I just wanted to share.

Thanks! I went through a ton of compositions and counter comps along the way. The last ten wins I got today were with an AoE team since I was facing a lot of tank/swap comps. The list of pets I used was always ever-evolving, but it started off with Netherwhelp, Darkmoon Zeppelin, and Disgusting Oozeling. Then as new pets came along, and new comps, the list just grew and grew until I found myself actually getting a bit creative with teams again (just like my original!). The most recent team I usually liked to use was Chi-Chi, Bonkers, and Bronze Whelpling. So many ways to mitigate damage and so much speed!Tekulve2012 wrote:The Trainer title takes a lot of work...grats !
LOL! That's how I feel. I'm above 250 wins and below 300 wins and will get there ... someday.Celya wrote:Whoot 1000 wins! I'll get there... someday. In the meantime, grats!