I have a higher chance of winning.