Ding Ding Ding!
In this corner:
Level 25 [pet]Sea Gull[/pet] (and friends)
The Challenger:
Level 25 [pet]Elekk Plushie[/pet] (and friends)
It was a ferocious battle that lasted many rounds, but the brave little plush wouldn't give up. With his friends by his side, even he could defeat the dreaded Sea Gull!
With [pet]Nexus Whelpling[/pet] to help out with his [ability]Wild Magic[/ability], and [pet]Chrominius[/pet] to frighten the dastardly Sea Gull with his [ability]Howl[/ability], the brave little Elekk Plushie was able to [ability]Plushie Rush[/ability] the fiend to death!
He truly is the Best Elekk in the Whole World.
But all that rushing around tuckered him out, so he took a Nap while his friends cleaned up the Sea Gull's henchmen.
Elekk Plushie defeats wild battle pet by dealing damage!
- Vetteranger
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Re: Elekk Plushie defeats wild battle pet by dealing damage!
That's clever.
Good smile.

- FuxieDK
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Re: Elekk Plushie defeats wild battle pet by dealing damage!
If this comes to Blizzard's attention, Elekk Plushie will surely be nerfed tomthe ground..

Re: Elekk Plushie defeats wild battle pet by dealing damage!
*hands Valianya a cookie* Because you deserve it! That's just too awesome. Take that Blizzard!
Re: Elekk Plushie defeats wild battle pet by dealing damage!
An awfully big adventure indeed. This is awesome! (:
- Tekulve2012
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Re: Elekk Plushie defeats wild battle pet by dealing damage!
Plushie says "Now who gets the stuffing beat outta them???!!! I don't think so!!"
Thanks for sharing this
Thanks for sharing this