Question for a player who recently faction changed...

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Question for a player who recently faction changed...

Post by Livingdeath » November 28th, 2012, 1:50 am

Forgive this noobish question. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out where to go to do pet dailies for battle stones/pet bandages.

I used to be a Horde, but I just recently switched to Alliance. I was told the pet dailies I used to do in Kalimdor and Shadowmoon Valley are unavailable since I'm an Alliance now. My question for all any alliance player is, where do you go to do your dailies? I already defeated all the pet tamers in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom and Outlands when I faction changed.


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Re: Question for a player who recently faction changed...

Post by Livingdeath » November 29th, 2012, 12:18 am

Anyone? No alliance players know where their GM trainers are?

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Re: Question for a player who recently faction changed...

Post by Epicleptic » November 29th, 2012, 1:01 am

I recently went from Alliance to Horde so I know of your woes. The dailies are all the same but they got reset, per se. The Pet Battle trainer you want to see is near the Cataclysm portals in Stormwind, she'll set you out on your quests. After I changed to Horde I had to clear Kalimdor, Outland, Northrend and finally Pandaria all over again to unlock the dailies.. Hope this helps :)

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Re: Question for a player who recently faction changed...

Post by Livingdeath » November 29th, 2012, 1:52 am

Is that what it is? I used to be able to do the Winterspring, Deadwind Pass and Shadowmoon Valley dailies before I faction changed.

I see low level dailies (the ones that give 9 gold), but none of the high level ones that give the sack of pet supplies.

When I go to the Pet trainer in Stormwind (Audrey Burnhep), she doesn't have any quests for me. I have the Northrend quest to do still, but there is no option for me to redo the Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom or Outlands quests...

Le sigh... Great, more bugs from my faction change... Guess I need to open a ticket?

Here is a list of the dailies trainers, pet levels and locations if anyone needs it.

19 - Stone Cold Trixxy (Winterspring)
19 - Lydia Accoste (Deadwind Pass)
24 - Bloodknight Antari (Shadowmoon Valley)
25 - Major Payne (Icecrown)
25 - Obalis (Uldum)
25 - Wastewalker Shu (Dread Wastes)
25 - Courageous Yon (Kun-Lai Summit)
25 - Mo'ruk (Krasarang Wilds)
25 - Hyuna of the Shrines (The Jade Forest)
25 - Seeker Zusshi (Townlong Steppes)
25 - Farmer Nishi (Valley of the Four Winds)
25 - Aki the Chosen (Vale of Eternal Blossoms)

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Re: Question for a player who recently faction changed...

Post by Mathew013 » November 29th, 2012, 9:12 am

While I haven't faction-changed in a while, I do have toons on both factions, albeit different servers.

The last 2 days, I have been unable to get daily quests from Audrey Burnhep, or Varzok, who (previously) offered:
Battle Pet Tamers: Cataclysm
Battle Pet Tamers: Eastern Kingdoms
Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor
Battle Pet Tamers: Northrend
Battle Pet Tamers: Outland
Battle Pet Tamers: Pandaria

Oddly, there doesn't seem to be anyone on the WoW forums mentioning this.

I can approach trainers for the "defeat me and win 11 gold" dailies, but not the larger "defeat this continent" ones.

Edit: I can still acquire the Grand Master quests that reward the Sack of Pet Supplies (thankfully), but the dailies are still not available.

>> Mat

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