BreedID question

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BreedID question

Post by Imthedci » December 17th, 2012, 2:53 pm

While I dislike the whole idea of breed (mostly because it means that, while I've captured a rare pet, I may not have captured the *right* rare pet...), I noticed that PetJournalEnhanced added the ability to show the breedid for each of your pets. The problem is that instead of it listing it by number (e.g. breed 5), it's listed with a letter combination (e.g. s/s, p/s, p/b, b/b, etc...).

Is there a chart somewhere that shows which of the letter combinations matches up with each of the numbers? :oops: :?

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Re: BreedID question

Post by Syrrie » December 17th, 2012, 3:58 pm

[url][/url] here on Warcraftpets and,
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Re: BreedID question

Post by Quintessence » December 17th, 2012, 6:14 pm

Imthedci wrote:While I dislike the whole idea of breed (mostly because it means that, while I've captured a rare pet, I may not have captured the *right* rare pet...)
So something I've been wondering is how much impact does Breed make on a wild battle and/or Tamer battle? I know in PVP it can count for a lot, but if you don't pet PVP, is finding the "right" wild pet something that's still absolutely necessary? Or is it just a preference thing and only makes a wild battle slightly easier?
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Re: BreedID question

Post by Darkke » December 18th, 2012, 10:47 am

how much impact does Breed make on a wild battle and/or Tamer battle?
Well, it is not nearly as important. On the PvP side, most everyone is going to bring their strongest pets to battle, which are going to be rares. Breed ID's are important as far as being able to out speed the opponent even if as minimally as possible.

When you look at wild pets, if you are battling with a rare pet, it's likely to have stats significantly higher than 90% of the wild pets you face (assuming that they are a similar level). The only time it *MIGHT* matter is if you are trying to farm battle stones with lower level pets.

Tamers are a little bit of a different beast. Breed ID's don't matter when fighting them.... yet. Particularly in Pandaria, with epic and legendary level pets, you have little chance to out-speed them. Breed ID's *MIGHT* be important if you wanted to minimize speed and go for power or health. Otherwise, until we can upgrade to epic pets, trainer pets are going to be faster.

TLDR: Unless min/maxing battle pets is something you enjoy, it's largely unnecessary outside of PVP.

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