Originally - I could only get Outlands on my Horde - ok, makes sense somewhat, I hadn't yet defeated Major Payne.
Then my alliance finally got Major Payne, Cata zones, Pandaria zones, and all Spirit Tamers...
Next I could ONLY get Northrend, Cata, and Pandaria Tamer chains.. on my horde.
*Now* all of my tamer quests are missing on every single character (account I know..).
In all - I have not been able to do a single pet tamer chain through my main, alliance char - I've had to get a Horde to grab what was there.
And I have NOT found E.Kingdoms or Kalimdor once since my faction change; Outlands and above once.
2 attempts at help awarded me with:
1. "When you change factions some quests reset..." - Since I already knew that, and stated that, that was of no help.
2. "GM are not permitted to offer quest tips or cheats... Here is a list of websites we use for information..." - Since I in no way asked about tips or cheats, but rather tried getting help on confirming it IS a bug.. that was no help.
What have I tried...
1. Obtaining the quests on Horde and Alliance.
2. Knocking the chains back in by leveling a new pet on a new character.
3. Looking for solutions online and found no results (yet) with others having this issue.
And it's been approx the same amount of time as you, two weeks.
I hope a reset will fix this.. I can only go to SOME tamers manually (Outlands had no dailies for me without the chain daily) and I lose out on gold, XP, and a satchel this way.
Sorry my post provided no solutions - but was meant rather to say you aren't alone in the whole thing.