Some of these i found around, some i found and modified for my liking or to make faster, and some i came up with on my own. If i don't have a breed listed, Its because it only comes in one flavor. Obviously, all pets are max level rares.
A second note, I designed the teams to be fast more so than for leveling pets since I do the daily battle on 5 toons. However some include a leveling pet. From what I have found, my Brutus and Ruckus strategy is by far the fastest to beat and allow for a leveling pet. I have leveled several pets to 25 each time they come around. Pop the two foods and put on your hat and you can get some serious leveling in in an hour.
Some teams just have horrible RNG *cough*kingandqueen*cough* and there isnt much you can do about it.
Grubbles & Co.
-Flayer Youngling (S/S) - 222
-Leveling Pet
-Iron Starlette (P/P)- 121
Deflection, Rampage, Triple Snap (grub dies), swap in leveling pet to get stunned and swap in Starlette, Wind Up, Toxic Smoke, Wind Up (scrags dies), Wind Up, Supercharge, Wind Up.
Archimedes & Co.
-Nexus Whelp (P/S) - 222
-Leveling Pet
-Nexus Whelp (P/S) - 222
Mana surge (this will cast mana surge after Jahan casts Arcane Storm essentially two shotting him), (3rd surge will hit Samm and MAY one shot him if you get lucky crits, finish off with breath if not), hit Archimedes with arcane storm then cast anything because you will die, swap in leveling pet, swap in 2nd whelp, mana surge.
-Unborn Val'kyr (H/H) - 122
-Pandaren Water Spirit - 122
-Chrominius - 112
Pass, Unholy Ascension (you will die, then cast, thus giving you another free round), Curse of Doom, [bring in Water Spirit], Geyser, Whirlpool, [swap in Chrominius], Howl (after this, all 3 debuffs will go off killing Eleanor the first time), Pass.
Tirs & Fiero
-Syd the Squid - 111
-Legs - 212
-Possible soak pet (magics work well here)
Whirlpool, Bubble, Water Jet, Water Jet, Water Jet, Water Jet (Tirs dies), Whirlpool, Water Jet (until Syd dies), [bring in Legs], if Fiero is under 740 then use Surge of Power. If not, then double Pump.
Rockbiter, Stonechewer & Acidtooth
-Eternal Strider (P/S) - 122
-Unborn Val'kyr (H/H) - 122
-Anubisath Idol - 112
Pump x 5, Water Jet, Water Jet (Rockbiter dies), Pump, Pass (any move is futile, you'll die), [bring in Unborn Val'kyr], Curse of Doom, Shadow Slash x 3, (you'll be on your rez round) Unholy Ascension (both pets die), [bring in Anubisath Idol], Rupture, Crush until Acidtooth is dead.
Quintessence of Light
-Unborn Val'kyr (H/H) - 122
-Pandaren Water Spirit - 122
-Chrominius - 112
Fight has some RNG. If your Water Spirit takes 2 triple hits he will die. Chrominius can take 2 triple hits as long as there are no crits.
Shadow Slash, Shadow Slash, Pass, Unholy Ascension, Doom, [bring in Water Spirit], Geyser, Whirlpool, [bring in Chrominius], Howl (at this point, Geyser, Whirlpool, AND Doom will go off and he should be under 100hp and dazed. Hit him with whatever.
Blingtron & Co.
-Core Hound Pup - 212
-Electrified Razortooth - 121
-Ruby Droplet (H/P) - 222
Ruby Droplet can actually solo entire fight. Other pets were just added to speed it up. If you really wanted to add in leveling pets that's on you.
Howl, Burrow (Blingtron should die after it hits), do anything as he will suicide, Howl, Thrash, Thrash (Pup will die), [bring in Electrified Razortooth], Rip, Devour (Protectron will die), Rip, Blood in the Water, Devour (Razortooth will die), Absorb, Drain Blood.
Stitches Jr.
-Sprite Darter Hatchling - x2x
-Crawling Claw - xx1
-Chrominius - 112
Life Exchange, [swap to Crawling Claw], Doom, [Swap to Chrominius], Howl, Bite, Surge of Power.
Hanos, Manos & Fatos
-Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling - 112
-Fel Flame (H/S) - 221
-Bronze Whelping (P/P) - 211
Decoy, Bombing Run, Breath, Breath, Breath, Breath (Manos dies), Breath, Breath, Breath (these may miss due to debuff, Dragonling will probably die for good here), [bring in Fel Flame], Scorched Earth, Flame Breath (may need another) (Hanos should be dead here), Flame Breath, Conflagrate, Scorched Earth.
Never needed 3rd pet.
Deebs, Tyri & Puzzle
-Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling - 112
-Death Adder Hatchling (S/S) - 112
fight can have a lot of RNG.
Decoy, Breath until Deebs dies, continue Breath until Dragonling dies, (cast Blinding Poison when Surge of Light comes off CD), otherwise cast Poison Fang and Puncture Wound when it is off CD. On Puzzle, just pass on rounds he is un-hittable.

-Iron Starlette (P/P) - 1x1
-Iron Starlette (P/S) - 1x1
-carry pet
Wind Up, Supercharge, Wind Up (Brutus dies), pass, [bring in carry pet], [bring in 2nd Starlette], Wind Up, Supercharge, Wind Up.
Mr. Terrible, Carroteye & Sloppus
-Pandaren Water Spirit - 121
-Eternal Strider (P/S) - 122
-Emerald Proto-Whelp (P/P) - 111
Whirlpool, Dive, Water Jet (Mr. Terrible dies), (cast anything, Water Sprit will probably die here), [bring in Eternal Strider], Pump, Cleansing Rain, Pump, Water Jet, Water Jet (Carroteye should die), Water Jet until Strider is dead, spam Breath unless Sloppus has Chew buff.
The Beakinator
-Unborn Val'kyr (H/H) - 122
-Pandaren Water Spirit - 122
-Chrominius - 112
Standard Bomb Team
Slash 3/4 times and use Unholy Ascension on the round you will be killed on, Doom, [bring in Pandaren Water Spirit], Geyser, Whirlpool, [bring in Chrominius], Howl, Surge of Power if still alive.
King & Queen Floret (Credit to KevWow on Wowhead)
Puddle Terror - 122
Pandaren Water Spirit - 121
Carry pet (450+ HP approx)
Clobber (forces swap) > Water Jet > Dive (Fist of the Forest misses)
Water Jet > Water Jet > Clobber (forces swap)
Water Jet > Dive (Fist of the Forest misses) > Water Jet if you can
sometimes you die, other times they Righteous Inspiration and you get that last Water Jet hit in then you die
Switch to Pandaren Water Spirit
Dive > Whirlpool > Water Jet
Bring out carry pet on last turn of Whirlpool - sometimes your PWS will die and it will be a free swap but if Righteous Inspiration is cast your carry pet wont get the XP, so it's safer to swap in the carry pet.
Kromli & Gromli
-Anubisath Idol - 111
-Ghastly Kid - 221
-Stitched Pup - 121
Deflection, Spam Crush and use Deflection when Kromli's Rupture is off CD (Kromli dies), Sandstorm, (some RNG here; your Deflection will probably be on CD still so use Crush. If Gromli hits you will most likely die, if he misses, you have another round) (Anibisath Idol Dies) [bring in Ghastly Kid], Diseased Bite, Ethereal (if Gromli's Haymaker is off CD), Ghostly Bite, Pass, Diseased Bite, Ethereal, Diseased Bite, Diseased Bite, Ghostly Bite (on rez round) (both pets should die here, if not, it's a quick win with the Stitched Pup).